3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Burning, looting and murdering people for the rarest of rare events is not protesting police brutality. The democrat party sent out their brown shirts, blm and antifa to burn, loot and kill in democrat party controlled cities, targeting black neighborhoods to hurt Trump......and they promised more and worse if Trump was re-elected.....

Um, these incidents are not rare enough.

Terrorism is rare... but we are still sufficiently afraid of it to do things about it.

Police misconduct is all too common. 1000 people are killed every year by police, 22% of them black even though they only represent 12% of the population.

(Of course, the cops "fixed" the problem by not reporting the race of the people they kill, like that solves the problem).

Here's why you had riots in 2020.

Because 10 years of asking NICELY didn't work.

Now, all that said, because Trump failed in his covid response, you had a much higher level of anxiety with people trapped in their homes with no jobs.
You don't have a point.

Do you think the gun store still should have sold him a gun if they knew he was mentally ill?
No FFL BGC should show if someone is ( Seeing two Shrinks and a Psychologist ) had ( two 51/50s ) and ( is on SSRIs ) or ( using Molly Meth Chronic and Vodka )
No FFL BGC should show if someone is ( Seeing two Shrinks and a Psychologist ) had ( two 51/50s ) and ( is on SSRIs ) or ( using Molly Meth Chronic and Vodka )

Not sure what you are saying here. The question is, why aren't the feds doing these kinds of background checks, which should override HIPAA requirements.

If the government had done it's job, he wouldn't have cleared his NICS check.

The government is only allowed to check his form. That's it.
If they had talked to him, if they had talked to his neighbors, they'd have found out he was crazy. Heck, even if they checked his social media postings.

But our whole system is based on the bad guys filling out the forms honestly.
Not sure what you are saying here. The question is, why aren't the feds doing these kinds of background checks, which should override HIPAA requirements.

The government is only allowed to check his form. That's it.
If they had talked to him, if they had talked to his neighbors, they'd have found out he was crazy. Heck, even if they checked his social media postings.

But our whole system is based on the bad guys filling out the forms honestly.
I’m all for the Removal of any & all HIPAA firewalls.
you can make all laws you want for back round checks for gun owners. it doesnt not do any good if person hasnt been diagnosed or treated for what ever mental illness they have it wont pic up on the back round heck thats why this country has to do better for them. are medical system in the us fails its citizens. and untill this country does something about illegal guns that are most through gangs. the back round checks wont work either. criminals arnt legal gun owners so checks dont touch them. these thing s are big components in this gun program.
Not sure what you are saying here. The question is, why aren't the feds doing these kinds of background checks, which should override HIPAA requirements.

The government is only allowed to check his form. That's it.
If they had talked to him, if they had talked to his neighbors, they'd have found out he was crazy. Heck, even if they checked his social media postings.

But our whole system is based on the bad guys filling out the forms honestly.

Yeah...the gun store obeyed the rules, and you want to destroy them because you don't like guns.

No, the bad guy doesn't fill out the information on his criminal record.....your god, the government, does.
Yeah...the gun store obeyed the rules, and you want to destroy them because you don't like guns.

Rules that are weak because the gun stores made them weak.

The reality is that a gun store owner looked this Nazi fuck straight in the eye and said, "Yup, this guy totally needs a gun!"

And they should pay out a lot of money for that.

No, the bad guy doesn't fill out the information on his criminal record.....your god, the government, does.

Except that the government is prohibited from actually doing background checks.

If someone has talked to this guy's family, his neighbors and his job, they'd have found out he was kind of a nut who had a record.

Again, banks do this when giving out mortgages and companies do this when giving out jobs that are more complex than flipping burgers.
Rules that are weak because the gun stores made them weak.

The reality is that a gun store owner looked this Nazi fuck straight in the eye and said, "Yup, this guy totally needs a gun!"

And they should pay out a lot of money for that.

Except that the government is prohibited from actually doing background checks.

If someone has talked to this guy's family, his neighbors and his job, they'd have found out he was kind of a nut who had a record.

Again, banks do this when giving out mortgages and companies do this when giving out jobs that are more complex than flipping burgers.

You are so full of shit.

We had 12 people do mass public shootings in 2022....out of over 350 million Americans.......74 people killed

This is not a problem that requires letting a fascist like you take away guns that are used 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, from blm and antifa riots, and even mass public shootings...

Deer kill 200 people a year

Ladders kill 300 people a year.....

The primary reason we have gun murder in the U.S. is the democrat party and their policies that keep the police from doing their jobs, and the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians that keep releasing gun criminals over and over again....because they need gun violence to happen so assholes like you will demand banning and confiscating guns...
The driver of the truck that plowed through a parade, killing 6 people and injuring over 40 didn't use a gun.
His social media posts called for killing white people.
Maybe we should outlaw trucks?

Accused killer Waukesha parade driver posted toxic anti-white rhetoric

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435....more people murdered in 5 minutes of driving than in any mass public shooting in America...ever.....
Not sure what you are saying here. The question is, why aren't the feds doing these kinds of background checks, which should override HIPAA requirements.

The government is only allowed to check his form. That's it.
If they had talked to him, if they had talked to his neighbors, they'd have found out he was crazy. Heck, even if they checked his social media postings.

But our whole system is based on the bad guys filling out the forms honestly.
The NICS is run by the government...lol. He had already been adjudicated crazy.
You are so full of shit.

We had 12 people

No, we had 695 mass shootings. The problem is, you want to define the number up to make the problem look less bad.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435....more people murdered in 5 minutes of driving than in any mass public shooting in America...ever.....

You have to go back 7 years to find such a case, and that guy also had a gun.

The driver fired several shots at police from his 7.65 mm firearm, close to the Hotel Negresco,[53] as police arrived; they returned fire with their 9mm Sig Sauer handguns, gave chase to the vehicle and attempted to disable it.[43][54]
No, we had 695 mass shootings. The problem is, you want to define the number up to make the problem look less bad.

You have to go back 7 years to find such a case, and that guy also had a gun.

The driver fired several shots at police from his 7.65 mm firearm, close to the Hotel Negresco,[53] as police arrived; they returned fire with their 9mm Sig Sauer handguns, gave chase to the vehicle and attempted to disable it.[43][54]
Next thing we know, you'll be defining a mass shooting as two people, or more. The only way for it not to be a mass shooting is if only one person is shot.
No, we had 695 mass shootings. The problem is, you want to define the number up to make the problem look less bad.

You have to go back 7 years to find such a case, and that guy also had a gun.

The driver fired several shots at police from his 7.65 mm firearm, close to the Hotel Negresco,[53] as police arrived; they returned fire with their 9mm Sig Sauer handguns, gave chase to the vehicle and attempted to disable it.[43][54]

There were 12....
No, we had 695 mass shootings. The problem is, you want to define the number up to make the problem look less bad.

You have to go back 7 years to find such a case, and that guy also had a gun.

The driver fired several shots at police from his 7.65 mm firearm, close to the Hotel Negresco,[53] as police arrived; they returned fire with their 9mm Sig Sauer handguns, gave chase to the vehicle and attempted to disable it.[43][54]

He used a truck and murdered more people than in any mass public shooting in America...ever

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