30,000 Ballots Scanned Multiple Times

One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."
Donald simply got out-cheated for once. Suck it up brah.
You're OK with a swindle? Really?
Donald's pissed because he didn't think of it first and got beat at his own game. What an Orange Sack of Fartsmoke.
You assume that Trump thinks the same way you do, douchebag.
No, he's much worse of an excuse for human being than I am.
Hardly. He's 10,000 times better. You're a sleazy lying douchebag.
And you're a chimp lover. I win.
Is that your way of saying you hate black people?
I've just never liked any kinds of monkeys.
Thanks for admitting that you're a racist douchebag.
  • Funny
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What is really funny is Republicans did not try to hide this woman.

They put her front and center as their key witness

That's because this is Kabuki Theater.

It's about squeezing the base out of as much money as possible.

And they'll believe anything.

Whatever you call it .....It was bizarre

Republicans are being mocked for their lack of evidence
Then they trot out this cartoon character and expect to be taken seriously
It's all a propaganda campaign. It couldn't be more obvious that you scum don't want the result of this election to be investigated.

You got me there

Democrats HAD to plant this woman and scam a gullible Rudy. It is right out of a Borat movie film.

Republicans can’t REALLY be this stupid......Can they?
What is really funny is Republicans did not try to hide this woman.

They put her front and center as their key witness

That's because this is Kabuki Theater.

It's about squeezing the base out of as much money as possible.

And they'll believe anything.

Whatever you call it .....It was bizarre

Republicans are being mocked for their lack of evidence
Then they trot out this cartoon character and expect to be taken seriously
It's all a propaganda campaign. It couldn't be more obvious that you scum don't want the result of this election to be investigated.

You got me there

Democrats HAD to plant this woman and scam a gullible Rudy. It is right out of a Borat movie film.

Republicans can’t REALLY be this stupid......Can they?
You fantasies are duly noted, but ignored.
What is really funny is Republicans did not try to hide this woman.

They put her front and center as their key witness

That's because this is Kabuki Theater.

It's about squeezing the base out of as much money as possible.

And they'll believe anything.

Whatever you call it .....It was bizarre

Republicans are being mocked for their lack of evidence
Then they trot out this cartoon character and expect to be taken seriously
It's all a propaganda campaign. It couldn't be more obvious that you scum don't want the result of this election to be investigated.

You got me there

Democrats HAD to plant this woman and scam a gullible Rudy. It is right out of a Borat movie film.

Republicans can’t REALLY be this stupid......Can they?
They aren't stupid enough to believe a thing you have ever posted in this forum.
These computer systems have audit controls and to believe the omission of a control check for ballots with the same ballot id is far fetched. Watching this lady's testimony reminded me of an SNL sketch.
What is really funny is Republicans did not try to hide this woman.

They put her front and center as their key witness

That's because this is Kabuki Theater.

It's about squeezing the base out of as much money as possible.

And they'll believe anything.

Whatever you call it .....It was bizarre

Republicans are being mocked for their lack of evidence
Then they trot out this cartoon character and expect to be taken seriously
It's all a propaganda campaign. It couldn't be more obvious that you scum don't want the result of this election to be investigated.

You got me there

Democrats HAD to plant this woman and scam a gullible Rudy. It is right out of a Borat movie film.

Republicans can’t REALLY be this stupid......Can they?
They aren't stupid enough to believe a thing you have ever posted in this forum.

I win
These computer systems have audit controls and to believe the omission of a control check for ballots with the same ballot id is far fetched. Watching this lady's testimony reminded me of an SNL sketch.
Is she lying ?
No. Because if she were the headline would be "Judge subpoena's Dominion employee for false affidavit."

Trump lawyers have admitted to withholding affidavits from court because they knew they were lies. And from the video I saw, her testimony wasn't given in court.
One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."

Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan was deemed ‘not credible.’ She testified before a state House panel anyway

Updated December 3, 2020

Weeks after Melissa Carone was tapped by the Trump campaign as a star witness in Michigan, little appeared to be going as planned with the contract IT worker’s testimony — an unverified series of claims about ballot fraud at Detroit’s vote-counting center.

In interviews with conservative-leaning media, last month, her offbeat tale suggesting ballots were being smuggled inside food vans seemed to baffle even Fox Business host Lou Dobbs. Two days later, a Wayne County judge ruled that her allegations ’'simply are not credible.’'

Yet, there she was in front of a Michigan House panel on Wednesday, dressing down a Republican lawmaker as she loudly insisted, without proof, that tens of thousands of votes had been counted twice. At one point, she was audibly shushed by Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani."""
What is really funny is Republicans did not try to hide this woman.

They put her front and center as their key witness

That's because this is Kabuki Theater.

It's about squeezing the base out of as much money as possible.

And they'll believe anything.

Whatever you call it .....It was bizarre

Republicans are being mocked for their lack of evidence
Then they trot out this cartoon character and expect to be taken seriously
It's all a propaganda campaign. It couldn't be more obvious that you scum don't want the result of this election to be investigated.

You got me there

Democrats HAD to plant this woman and scam a gullible Rudy. It is right out of a Borat movie film.

Republicans can’t REALLY be this stupid......Can they?

Sacha Baron Cohen could make this mess into a movie, and he wouldn't even have to write a script or make up crazy characters.
One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."
The ballots are individually numbered and barcoded to those numbers precisely to prevent such nonsense.
That remains to be seen. Multiple witnesses have said they saw poll workers running ballots through the machines multiple times.
That remains to be seen. Multiple witnesses have said they saw poll workers running ballots through the machines multiple times.
No, It doesn’t. It’s the simplest, most basic security measure to guard agaInst multiple counts of the same ballot. Any software worth it’s cost would record multiple counts of the the same ballot. It would be immediately provable.
It's apparent that the software has little in the way of security. What proof do you have that it prevents what she described?
It's apparent that the software has little in the way of security. What proof do you have that it prevents what she described?
Every standardized fill in the bubble test You took in school was numbered and bar coded. The ballot I filled out at my polling place was numbered. The last five numbers were recorded next to my name in the signature book. They could probably find my exact ballot by that number.
How else do you imagine any ballot could be tracked without being numbered?
Many of the ballots that have been tracked have been shown to be fraudulent, moron.
Many of the ballots that have been tracked have been shown to be fraudulent, moron.
Sure,dope. They’re fraudulent but tracked. :cuckoo:
Just not shown to anyone anywhere that matters.
You’d have to be able to prove that she knowingly lied. Her defense will be that she’s an idiot and doesn’t know what she’s talking about, which is probably 100% accurate.
Being idiots is the same excuse the democrat poll workers are going to use
One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."
Those upset with wanting a recount and NOT going along with Biden being named POTUS due to fraud.....I wonder what would have happened if it was Trump who got 100% of the votes of any district and Biden asked for a recount.
One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."
Those upset with wanting a recount and NOT going along with Biden being named POTUS due to fraud.....I wonder what would have happened if it was Trump who got 100% of the votes of any district and Biden asked for a recount.

It's because everyone knows by now what is in the signatures that were illegally not verified.

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