30,000 dead in just 13 days.

The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.
Not as bad as the 1.1 million we were told to expect in the same 13-day period.
You have absolutely no more proof of that claim than the idiot Goveror of NY does...
he has all the proof one could ever have, and the same proof you use when your dumbass sites flu death numbers.
You are fully inoculated from reality, and truth! The true fatality rates are proving vastly lower than vaunted leftists such as the lofty Dr Anthony Fauci proclaimed all but unavoidable, even with mitigation just two short months back! You, and every other public schooled cretin, worship at he feet of liars in media, and politics, you're natual inclination toward self-destruction leads you inexorably toward the feet of those whom disseminate panic and hysteria...

I on the other hand worship at the feet of knowledge, and thus am immunized from idiocy and hysteria in all of their deceptive guises.... Spanish flu was over 100 years ago and among most studied events in all of human history, Wuhan flu hysteria is being driven by politically motivated leftists in both government, and the media and is in progress, truth in data not yet fully established or understood.... You have absolutely nothing with which to substantiate your claim, you are simply panicking, it goes without saying, misery loves company, and hysterics spread hysteria....
You are fully inoculated from reality, and truth! The true fatality rates are proving vastly lower than vaunted leftists such as the lofty Dr Anthony Fauci proclaimed all but unavoidabl
Well that's another lie... No he didnt....

Youre a shameless liar, and the only thing influencing you is trump cultism.
You are fully inoculated from reality, and truth! The true fatality rates are proving vastly lower than vaunted leftists such as the lofty Dr Anthony Fauci proclaimed all but unavoidabl
Well that's another lie... No he didnt....

Youre a shameless liar, and the only thing influencing you is trump cultism.
It'sss a LIE???? Cite???? Here's my cite slick, I went right to your favorite disseminator's of lies and deception, which coincidentally seems to be Vaunted Fauci's favoriate destination too,

It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:
It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:

By the way, that was pretty hilarious how you proved yourself to be a little liar with your own link.
It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:

By the way, that was pretty hilarious how you proved yourself to be a little liar with your own link.
You see you didn't even view/listen to the CNN video I posted you, which by the way, I did because I feared your attention span incapable of surviving the rigors of actually having to read a link, as you will need to do here with this one..... In this link you will discover that your figures are impossibly, ridiculously, stupid. You might also notice in this link, just as in the CNN video link, that Fauci was busy spreading fear and hysteria, likely on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, or perhaps Colonel Vindemann, regardless of who he is taking direction from, his figures were wildly out of touch with reality..... :cul2:
It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:

By the way, that was pretty hilarious how you proved yourself to be a little liar with your own link.
You see you didn't even view/listen to the CNN video I posted you, which by the way, I did because I feared your attention span incapable of surviving the rigors of actually having to read a link, as you will need to do here with this one..... In this link you will discover that your figures are impossibly, ridiculously, stupid. You might also notice in this link, just as in the CNN video link, that Fauci was busy spreading fear and hysteria, likely on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, or perhaps Colonel Vindemann, regardless of who he is taking direction from, his figures were wildly out of touch with reality..... :cul2:
Neato! But nowhere in there will I find support for your lies. Stop making up lies. How hard is that to do?
It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:

By the way, that was pretty hilarious how you proved yourself to be a little liar with your own link.
You see you didn't even view/listen to the CNN video I posted you, which by the way, I did because I feared your attention span incapable of surviving the rigors of actually having to read a link, as you will need to do here with this one..... In this link you will discover that your figures are impossibly, ridiculously, stupid. You might also notice in this link, just as in the CNN video link, that Fauci was busy spreading fear and hysteria, likely on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, or perhaps Colonel Vindemann, regardless of who he is taking direction from, his figures were wildly out of touch with reality..... :cul2:
Neato! But nowhere in there will I find support for your lies. Stop making up lies. How hard is that to do?
Thats a swell tactic you employ there kiddo, scream, rant, and rage, post wildly ridiculous figures absent a jot of substantiation, then call everyone who does, liars.... it must be awfully lonely for you, at the absolute bottom of the bell curve....
It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:

By the way, that was pretty hilarious how you proved yourself to be a little liar with your own link.
You see you didn't even view/listen to the CNN video I posted you, which by the way, I did because I feared your attention span incapable of surviving the rigors of actually having to read a link, as you will need to do here with this one..... In this link you will discover that your figures are impossibly, ridiculously, stupid. You might also notice in this link, just as in the CNN video link, that Fauci was busy spreading fear and hysteria, likely on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, or perhaps Colonel Vindemann, regardless of who he is taking direction from, his figures were wildly out of touch with reality..... :cul2:
Neato! But nowhere in there will I find support for your lies. Stop making up lies. How hard is that to do?
Thats a swell tactic you employ there kiddo, scream, rant, and rage, post wildly ridiculous figures absent a jot of substantiation, then call everyone who does, liars.... it must be awfully lonely for you, at the absolute bottom of the bell curve....
Yes, cry it out. Cool that you went into a thread about 30,000 dead and had your little trumpkin babyfit about anything but that.
It'sss a LIE???? Cite????
Your own cite proves you are a liar and that he did not call it inevitable, you embarrassing retard. You are a moron, and the trump cult is where you belong.
I swear you have demonstrated an IQ approaching that of a tomato! You may return to your mothers basement now and resume drug taking behavior, certainly based upon your pathetic performance here, you are revealed as greatly of out of your depth, perhaps you might attempt masturbation in hopes of calming your inclinations toward incoherent raging rants.... :cuckoo:

By the way, that was pretty hilarious how you proved yourself to be a little liar with your own link.
You see you didn't even view/listen to the CNN video I posted you, which by the way, I did because I feared your attention span incapable of surviving the rigors of actually having to read a link, as you will need to do here with this one..... In this link you will discover that your figures are impossibly, ridiculously, stupid. You might also notice in this link, just as in the CNN video link, that Fauci was busy spreading fear and hysteria, likely on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, or perhaps Colonel Vindemann, regardless of who he is taking direction from, his figures were wildly out of touch with reality..... :cul2:
Neato! But nowhere in there will I find support for your lies. Stop making up lies. How hard is that to do?
Thats a swell tactic you employ there kiddo, scream, rant, and rage, post wildly ridiculous figures absent a jot of substantiation, then call everyone who does, liars.... it must be awfully lonely for you, at the absolute bottom of the bell curve....
FFI is a childish Leftist. Easily triggered. Highly illogical. Very Stupid.
30,000 dead in just 13 days.

Thin the herd.


How is Trump going to win reelection when the only age group that supports him has been thinned?

Other than that, what a pussy you are.
He should be, with you dumbass rednecks doing what you can to spread it. Wait, i get it, now.
Boston. Redneck? Learn geography.
Oh, sorry. White Trash. Thank you for the correction.

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