3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Your god, government, fails with these rare, violent killers. The government knows about these guys, this guy was involuntarily commited……he had domestic violence charges…and your god, the government, failed to flag him on a background check……,

Because the background checks aren't designed to do that after the Gun Lobby fought against tightening them up after Sandy Hook.

Again, you kind of have a point, you shouldn't rely on a bureaucrat to file paperwork. Here's what you need to do.

The Gun Industry can run its own background checks, just like employers and banks do. And they accept all liabilities when it goes south.

That has nothing to do with gun stores that obey every law and do the federally mamdated background check.

You mean the background checks that are never preformed.


A background check is what I stated above. Someone actually looks into your background.

If anyone had done what my employer did before they hired me, they'd have found this guy to be a bad risk.

You could care less about this guy…..you just see him as a means to target normal gun owners and gun stores….while the actual people responsible for 10s of thousands of murders every year, the democrat party……is ignored by you.

Except most murders can be traced back to people having guns who shouldn't have them. The rest of the world has figured this out and has nowhere near our murder rates.
you moron……the vast majority of those are suicides……and self defense shootings…..you idiot. The anti-gun extremists lie about every aspect of the gun debate because the truth, facts and reality dont support anything they believe.
I may be a moron and an idiot but I`m not a gun pussy who is afraid to leave the house without a gun stuffed into a bra. That`s gotta be uncomfortable after a while.
Let me fix your post………

Bull Conner was a member of the democrat party………the democrat party was and still is, the racist party……
We know what the Democrats were 100 years ago, and we know which party you Ku Kluxxer wannabes support today. Come and join us in the 21st century.
most blacks do. reparations ugh
What is pathetic is the dipshits that hardly pay any taxes at all because they are sorry ass welfare queens complain about other people getting tax cuts.

The Leftest shitheads love high taxation more than life itself and hate tax decreases more than anything.

What we really need is a voting system where if you are receiving any Federal, State or Local welfare then you don't get to vote. That would be fair.

A person should never be able to steal the money you make by voting somebody in office that will use the government to take your money and give it to them. That is just wrong.
What is pathetic is the dipshits that hardly pay any taxes at all because they are sorry ass welfare queens complain about other people getting tax cuts.

The Leftest shitheads love high taxation more than life itself and hate tax decreases more than anything.

What we really need is a voting system where if you are receiving any Federal, State or Local welfare then you don't get to vote. That would be fair.

A person should never be able to steal the money you make by voting somebody in office that will use the government to take your money and give it to them. That is just wrong.
Most welfare goes to our red states.
Speaking only for myself, I`m tired of feeding you people. Now were going to have to put Florida back together after another hurricane. BTW, If you know of someone stealing your money, it`s totally on you to call the police.
Most welfare goes to our red states.
Speaking only for myself, I`m tired of feeding you people. Now were going to have to put Florida back together after another hurricane. BTW, If you know of someone stealing your money, it`s totally on you to call the police.

You are always confused about this, aren't you Moon Bat?

There is no such thing as Red States and Blue States. That is a fictional moniker made up by USA Today during the 2000 Presidential election.

It is real America and the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Those ghetto shitholes drain the welfare funds. Like New Orleans in LA and Memphis in TN.

It works in reverse also, like Chicago in Illinois.

There are a couple of exceptions like the Black Belt in Alabama where there are several counties with a high (80%) Black population and almost all the sorry ass turds are on welfare. There is Black Belt also in Louisiana that is along the Mississippi Rriver. Those areas always vote Democrat by the way.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat. You just embarrassed yourself when you post your Leftest bullshit. You are one dumb asshole that don't know you ass from a hole in the ground about the bullshit you post most the time.
Except no one was talking about criminalizing being a bigot. (Although not a bad idea, actually).

I was pointing out that a mere search of this guys' social media history would have been a big red flag. The kind of background investigation an employer most certainly would have done before hiring him.

The problem is that with supposed "background checks" are nothing of the sort. You fill out a form and pinky-swear you are a nice person.

When I applied for a mortgage, the bank did a thorough background check, despite my having a sterling credit score of over 800 and having done business with that bank for over 20 years. It took nearly 30 days to complete and the bank lady remarked on how quickly it went.

When I applied for my current job, they called my former employers and coworkers for character references, checked my credit score, checked my police record (I don't have one beyond traffic violations), and evaluated my finances. Oh, yeah, and they made me piss into a cup.

But someone like this guy or Awake the Rapper or Joker Holmes can walk into a gun store, plop down a couple hundred bucks, and they'll hand him a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine and no one bats an eye until, oopsie, they shoot up a bunch of people.

Sorry....we had 12 nuts out of over 350 million Americans who went on shooting attacks......and for 12 people you want to disarm millions of Americans...while criminals run rampant because of democrat party policies....

Total killed by those 12....74.

Meanwhile, the democrat party and their attacks on the police, and their get out of jail free card for actual violent criminals has led to the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans each year, primarily young black men....

You don't want to do anything to stop the democrats....who have caused the actual carnage....but you sure want to punish normal gun owner and normal gun stores.....

Your god, government, keeps failing at keeping the 12 individuals from getting guns...but you bitch about the millions and millions of people who don't use their guns for any crimes...

You simply want to make it easier for the long term goal of the democrats....mass graves and government murder.
We know what the Democrats were 100 years ago, and we know which party you Ku Kluxxer wannabes support today. Come and join us in the 21st century.

Again......the kkk and white supremacists still support the democrats...

