# 3 Reason why the " palestinian state" is DOA

Surrounding states attempted to stop the European Jews from destroying the Christian and Muslim villages and ethnically cleansing the Christians and Muslims from within and around the Jewish part of the partition as per the Jewish Plan Dalet which called for the expulsion of all non-Jews. Had the surrounding states not intervened to try to stop the Jews from ethnically cleansing all the non-Jews, the few Christians and Muslims that were not expelled (their offspring are the current Israeli Arabs) would have also been murdered or expelled by the Jews.

""..... a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948".......At least 55% of the total of the (non-Jewish, ed.) exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations." To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which "directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration". A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to "fears" and "a crisis of confidence" affecting the Palestinian population."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

"The Palestinian Christian Population greatly decreased from 1948 to 1967. Most fled or were expelled during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War."

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

Do you have any proof of that?

Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[11] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[12][13][14] The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon
no one should be allowed to do mass murder phoney. Where did you get that idea?

Well, no. The problem stems from mass immigration and armed invasion of palestine by a selfish group of europeans with an overinflated appreciation of their own deservedness.

If you get any mass influx of people to an area which tries to deprive the natives of their land, possessions, freedom and lives, you will cause ... Uh ... A little friction.

Religion really has very little to do with it, apart from being team badge for the simple minded.
In reality, religion does not determine which side people think is right on any given issue or sub-issue, or wrong.

Which very adequately illustrates that the issue is not one of religion.
It is about territory and power. And theft.

from the koran and hadiths, then from hearing the imams and clerics preaching such filth in 90% of the mosques in my country. Then watching the violent protests were muslims are heard calling for the murder of non muslims so that islam can dominate.

What about the mass migration of a psychotic religion into palestine because they were fed blood libels by an islamonazi who preached the death of all jews.

The influx of jews was agreed with the arab leaders, and the legal owners of the land invited them to come so how was it a mass armed invasion. Just another islanonazi blood libel.

Which happened when the illegal arab muslims migrants came and stole the jews property using force of arms and numbers. So how do you expect the jews to act and react when they have the chance to retaliate to 1400 years of violence and mass murders.

When it is a religious command to a semi literate people already indoctrinated and brainwashed into violence then it has a lot to do with it. Just take the mass murders of jews in hebron after hussieni issued a blood libel that the jews were trying to take the islamic holy places. That is how much religion matters to the palestinians.

The muslims don't understand right or wrong in the first place, it has been bred out of them. All they know is violence, rape, murder, bloodlust and hate.

If the muslims did not have a command from their moon gods giving them the whole of the world as theirs then they would not want the power and land.

While they are engaging in violence and terrorism then the world will never defend their actions, and israel will keep on defending its citizens with aggression. So you will have to get used to the death of palestinians engaging in attacks on israel.

get a grip phony or it will end up like before.

is that a threat of what you will get done. Maybe it is time to report to the board owners the bias shown on here towards the truth
You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

Do you have any proof of that?

Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[11] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[12][13][14] The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon

Where does it say "entered Israel?"
Surrounding states attempted to stop the European Jews from destroying the Christian and Muslim villages and ethnically cleansing the Christians and Muslims from within and around the Jewish part of the partition as per the Jewish Plan Dalet which called for the expulsion of all non-Jews. Had the surrounding states not intervened to try to stop the Jews from ethnically cleansing all the non-Jews, the few Christians and Muslims that were not expelled (their offspring are the current Israeli Arabs) would have also been murdered or expelled by the Jews.

""..... a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948".......At least 55% of the total of the (non-Jewish, ed.) exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations." To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which "directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration". A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to "fears" and "a crisis of confidence" affecting the Palestinian population."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

"The Palestinian Christian Population greatly decreased from 1948 to 1967. Most fled or were expelled during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War."

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

No, as has been now proven through the opening of previously classified documents/recordings. The surrounding states sent military to attempt to prevent the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslims by the Jews who were implementing Plan Dalet.

So nothing to do with the civil wars that had been raging since 1917. Nothing to do with the commands given to the muslims by Mohamed to KILL THE JEWS after the tribe in medina refused to worship him as god.

The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.

