30,000 dead in just 13 days.

The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.
The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.
The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.
Disease kill people. We already knew that. It's time to reopen the economy that never should have been shut down in the first place.
So why doesn't Impeached Trump put his money where his mouth is and start holding rallies again??
If he thought everyone should go back to normal, he would be holding rallies. The fact that he isnt holding rallies kind of shoots down your whole theory.
Impeached Trump is calling for an end to the lock down.

Why doesn't he lead by example and resume his rallies?
He isnt calling for an end to it today though, is he. Your entire position is based on nonsense. Get that weak ass shit out of here and do better next time.
Of course he is.



So why isnt he holding rallies? You are obviously wrong. Your game is weak.
Because he's a hypocrite. :eusa_doh:
What? Youre argument is all over the place. You need to come up with a different angle. This one isnt working.
Nope, my argument has not wavered. Not even though you lack the intellect to keep up. :eusa_naughty:

My argument started with Impeached Trump is s hypocrite who won't put his money where his mouth is and re-open his rallies like he wants the rest of the country to do.

He's not advocating anyone go back to packed rallies, games or concerts right now. He thinks it's ridiculous, like almost all thinking people do, that you can buy lottery tix in MI, or get an ABORTION, but not get other elective surgeries or not buy a lawn chair or seeds. Or you can get in a kayak but not a motorized boat with your spouse. Or a thousand other stupid rules.

Or not go to your job to support your family in parts of the nation with little to no virus.
He's advocating the lockdown ends. Just not for him.

That's nonsensical
Now, 40,000 Americans are dead with the death rate rising every day. The non-essential economy is shut down and will need to remain so for months
Keeping the nation shut down as one big internment camp is just compounding misery and is probably the stupidest thing we could possibly do. Thankfully no one of any responsible standing is advocating what you
are. Tell some family with children to feed and trying to keep a roof over their heads they must stay penniless
because you hate Trump.

You are full of crap and influenza killed over 60,000 according to the CDC in the 2017/18 flu season.
Keeping people prisoners in their own homes will only make things worse, not that you give a shit.

Seasonal flu has a vaccine you can take that protects you, coronavirus at this time does not. Most people who die from seasonal flu die because they did not get the vaccine which is offered every year. Plus, flu season is 6 months. 60,000 deaths over 6 months is 10,000 every thirty days. In Just the last 13 days we have had 30,000 people die from coronavirus and that is with all the mitigation efforts. You let all these people go back to work or if you had not shut down in the first place, you would kill 2.4 MILLION Americans by August.

Anyone that can't feed their family can go to the nearest food pantry or homeless shelter to get food. This is about survival, not business as usual. This is a global and national emergency.

Trying to reopen the economy when its not safe will just lead to more lockdowns and more death. The best thing for the economy and public health is to remain shutdown until the pathogen has been defeated to the point that it can be managed by healthcare workers without putting the American public at risks.

The overwhelming majority of Americans support the shutdown. Only 22% support opening the country up.
You are assuming the rate of death will remain constant, which it will not and even now we see the
death rate coming down.

And telling millions of people who are unemployed to just go to a food bank
or homeless shelter is also no answer since the vast amount of people out of work will absolutely swamp
any support system and send it out of commission too.

There is only one solution and that is to tackle the problem on two tracks....one is to continue to get input from experts and scientists learning all we can as we go on although you will not like what you see in many cases.

And the other is to let healthy young people (fifty-five and below) go back to work, open businesses back up
as other nations are now doing, and it sounds like you won't like that either.

We cannot wait out the corona virus and unfortunately there is no perfect solution here.
Your solution certainly isn't and it's like choking yourself while someone else pounds in your face.

Half of the people in ICU beds in Hospitals are UNDER age 50.

Plus even if the young are not infected, they can carry the pathogen and spread it which keeps the pathogen alive and killing people throughout the country.

There is only one way to defeat the Pandemic. The country has to stay in lockdown until the number of cases drops to the point that those cases can be tracked and those they come into contact with tracked and then isolated. That is the only solution.

