3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Virtually every city run by people like you is doing their absolute best to exterminate as many blacks as possible, either via targeted abortions or the daily slaughter in the streets you pretend not to notice.

Most Violent Cities In America 2021

St. Louis, MO (2,082) - mayor - Democrat

Detroit, MI (2,057) - mayor - Democrat

Baltimore, MD (2,027) - mayor - Democrat

Memphis, TN (2,003) - mayor - Democrat

Little Rock, AR (1,634) - mayor - Democrat

Milwaukee, WI (1,597) - mayor - Democrat

Rockford, IL (1,588) - mayor - Democrat

Cleveland, OH (1,557) - mayor - Democrat

Stockton, CA (1,415) - mayor - Democrat

Albuquerque, NM (1,369) - mayor - Democrat

Springfield, MO (1,339) - mayor - Independent

Indianapolis, IN (1,334) - mayor - Democrat

Oakland, CA (1,299) - mayor - Democrat

San Bernardino, CA (1,291) - mayor - Republican

Anchorage, AK (1,203) - mayor - Independent

Nashville, TN (1,138) - mayor - Democrat

Lansing, MI (1,136) - mayor - Democrat

New Orleans, LA (1,121) - mayor - Democrat

Minneapolis, MN (1,101) - mayor - Democrat

Chicago, IL (1,099) - mayor - Democrat
all black too
Let me fix your post………

Bull Conner was a member of the democrat party………the democrat party was and still is, the racist party……
Hell Biden is trying his damnedest to replace the black race with hundred's of thousand's of Illegals pouring over his open border now, but hey you ain't black unless you vote for Biden right ?.. What a freaking joke and scam it all has been.........😡

Didn't the blacks here the cries of the labor forces across America, otherwise labor forces that have been people of all colors, especially when it came to cheap illegal and/or foreign labor working for almost slave wages for the man, and how doing so was driving down wages across the boards in the labor markets all because of ?

Is this what Biden the alleged deep state corrupt establishment candidate meant, otherwise wanting secretly to restore for his rich buddies (when he rolled back important Trump policies that began or were beginning to fix the situation), the establishment policies and needs that work solely for their bottom lines ?

Thank black people think.... The man is an establishment cronie that lies like hell to everyone in order to restore the travesties and bull shite that was breaking the American worker who either works for themselves or for independent companies that don't need a union because they take care of their good American employees. His purpose was to restore the status quo, and we saw that in action for years as the rich got wealthier, and the poor got poorer.

Quit buying the snake oil from these leftist politicians black people, and join forces with the people that truly have your best interest, and everyone's best interest at heart.
Except no one was talking about criminalizing being a bigot. (Although not a bad idea, actually).

I was pointing out that a mere search of this guys' social media history would have been a big red flag.]/b] The kind of background investigation an employer most certainly would have done before hiring him.

The problem is that with supposed "background checks" are nothing of the sort. You fill out a form and pinky-swear you are a nice person.

When I applied for a mortgage, the bank did a thorough background check, despite my having a sterling credit score of over 800 and having done business with that bank for over 20 years. It took nearly 30 days to complete and the bank lady remarked on how quickly it went.

When I applied for my current job, they called my former employers and coworkers for character references, checked my credit score, checked my police record (I don't have one beyond traffic violations), and evaluated my finances. Oh, yeah, and they made me piss into a cup.

But someone like this guy or Awake the Rapper or Joker Holmes can walk into a gun store, plop down a couple hundred bucks, and they'll hand him a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine and no one bats an eye until, oopsie, they shoot up a bunch of people.

See? Criminalizing speech is exactly what you want.
Sorry....we had 12 nuts out of over 350 million Americans who went on shooting attacks......and for 12 people you want to disarm millions of Americans...while criminals run rampant because of democrat party policies....

No, we had 600 nuts who went on shooting attacks that killed or injured multiple people and 19,000 nuts who shot just one person.

We have all the background checks we need.....when you god, government, refuses to type in the names of those on the prohibited list, that isn't the fault of the gun store or normal gun owners....when your god, government, and the democrat party controlled schools follow obama's "Promise Program," and refuse to arrest and convict violent teens....who then can still pass a background check...that isn't on gun stores or normal people who own guns...