Secretary Azzam Pasha, according to an interview in an 11 October 1947 article of Akhbar al-Yom, said: "I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades".[
You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

Do you have any proof of that?

Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[11] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[12][13][14] The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon

That is the root of the conflict.

The Palestinians did not start anything.
They did.
I wouldn't debate that point.

However Israel is an evil state, doing evil things. You can understand their desire to lance the boil.

Nah, Israel is a state that is surrounded by evil states and surrounded by evil Palestinians.
So you can understand Israel's desire to lance the boils.
Surrounding states attempted to stop the European Jews from destroying the Christian and Muslim villages and ethnically cleansing the Christians and Muslims from within and around the Jewish part of the partition as per the Jewish Plan Dalet which called for the expulsion of all non-Jews. Had the surrounding states not intervened to try to stop the Jews from ethnically cleansing all the non-Jews, the few Christians and Muslims that were not expelled (their offspring are the current Israeli Arabs) would have also been murdered or expelled by the Jews.

""..... a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948".......At least 55% of the total of the (non-Jewish, ed.) exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations." To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which "directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration". A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to "fears" and "a crisis of confidence" affecting the Palestinian population."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

"The Palestinian Christian Population greatly decreased from 1948 to 1967. Most fled or were expelled during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War."

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

No, as has been now proven through the opening of previously classified documents/recordings. The surrounding states sent military to attempt to prevent the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslims by the Jews who were implementing Plan Dalet.

It's been proven that 5 Arab states came uninvited and attacked the newly founded state. There was no implementation of Plan Dalet.
You also forget to mention that they threaten to attack beforehand if Israel were to become a state.
You can sugarcoat it anyway you want, but it was the 5 Arab states that invaded the region to attack Israel when Israel did nothing to them, not the other way around.

Funny how you guys always complain hoe Israel invaded countries to attack its enemies who attacked her, but when 5 countries hanged up on Israel and tried to invade their territory, you make bullshit excuses. Pro Palestinian delusions.
Surrounding states attempted to stop the European Jews from destroying the Christian and Muslim villages and ethnically cleansing the Christians and Muslims from within and around the Jewish part of the partition as per the Jewish Plan Dalet which called for the expulsion of all non-Jews. Had the surrounding states not intervened to try to stop the Jews from ethnically cleansing all the non-Jews, the few Christians and Muslims that were not expelled (their offspring are the current Israeli Arabs) would have also been murdered or expelled by the Jews.

""..... a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948".......At least 55% of the total of the (non-Jewish, ed.) exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations." To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which "directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration". A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to "fears" and "a crisis of confidence" affecting the Palestinian population."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

"The Palestinian Christian Population greatly decreased from 1948 to 1967. Most fled or were expelled during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War."

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

Do you have any proof of that?

I already told you that when you play stupid, i don't respond to your posts.
Do you have any proof of that?

Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[11] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[12][13][14] The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon

Where does it say "entered Israel?"

You don't have to enter a country to attack it.

How low can someones IQ be, someone who claims to have debated this conflict for years, that they have to ask for proof that 5 Arab states attacked Israel?
The muslims don't understand right or wrong in the first place, it has been bred out of them. All they know is violence, rape, murder, bloodlust and hate.


You are full of hate and anger, and thoughts of Righteous Violence, and then come out with this, implying that Muslims are a lesser breed, or maybe a sub species.

Are you sure you haven't read and absorbed too much Nazi doctrine?
The dehumanising of a section of humanity was core to their thinking too.

I have studied islam because of what I saw first hand one Christmas. How a group could do that in the name of their religion is beyond my understanding. The more I looked the more I realised that islam had brainwashed the muslims into blindly following their religion as interpreted by the ruling clerics and imams. Over time they were kept illiterate so they could never rise above their station, and were forced into learning the Koran line by line. This meant they could not string it all together ands understand its meaning. You can place as many words as you like in my mouth it will not silence the truth that is unpalatable to muslims the world over. How can a father stand their dispassionately as his wife and children burn to death before his eyes. Then show his anger and violent side when someone attempts to rescue them because they have insulted him by placing their hands on his wife and children. The only Nazi doctrine I have read has been that of the ISLAMNAZIS called the Koran and hadiths that spell out islam for everyone to see how vile and evil the rape death cult really is. They are fed on a mixture of BLOOD LIBELS, rape, murder, violence and gods forgiveness for their atrocities. They have no concept of right or wrong because they leave everything to god INSH ALLAH as they say

All very nice Phoney. Your personal journey and all that.