This is a pathogen that needs human hosts to spread. The only way you defeat the pathogen is through isolation of as many people as possible. When people isolate, the pathogen cannot spread.

As for the economy, 37% of the labor force can work from home. At least another 20% of the labor force is engaged in essential services and are on the job in Health Care, Food production, food distribution, The Armed Forces, Police force, first responders. So 60% of the labor force is still working, if not more. Much of the other 40% will be receiving 2 Trillion dollars in aid from the government. Only a fraction of that will rely on food banks and homeless shelters.

The United States has a net worth of over 90 Trillion. It has more than enough capacity to wait out the pathogen for 18 months, 3 years or even 5 years. The United States is only 5% of the world population but can produce enough food to feed 50% of the world population. Everyone in the United States can be provided for in a lockdown, even if it last for several years. Most of the labor force that can't work from home tend to be low wage workers. These workers can be compensated for easily given the countries massive wealth and resources.
And when they come out of lockdown, they contract and spread the virus again and there we go again.
Herd immunity is the only route.
When people die from flu it is no less distressing than Wuhan death. Way more kids die from flu.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.
The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.
The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.
Disease kill people. We already knew that. It's time to reopen the economy that never should have been shut down in the first place.
So why doesn't Impeached Trump put his money where his mouth is and start holding rallies again??
If he thought everyone should go back to normal, he would be holding rallies. The fact that he isnt holding rallies kind of shoots down your whole theory.

Or is it he doesn't want to contract the virus, but he doesn't give a shit if you do.
It’s gonna kill some sick and elderly people but otherwise just a handful and you don’t shut down a Nation trying to prevent the deaths of people who are within weeks or a month from being deceased anyway

Bet ya won't say the same thing when ya bring the virus home to Grandma and she dies.
You're Deplorable to the Nth Degree pal. :(
......grandma should not be going out and no one should visit grandma---how simple can it be???? you don't even get the simple things
It’s gonna kill some sick and elderly people but otherwise just a handful and you don’t shut down a Nation trying to prevent the deaths of people who are within weeks or a month from being deceased anyway

That's a myth promoted by the ignorant. It also fails to grasps the SCIENCE behind this pathogen and how it has killed people of ALL AGES! Plus, even if it does not kill people at younger ages, they can still spread it, which keeps the pathogen alive within the population, which increases the death toll.

Grocery store workers and nurses and doctors are dying from this too. Opening up the economy to non-essential business will spread the virus further and could kill millions of Americans. Only an IDIOT would advocate such non-sense.
most of the dead are elderly --stop bullshitting
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!
And you fuckwits said he was overreacting.

I recall some people saying it was racist to just ban travel from China and in a sense it was, because the pathogen can make it into the United States from any country.

If Trump had made the United States great, he should have been ahead of TAIWAN in fighting this pathogen!

Again, the failure of TRUMP can be best described by this statistic: only 6 dead in TAIWAN, but 40,265 dead in the United States.
there it is again--you are very stupidly comparing a tiny ISLAND with TEN TIMES less people to the US =very idiotic
...and the US has much more immigration/air travel/etc etc
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!
And you fuckwits said he was overreacting.

I recall some people saying it was racist to just ban travel from China and in a sense it was, because the pathogen can make it into the United States from any country.

If Trump had made the United States great, he should have been ahead of TAIWAN in fighting this pathogen!

Again, the failure of TRUMP can be best described by this statistic: only 6 dead in TAIWAN, but 40,265 dead in the United States.
there it is again--you are very stupidly comparing a tiny ISLAND with TEN TIMES less people to the US =very idiotic
...and the US has much more immigration/air travel/etc etc
..a good percentage of US deaths are blacks--there's ANOTHER difference = physiological/etc
Hmmm. The Deep State figured out a way to get rid of the jobs created by President Trump.

