In ten days (June 27) there will be a debate between Trump and Biden....A call for restraint till then

Most every speech he gives he forgets what word he is supposed to be using and pauses for a few seconds and then goes off on some wild tangent that had nothing to do with what he was talking about. This is a common among those with dementia.

He also more and more mixes people up, Obama for Biden, Haley for Pelosi, just to name a few.

But, none of it matters, when Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any voters, he was speaking of people like you.

Now I know for sure you don't watch any of his rallies. Trump reads off a teleprompter like most politicians have to do. But he's not a "politician", so he goes off script and speaks to the audience like he's one of them.

And what's with that "cult" bullshit you keep parroting like the leftists? My wife and I had tickets to go to Tuesday's rally in Racine, but it's going to be 91 degrees with high humidity. It's a three hour drive from here, so we decided to stay home and watch it.

Does that sound like a fucking "cult" to you, idiot?
Wait...what? When has Donald Trump ever shown any signs of senility? Am I missing something here?

I seem to remember the left saying the same thing about Reagan too, which was absolute bunk.

Liberals know Biden is senile so the only play they have is to claim "so is TRUMP"...this is why a lot of liberals play the "2 old guys/both bad choices" card. There's maybe a handful of libs on here who attempt to be enthusiastic about Biden, but most of the time they just orange man bad.
Liberals know Biden is senile so the only play they have is to claim "so is TRUMP"...this is why a lot of liberals play the "2 old guys/both bad choices" card. There's maybe a handful of libs on here who attempt to be enthusiastic about Biden, but most of the time they just orange man bad.

It's called "projection." Never mind the fact that Trump doesn't like reading from a script. I'm not hiring him for his story-telling ability, I'm hiring him because I like his policies.
Yeah, you have waxed very juvenile of late.
Now I know for sure you don't watch any of his rallies. Trump reads off a teleprompter like most politicians have to do. But he's not a "politician", so he goes off script and speaks to the audience like he's one of them.

And what's with that "cult" bullshit you keep parroting like the leftists? My wife and I had tickets to go to Tuesday's rally in Racine, but it's going to be 91 degrees with high humidity. It's a three hour drive from here, so we decided to stay home and watch it.

Does that sound like a fucking "cult" to you, idiot?

Yep, sure does.

Why are you watching it? Is he going to say something different this time than all the others?
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You put an EV car-sized battery in water and see what happens, asshole.

You'd probably rather be eaten by a shark than be burned alive.

Why would you put an EV car battery on a boat?
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You do know some electric vehicles are shipped from overseas?

So, when Trump was talking about choosing between being electrocuted or eaten by a shark, you think he was talking about standing on top of one of these as it was sinking?


This my friends is how far the cult will go to avoid admitting the obvious.
Yep, sure does.

Why are you watching it? Is he going to say something different this time than all the others?

I'm watching it because "fuck you", and because you're in no position tell me what to do and who to vote for, asshole.

Now if anyone is a "cultist", that would be someone who votes for some faggot he knows doesn't have an ice cube's chance in hell of ever winning an election. Go ahead and waste your vote on someone who might actually get 2% of the votes, cultist. Then you can sit on the fence for the next four years and throw rocks at both sides.
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i think the policy differences are clear. don't you?

i like the 1srelluc proposal. they are both old and flawed. so am i. lets watch 'em talk.

The two are not in the same stratospher you ignorant phony dumb baboon. Obiden is 95% gone while Trump is still 109% more lucid than you and your boyfried BlackGaterup in here.

You really are one of the lamest lowIQ fools to ever post on this site. Right up there with care or sealy. Pathetically inept.. If you had decency you would be embarrassed enough to just stop. //
Can we stop with all the "my old fart is more lucid than your old fart" threads?

Shit's getting old fast.....From both sides.

Cool your jets till after the debate. After those 90 min the tale will be told and you can have at it.
/----/ Uhhhh NOPE.
Which is why they make body doubles.
But look at Fetterman for example, it’s a major challenge that robotics can’t solve - yet. Has anyone seen the Fetterman look alike who was popular BEFORE Fetterman “committed himself” to the hospital. Apparently it was for tattoo removal because when he came out, the Double showed us there were no tattoos on his arms. Odd hospital visit

There’s an unblinking version of “Biden” as well. Maybe a robot?
I watching it because "fuck you", and because you're in no position tell me what to do and who to vote for, asshole.

I did not tell you what to do, I asked a simple question. you are very defensive for some reason.

Now if anyone is a "cultist", that would be someone who votes for some faggot he knows doesn't have an ice cube's chance in hell of ever winning an election. Go ahead and waste your vote on someone who might actually get 2% of the votes, cultist. Then you can sit on the fence for the next four years and throw rocks at both sides.

I live in the state of Illinois. 2.4 million people voted for Trump last time knowing he did not have a ice cube's chance in hell of winning. I guess by your definition they are all cultist....just like you
Not really. They talk very differently, but once in office they do not govern all that differently.

The middle. Maybe the middle of the IQ chart also? They don’t come often around often brave enough to post non-stop trolling BS like this phony Gater BlacBacked ape is posting in here. Cudos to another rightwing clone.
So, when Trump was talking about choosing between being electrocuted or eaten by a shark, you think he was talking about standing on top of one of these as it was sinking?

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This my friends is how far the cult will go to avoid admitting the obvious.

I have no idea, I haven't see the full TRUMP clip. I do know there have been EV catching fire on big ships requiring the crew to evacuate.

I always get a kick out of the one is more lucid then the other crowd. All you have to do is look at the way the law classifies them. Trump is standing trial for having documents which as president he had a right to hold and move to anywhere he wanted. I am not going to get into a debate over should he have had them here or there or if he should have kept them after he was no longer president. Now the law says the Biden should not be prosecuted because he is not mentally able to stand trial. Even though he had documents from when he was not president and had no right to hold them or move them. So you have two men one on trial and the other not because of his mental state. That is what those in law enforcement are saying.
I really wish we had better choices but here is where we are.

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