Um, yeah, the guns stores ARE responsible, because they've lobbied for weak regulation for years.

For instance, when I applied for a FOID card, no one did a background check, or least not a meaningful one. I just sent in $11.00 and a picture and now I can buy a gun! (I won't because my soon-to-be wife doesn't like guns.)
No, we had 600 nuts who went on shooting attacks that killed or injured multiple people and 19,000 nuts who shot just one person.

Um, yeah, the guns stores ARE responsible, because they've lobbied for weak regulation for years.

For instance, when I applied for a FOID card, no one did a background check, or least not a meaningful one. I just sent in $11.00 and a picture and now I can buy a gun! (I won't because my soon-to-be wife doesn't like guns.)

No...that is a lie....

Mass public shootings in 2022




The other murders were in democrat party controlled cities and the vast majority of those killers were released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians......

The gun stores are not responsible........those mass public shooters who were known to the police were not flagged or stopped by your god, government. This latest guy had an involuntary committment and should have been flagged on the background check....

Your god, the government, failed...again.....

The gun store, if he bought it at a gun store, did a federally mandated background check....and your god, government, failed to tell them he was prohibited...

They did their fucking job, they obeyed the law.....your god, government, failed....not them.

Hey...dumb fuck....

For instance, when I applied for a FOID card, no one did a background check, or least not a meaningful one. I just sent in $11.00 and a picture and now I can buy a gun! (I won't because my soon-to-be wife doesn't like guns.)

I live in Illinois too, you lying piece of crap...the state police do background checks for gun purchases and FOID cards....you lying piece of crap...
No...that is a lie....

Mass public shootings in 2022

Nope, wrong again.

There were 695 mass shootings in 2022 with 762 dead and 2902 injured.

The gun stores are not responsible........those mass public shooters who were known to the police were not flagged or stopped by your god, government. This latest guy had an involuntary committment and should have been flagged on the background check....

I agree. It's too bad we didn't tighten up those background checks after Sandy Hook, which is the closest we ever got. The National Rampage Association and the gun makers went to the mattresses to prevent it.

And now when crazy people buy their guns, they can sue the gun store and the gun maker...

I just hope some day to get on one of these juries! They'll be harvesting the execs for Transplant Organs.
Let me fix your post………

Bull Conner was a member of the democrat party………the democrat party was and still is, the racist party……
Bull Connor would be a star in the current mega GOP

Possibly a vice presidential fuck up candidate
No, we had 600 nuts who went on shooting attacks that killed or injured multiple people and 19,000 nuts who shot just one person.

Um, yeah, the guns stores ARE responsible, because they've lobbied for weak regulation for years.

For instance, when I applied for a FOID card, no one did a background check, or least not a meaningful one. I just sent in $11.00 and a picture and now I can buy a gun! (I won't because my soon-to-be wife doesn't like guns.)
Weak Regulation lol 😆🤣 California here
Again, in today’s mega fuck up republic party, he would be a star

The democrat party was and still is the party of racism….bull conner has simply been replaced by the leaders of blm and antifa…the new kkk groups of the democrat party….
The democrat party was and still is the party of racism….bull conner has simply been replaced by the leaders of blm and antifa…the new kkk groups of the democrat party….

Wow, you are delusional...

Yes, not wanting cops to kill black children is just the same as keeping children out of schools.
Wow, you are delusional...

Yes, not wanting cops to kill black children is just the same as keeping children out of schools.

Cops were not what the brown shirts were protesting....the democrat party sent blm and antifa out to destroy black neighborhoods to hurt Trump during the election.......
Cops were not what the brown shirts were protesting....the democrat party sent blm and antifa out to destroy black neighborhoods to hurt Trump during the election.......

Um, sure looks like they were protesting police brutality to me.

But you live in your own world where swimming pools are more dangerous than guns.
Um, sure looks like they were protesting police brutality to me.

But you live in your own world where swimming pools are more dangerous than guns.

Burning, looting and murdering people for the rarest of rare events is not protesting police brutality. The democrat party sent out their brown shirts, blm and antifa to burn, loot and kill in democrat party controlled cities, targeting black neighborhoods to hurt Trump......and they promised more and worse if Trump was re-elected.....

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