I bet the Democrats think that's a win-win. Such fools' joy.; such vacuous thinking.
Taiwan has already received much of the global spotlight for its adept handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which broke out just across the Strait in mainland China. Taipei, even while excluded from the World Health Organization, took a combination medical, policy, and private sector expertise to the task of containing what could have been a devastating outbreak.

Now, the economic consequences of Taiwan’s successful handling of COVID-19 are starting to become clearer. On Monday, new economic data from Taipei showed something surprisingly positive: Export orders were up, with a 4.3 percent increase year-on-year. The surprise was the expectation of most market analysts of a 10.15 percent decline.

The positive turnaround probably isn’t explained fully by Taiwan’s own internal handling of COVID-19. Yes, last week alone, the country recorded three days where zero new cases of the pandemic were reported. But part of the story with the new economic data likely has to do with importers around the world looking to diversify supply chain risk away from China. It just so happens that Taiwan, with its internal house in order, appears to be a safer short-term bet than Asia’s other alternatives, including South Korea, Japan, and Southeast and South Asian countries.

I had the virus. Dedicated a thread to it. I am immune now. Well to the 19 strain anyway. So no. Its a cold. Unless you’re old and or feeble.

How many people did you pass it to?
I had the virus. Dedicated a thread to it. I am immune now. Well to the 19 strain anyway. So no. Its a cold. Unless you’re old and or feeble.

How many people did you pass it to?
ZERO. I was already working from home. My kids, who knows and someone gave it to them.
I had the virus. Dedicated a thread to it. I am immune now. Well to the 19 strain anyway. So no. Its a cold. Unless you’re old and or feeble.

How many people did you pass it to?
ZERO. I was already working from home. My kids, who knows and someone gave it to them.

Yep and then so on, so on and so on.
I had the virus. Dedicated a thread to it. I am immune now. Well to the 19 strain anyway. So no. Its a cold. Unless you’re old and or feeble.

How many people did you pass it to?
ZERO. I was already working from home. My kids, who knows and someone gave it to them.

Yep and then so on, so on and so on.
Herd immunity. If you believe you will not get it, you're fooling yourself. 99% of those who get it will have mild symptoms.
It’s gonna kill some sick and elderly people but otherwise just a handful and you don’t shut down a Nation trying to prevent the deaths of people who are within weeks or a month from being deceased anyway

yes, you do ---JERK
I had the virus. Dedicated a thread to it. I am immune now. Well to the 19 strain anyway. So no. Its a cold. Unless you’re old and or feeble.

How many people did you pass it to?
ZERO. I was already working from home. My kids, who knows and someone gave it to them.

Yep and then so on, so on and so on.
Herd immunity. If you believe you will not get it, you're fooling yourself. 99% of those who get it will have mild symptoms.
If only the establishment would listen to the great Dr Cathcart.
The economy will be fine. The economy can be rebuilt. Germany and Japan were completely destroyed in World War II, but both countries were rebuilt by 1960. But when someone physically dies, you can't bring them back.

Given those facts, you take the economic hit, to save as many lives as possible in this situation.

675,000 Americans died during the 1918 pandemic. But had the country locked down back then and prevented all large gatherings, more than 90% of those dead people would have survived. We don't want to repeat the stupidity of this country during the 1918 pandemic. Its been over a hundred years of progress in SCIENCE and HEALTH. Lets use that advantage instead of being idiots.
We are trying to find a proper balance between individual safety and collective national security and
apparently you don't mind decades of rebuilding a gutted out economy but most people have more brains than that.

We don't need to put people in miserable poverty in order to save lives and the entire nation is already shut down like a fifty state internment camp and yet people still die on a daily basis despite all our social distancing.
This is something that will have to run it's course whether you like it or not.

Yes, we can make a difference but no, we cannot make every single person in America safe from a pandemic.

48% of the American work force works for small local businesses. So right off the top, you advocate putting
at a minimum, half of America's populace out of work and into bitter grinding poverty.

I can only be very thankful you represent a small fringe nutter's opinion and most people disagree with you.

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