But you fail to address the point that you, by your claims, are trying to dehumanise a section of humanity. We have seen that done before, and it is always to excuse genocide.

Do you really feel that you are justified to strip people of their humanity, and their human rights, and of their property, homes, land and lives because you read that some people do some bad things?

Don't you think that if one person does as you describe he should be dealt with appropriately, but someone of the same faith who would be horrified at his actions should not be punished? Or do you embrace prejudice, racism and genocide?

And whatever you have said and thought privately before, you are at liberty to change that here and now.
Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[11] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[12][13][14] The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon

Where does it say "entered Israel?"

You don't have to enter a country to attack it.

How low can someones IQ be, someone who claims to have debated this conflict for years, that they have to ask for proof that 5 Arab states attacked Israel?

Here is the proof of a number of things : 1 ) that Palestine ceased to exist as an entity when the mandate finished, 2 ) that the arabs invaded the mandate and Israel

On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted. This action was followed by the invasion of the former Palestinian mandate by Arab armies from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945?1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

You are full of hate and anger, and thoughts of Righteous Violence, and then come out with this, implying that Muslims are a lesser breed, or maybe a sub species.

Are you sure you haven't read and absorbed too much Nazi doctrine?
The dehumanising of a section of humanity was core to their thinking too.

I have studied islam because of what I saw first hand one Christmas. How a group could do that in the name of their religion is beyond my understanding. The more I looked the more I realised that islam had brainwashed the muslims into blindly following their religion as interpreted by the ruling clerics and imams. Over time they were kept illiterate so they could never rise above their station, and were forced into learning the Koran line by line. This meant they could not string it all together ands understand its meaning. You can place as many words as you like in my mouth it will not silence the truth that is unpalatable to muslims the world over. How can a father stand their dispassionately as his wife and children burn to death before his eyes. Then show his anger and violent side when someone attempts to rescue them because they have insulted him by placing their hands on his wife and children. The only Nazi doctrine I have read has been that of the ISLAMNAZIS called the Koran and hadiths that spell out islam for everyone to see how vile and evil the rape death cult really is. They are fed on a mixture of BLOOD LIBELS, rape, murder, violence and gods forgiveness for their atrocities. They have no concept of right or wrong because they leave everything to god INSH ALLAH as they say

All very nice Phoney. Your personal journey and all that.

But you fail to address the point that you, by your claims, are trying to dehumanise a section of humanity. We have seen that done before, and it is always to excuse genocide.

Do you really feel that you are justified to strip people of their humanity, and their human rights, and of their property, homes, land and lives because you read that some people do some bad things?

Don't you think that if one person does as you describe he should be dealt with appropriately, but someone of the same faith who would be horrified at his actions should not be punished? Or do you embrace prejudice, racism and genocide?

And whatever you have said and thought privately before, you are at liberty to change that here and now.

It is you that is trying to dehumanize the Jews by your LIES, and yes it is an excuse for genocide of the Jews by ISLAMONAZI's.

If they have no humanity to begin with how can it be stripped away, deliberately targeting children with illegal weapons shows they do not care about human rights or humanity. And it is not some Palestinians doing this BUT MOST of them. They allow rocket launchers to be used from their gardens in breach of the Geneva conventions when they could stop it by simply moving away.

As I said it is not one person but a whole religion that acts on the commands of its moon god and false prophet. Define what you mean by " dealt with appropriately" and would this extend to all age groups and sexes. Then find me one muslim that is truly horrified by the actions of other muslims in mass murder. No I abhor racism, genocide and prejudice which is why I also abhor islam and all it stands for. The 25 million mass murdered by islam since WW2 , 15 million of these in India so they could steal land. Then all the Jews and Christians mass murdered in the M.E because they did not want to lose stolen land. Then the Horn of Africa that saw many more mass murders, from Ethiopia to Sudan Darfur to Somalia. Then look at the terrorist attacks on the west by Islamic terrorists who are lauded as hero's by the majority of muslims. It is only after when the people rise up against the muslims that they start to condemn the terrorists, but never just the terrorists that have murdered innocent men, women and children. While islam is not prepared to set in stone the peace they falsely proclaim and the denouncing of the hate passages in the Koran and hadiths they will be viewed as INHUMAN PSYCHOPATHIC KILLERS and a CANCER that needs cutting out.

