30 Mile Long Trump Parade In Arizona

I was in San Diego all last week for vacation. On the day we arrived, there was a Drumpf parade absolutely gumming up the airport. Prolly 150 pickup trucks with the giant American Flags and the very stupid Drumpf flags.

So around and around they went, honking their horns and making it impossible to come or go. A half dozen cops showed up sirens screaming and escorted them off the AP grounds.

I felt like a 6 year old on my birthday. So proud of San Diego's Finest!!

*Btw - Do these dummies SERIOUSLY believe Dear Leader stands a chance of winning California? :laugh:
Blockchain voting puts CA back in play

You mean it gives Donald's Daddy Putin a chance at hacking Callie?

You kray-kray Frankie ;)
I was in San Diego all last week for vacation. On the day we arrived, there was a Drumpf parade absolutely gumming up the airport. Prolly 150 pickup trucks with the giant American Flags and the very stupid Drumpf flags.

So around and around they went, honking their horns and making it impossible to come or go. A half dozen cops showed up sirens screaming and escorted them off the AP grounds.

I felt like a 6 year old on my birthday. So proud of San Diego's Finest!!

*Btw - Do these dummies SERIOUSLY believe Dear Leader stands a chance of winning California? :laugh:

I will remember your post....
I was in San Diego all last week for vacation. On the day we arrived, there was a Drumpf parade absolutely gumming up the airport. Prolly 150 pickup trucks with the giant American Flags and the very stupid Drumpf flags.

So around and around they went, honking their horns and making it impossible to come or go. A half dozen cops showed up sirens screaming and escorted them off the AP grounds.

I felt like a 6 year old on my birthday. So proud of San Diego's Finest!!

*Btw - Do these dummies SERIOUSLY believe Dear Leader stands a chance of winning California? :laugh:
Blockchain voting puts CA back in play

You mean it gives Donald's Daddy Putin a chance at hacking Callie?

You kray-kray Frankie ;)

The only people on record taking money from putin are hilary clinton....140 million dollars from putin controlled minions to her fake foundation, and joe biden, with at least 3.5 million dollars funneled through his damaged son from putin minion in moscow.....according to the hunter biden emails, joe biden got 50% of that 3.5 million.......along with 50% of all the other money from foreign governments given to his son and brother...
I was in San Diego all last week for vacation. On the day we arrived, there was a Drumpf parade absolutely gumming up the airport. Prolly 150 pickup trucks with the giant American Flags and the very stupid Drumpf flags.

So around and around they went, honking their horns and making it impossible to come or go. A half dozen cops showed up sirens screaming and escorted them off the AP grounds.

I felt like a 6 year old on my birthday. So proud of San Diego's Finest!!

*Btw - Do these dummies SERIOUSLY believe Dear Leader stands a chance of winning California? :laugh:
Blockchain voting puts CA back in play

You mean it gives Donald's Daddy Putin a chance at hacking Callie?

You kray-kray Frankie ;)
Pack your shit..........for a year bro.............The TRUMP TRAIN IS COMING.
Won't see Democrats doing that.

Could cause Air pollution, global warming, any number of things.

(But you'll never get them to admit it's because of lack of interest)
Democrats and quite a few republicans are very interested in voting out president Jackass. That's a problem for you.
The Jackass left in 2016........just taking out the trash leftover by him.........mainly his VP ....Quid Pro Quo Biden.
You're living in a fantasy world where Trump has not been a national embarrassment for four years. He has not tried to bring any skeptic over to his side. Instead he has instantly attacked anyone critical of him. Not sure how you think he is going to get the large increase in support he will need to win against a much more motivated democratic party when alienation has been his only goal.
You're in for a rude awakening.......

Won't see Democrats doing that.

Could cause Air pollution, global warming, any number of things.

(But you'll never get them to admit it's because of lack of interest)
Democrats and quite a few republicans are very interested in voting out president Jackass. That's a problem for you.
The Jackass left in 2016........just taking out the trash leftover by him.........mainly his VP ....Quid Pro Quo Biden.
You're living in a fantasy world where Trump has not been a national embarrassment for four years. He has not tried to bring any skeptic over to his side. Instead he has instantly attacked anyone critical of him. Not sure how you think he is going to get the large increase in support he will need to win against a much more motivated democratic party when alienation has been his only goal.
I love it......and I'm gonna pour salt in your wounds when he wins again......

poor baby........people are fed up with your violent corrupt ass party.
People are more fed up with political sadists gleefully dishing out abuse for not also worshiping an orange blob.
Won't see Democrats doing that.

Could cause Air pollution, global warming, any number of things.

(But you'll never get them to admit it's because of lack of interest)
Democrats and quite a few republicans are very interested in voting out president Jackass. That's a problem for you.
The Jackass left in 2016........just taking out the trash leftover by him.........mainly his VP ....Quid Pro Quo Biden.
You're living in a fantasy world where Trump has not been a national embarrassment for four years. He has not tried to bring any skeptic over to his side. Instead he has instantly attacked anyone critical of him. Not sure how you think he is going to get the large increase in support he will need to win against a much more motivated democratic party when alienation has been his only goal.
I love it......and I'm gonna pour salt in your wounds when he wins again......

poor baby........people are fed up with your violent corrupt ass party.
People are more fed up with political sadists gleefully dishing out abuse for not also worshiping an orange blob.

People are more fed up with political sadists gleefully dishing out abuse for not also worshiping an orange blob.

any worse than the abuse dished out for 'worshipping' him?
Won't see Democrats doing that.

Could cause Air pollution, global warming, any number of things.

(But you'll never get them to admit it's because of lack of interest)
Democrats and quite a few republicans are very interested in voting out president Jackass. That's a problem for you.
The Jackass left in 2016........just taking out the trash leftover by him.........mainly his VP ....Quid Pro Quo Biden.
You're living in a fantasy world where Trump has not been a national embarrassment for four years. He has not tried to bring any skeptic over to his side. Instead he has instantly attacked anyone critical of him. Not sure how you think he is going to get the large increase in support he will need to win against a much more motivated democratic party when alienation has been his only goal.

Apparently he lives in your head rent free...and has for some time.

Suck on it.

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