30 min from now liberalism will be extenct

Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal exreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal exreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.[/QUOT
The GOP wins ~52 Senators and loses governor houses and liberalism is extinct....oooooooookay.
Keep dreaming. :)
Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal exreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
No.they lived in caves before. Also obama is murdering them.
Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal exreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
No.they lived in caves before. Also obama is murdering them.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal exreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
No.they lived in caves before. Also obama is murdering them.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
They will die of natural causes in those caves. :)
Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal extreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

That is why we Jews look down on you and mock you fundy christers , The Majority of Jews are liberal and over 70 percent supported your better, The President of the United States elected twice :Barack Hussein Obama. Now go do something productive like rotating the tires on your trailer house you uneducated mutant
Hitler was a right wing progressive fascist: use terms correctly.

Boehner is going to make no move against ACA.

Learn to say, ACA.
Boehner may be deposed by new crop of Representatives.

Bitch Mc Connel may lose.

But Dems lose both houses, and 2016 election too.

Just watch.
Whats hilarious is you all dug your own holes and your party leader obama filled it. We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die. It is done.

Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal extreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

That is why we Jews look down on you and mock you fundy christers , The Majority of Jews are liberal and over 70 percent supported your better, The President of the United States elected twice :Barack Hussein Obama. Now go do something productive like rotating the tires on your trailer house you uneducated mutant
We look down on you guys because you lined up like sheep to be slaughtered.

So stick your disdain up your ass.
Liberalism isn't dead, just wounded.

I cannot believe how virtually unscathed we have emerged from a potentially catastrophic liberal super-majority.

If predictions hold, and the GOP takes the Senate, it will be US molding the one half asses victory the liberals cling to.

They HOPED Obamacare would keep them in power long enough to actually get government run health insurance. The American people have dashed that hope upon the rocks of reality.

Goodbye Obama, so long liberal agenda. You squandered your greatest opportunity.

An the demographic shift will keep rolling along, remember what sen graham said about running out of bitter crackers

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): "The demographics race we're losing badly," "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term." :uhoh3:
Ah the lovely sounds of Conservative 'patriots' advocating the mass murder of fellow Americans.

Oddly enough, I still am surprised by it.
the jews were conservative but the liberal exreme took care of that. All that power and control broken by force from the people and by the people. Natrual law is power and control is only temporary which goes against liberalism. The one thing that always wins out is freedom. Individual freedom. Take this as a lesson kids.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
No.they lived in caves before. Also obama is murdering them.

Just pointing out once again- that you are advocating for the mass murder of Americans.

That is the kind of American you are.
They will die of natural causes in those caves. :)

Your words:
We will round you all up stick you all in caves and dynamite the escape routes shut and you will forever be isolated till you die.

The only essential difference between you and those Islamic terrorists who dream of killing Americans is that you don't believe in Allah
Learn to say ACA, Missourian.

I too expect republicans to start referring to it as the ACA, but I will always call it Obamacare, because as hard as he worked to get it for us, he deserves the credit. In years to come, I expect it to be considered one of the greatest programs our country has ever enacted. Right up there with Social Security, and Medicare.
I predicted this 2 years ago while everybody but me was all doom and gloom. Im a political genius. Cross this one off my prediction list. :)

Hey genius... Learn to spell.

It's "extinct" with an "i."

If you're going to blast into a forum claiming to be the smartest guy in the neighborhood, at least use spell check...

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