I have nothing to change islam is a vile evil cult that revels on blood and violence.
It is you that is trying to dehumanize the Jews by your LIES, and yes it is an excuse for genocide of the Jews by ISLAMONAZI's.

No Phoney.

I give full respect to Judaism, and recognise that no one owns the religion to be used as a tool for their political agenda. Zionists CLAIM to own Judaism, and all Jews, but that is so obvious a lie, it is laughable.

The number of Jews who directly oppose Israel is the clue.

f they have no humanity to begin with how can it be stripped away

You are unbalanced Phoney. Not just in your political views.

Can I ask, the other Israeli-supporters and Zionists here: Do you concur with Phoenall, or do you think he is extreme in his views and too hateful?

It is clear that he doesn't feel the need to modify his hate speech when talking with me. But his statements are apparently 'defending your cause'.

Do you accept such allies, as it will reflect on you?
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Where does it say "entered Israel?"

You don't have to enter a country to attack it.

How low can someones IQ be, someone who claims to have debated this conflict for years, that they have to ask for proof that 5 Arab states attacked Israel?

Here is the proof of a number of things : 1 ) that Palestine ceased to exist as an entity when the mandate finished, 2 ) that the arabs invaded the mandate and Israel

On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted. This action was followed by the invasion of the former Palestinian mandate by Arab armies from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945?1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

Your link does not say that Israel was attacked.

Your link does not say that Palestine ceased to exist.
Do you have any proof of that?

Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state. The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements. The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon

Where does it say "entered Israel?"

Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements
Recent history and first hand experiences of people there would be enough for most people, but you want the whole of islam to stand up and say that they attacked Israel with the intention of wiping the Jews out.

Here is the proof you want

1948 Arab?Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs' opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944-1947), These ongoing tensions erupted on 30 November 1947 into civil war between the Arab and Jewish populations in response to the UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem

On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state. The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements. The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon

Where does it say "entered Israel?"

Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements

That was in Palestine.

Where did it say those things were in Israel?
You can make any excuse you want, but those 5 Arab states attacked Israel and not the other way around. Not to mention that the war they started made the situation for the Palestinians a hell of a log worse.

They went in to attack and destroy Israel, no matter how many excuses you make for them.

No, as has been now proven through the opening of previously classified documents/recordings. The surrounding states sent military to attempt to prevent the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslims by the Jews who were implementing Plan Dalet.

It's been proven that 5 Arab states came uninvited and attacked the newly founded state. There was no implementation of Plan Dalet.
You also forget to mention that they threaten to attack beforehand if Israel were to become a state.
You can sugarcoat it anyway you want, but it was the 5 Arab states that invaded the region to attack Israel when Israel did nothing to them, not the other way around.

Funny how you guys always complain hoe Israel invaded countries to attack its enemies who attacked her, but when 5 countries hanged up on Israel and tried to invade their territory, you make bullshit excuses. Pro Palestinian delusions.

"You can sugarcoat it anyway you want, but it was the 5 Arab states that invaded the region to attack Israel when Israel did nothing to them, not the other way around."

Israel was in the process of murdering and/or evicting non-Jews from their homes and their lands, what do you mean "Israel did nothing to them". They did what any country should do when a country is committing crimes against humanity. As the archived and previously classified information comes out is is clear that Haganah, Irgun and the other terrorist militias were murdering and expelling non-Jews from their homes before the partition was even announced.

"This all helps to explain the devastating effectiveness of the Jewish offensives of spring 1948. It also sheds new light on the context in which the mass departure of Palestinians took place. The exodus was divided into two broadly equal waves: one before and one after the decisive turning-point of the declaration of the State of Israel on 14 May 1948 and the intervention of the armies of the neighbouring Arab states on the following day."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

You have been brainwashed.
Just so.

A 'Coalition of the willing' moving in to try to stop Israel's genocide against the Palestinians.

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