But the Democratic VP nominee might want to look at those who have publicly endorsed Clinton before he invokes the KKK. Will Quigg, grand dragon of the KKK’s California chapter, is among those who have endorsed Clinton for president.
An interview, taped at a KKK rally in California in March, included this exchange:

Reporter: Who do you like for president, sir.
Quigg: Hillary Clinton.

Video shows KKK Grand Dragon endorsing Hillary Clinton

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden as he tweets 'to hell with libertarian ideology'

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden

Because the background checks aren't designed to do that after the Gun Lobby fought against tightening them up after Sandy Hook.

Again, you kind of have a point, you shouldn't rely on a bureaucrat to file paperwork. Here's what you need to do.

The Gun Industry can run its own background checks, just like employers and banks do. And they accept all liabilities when it goes south.

You mean the background checks that are never preformed.


A background check is what I stated above. Someone actually looks into your background.

If anyone had done what my employer did before they hired me, they'd have found this guy to be a bad risk.

Except most murders can be traced back to people having guns who shouldn't have them. The rest of the world has figured this out and has nowhere near our murder rates.

We have all the background checks we need.....when you god, government, refuses to type in the names of those on the prohibited list, that isn't the fault of the gun store or normal gun owners....when your god, government, and the democrat party controlled schools follow obama's "Promise Program," and refuse to arrest and convict violent teens....who then can still pass a background check...that isn't on gun stores or normal people who own guns...

that is on you and the democrat party.

The vast majority of all murder is committed by career criminals with long histories of crime and violence who do not pass background checks for guns, therefore they can't buy, own or carry guns. They bypass all background checks by stealing their guns or by using a straw buyer......so, you fucking moron.......background checks will not stop actual murderers.........because they don't do background checks....

Your cure is simply an excuse to attack gun stores and gun owners....
not nearly enough blacks killed, i gather.

A sick person with murderous intent has an AK... doesn't go to a place with a lot of the "target" group, offs 3, and kills himself, all conveniently with a mask on, so the video never IDs who it is...

Sorry, too easy to fudge, doesn't make sense. If this guy had shown up at a rap concert...

A person with mass murder intent with an AK usually wants to off more than just 3 {plus himself}...

and he usually, if crazy enough, will shoot it out with the cops, not take his own life....

Like the Buffalo one, this is clearly another hate hoax with one of the goals to "pad the FBI stats" on "white supremacists"

100% pure fraud.
A sick person with murderous intent has an AK... doesn't go to a place with a lot of the "target" group, offs 3, and kills himself, all conveniently with a mask on, so the video never IDs who it is...

Sorry, too easy to fudge, doesn't make sense. If this guy had shown up at a rap concert...

A person with mass murder intent with an AK usually wants to off more than just 3 {plus himself}...

and he usually, if crazy enough, will shoot it out with the cops, not take his own life....

Like the Buffalo one, this is clearly another hate hoax with one of the goals to "pad the FBI stats" on "white supremacists"

100% pure fraud.
dems love to make white supremacy that doesnt exist.
Again......the kkk and white supremacists still support the democrats...

But the Democratic VP nominee might want to look at those who have publicly endorsed Clinton before he invokes the KKK. Will Quigg, grand dragon of the KKK’s California chapter, is among those who have endorsed Clinton for president.
An interview, taped at a KKK rally in California in March, included this exchange:

Reporter: Who do you like for president, sir.
Quigg: Hillary Clinton.

Video shows KKK Grand Dragon endorsing Hillary Clinton

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden as he tweets 'to hell with libertarian ideology'

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden

dems have always been racist. dude is just dumb like the rest of them.
dems love to make white supremacy that doesnt exist.

The intense pressure on the FBI to fudge the stats to show "white supremacism" is a "huge" problem is documented.

Full fledged hate hoaxes are another step towards that goal. Buffalo and Jax are two REALLY OBVIOUS HATE HOAXES.
The intense pressure on the FBI to fudge the stats to show "white supremacism" is a "huge" problem is documented.

Full fledged hate hoaxes are another step towards that goal. Buffalo and Jax are two REALLY OBVIOUS HATE HOAXES.
exactly blacks do more crime there just not being prosecuted much for it anymore.
not nearly enough blacks killed, i gather.

Virtually every city run by people like you is doing their absolute best to exterminate as many blacks as possible, either via targeted abortions or the daily slaughter in the streets you pretend not to notice.

Most Violent Cities In America 2021

St. Louis, MO (2,082) - mayor - Democrat

Detroit, MI (2,057) - mayor - Democrat

Baltimore, MD (2,027) - mayor - Democrat

Memphis, TN (2,003) - mayor - Democrat

Little Rock, AR (1,634) - mayor - Democrat

Milwaukee, WI (1,597) - mayor - Democrat

Rockford, IL (1,588) - mayor - Democrat

Cleveland, OH (1,557) - mayor - Democrat

Stockton, CA (1,415) - mayor - Democrat

Albuquerque, NM (1,369) - mayor - Democrat

Springfield, MO (1,339) - mayor - Independent

Indianapolis, IN (1,334) - mayor - Democrat

Oakland, CA (1,299) - mayor - Democrat

San Bernardino, CA (1,291) - mayor - Republican

Anchorage, AK (1,203) - mayor - Independent

Nashville, TN (1,138) - mayor - Democrat

Lansing, MI (1,136) - mayor - Democrat

New Orleans, LA (1,121) - mayor - Democrat

Minneapolis, MN (1,101) - mayor - Democrat

Chicago, IL (1,099) - mayor - Democrat

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