300,000 are retiring each month - and leaving the workforce

It's not a good thing. But there comes a point when people can no longer work and the sheer number of people in that group creates a many problems for which there is no current solution. Hence I advocate for self reliance and personal planning.

medicare and social security is for future planning.

No they aren't. Anyone who plans for those programs to be their sole source of support are complete fools.
The boomer / medicare ss math doesn't add up.

It's is simple as 2+2=5

One of ACA's "fixes" for it CLASS Act went belly up before it started because the best actuaries in the country couldn't make the numbers work - by very far.

So we're back to a very big problem with no solution on the horizon.

Many of the boomers in my family and that I know are working well beyond 65 to make their own thing work for them. The days of the bell ringing and it being the government's turn are over.

It's about personal responsibility.
Republicans prefer to throw the retiring Baby Boomers off a cliff - unless of course they vote Republican.

When they think of what it will take to support them, they join the tea party, and listen to FOX NEWS

And they would rather urge Darrell Issa to invent those phony scandals, than face the problems that Bush and the Republicans left us.....

Thank god Obama has doubled our 401K and IRA ....

10,000 Boomers to Retire Each Day for 19 Years

CHICAGO — Through a combination of procrastination and bad timing, many baby boomers are facing a personal finance disaster just as they're hoping to retire. Starting in January, more than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65, a pattern that will continue for the next 19 years.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com 10,000 Boomers to Retire Each Day for 19 Years

They thank god they have Medicare and ACA to cover them.


And not a single birth or college graduation

That's damn lucky
10,000 Boomers to Retire Each Day for 19 Years

CHICAGO — Through a combination of procrastination and bad timing, many baby boomers are facing a personal finance disaster just as they're hoping to retire. Starting in January, more than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65, a pattern that will continue for the next 19 years.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com 10,000 Boomers to Retire Each Day for 19 Years

They thank god they have Medicare and ACA to cover them.


You make an erroneous assumption that everyone who turns 65 will retire at that point.

It's b'loney.
Republicans prefer to throw the retiring Baby Boomers off a cliff - unless of course they vote Republican.

When they think of what it will take to support them, they join the tea party, and listen to FOX NEWS

And they would rather urge Darrell Issa to invent those phony scandals, than face the problems that Bush and the Republicans left us.....

Thank god Obama has doubled our 401K and IRA ....


It gives me great joy to know that you are going to get to witness the stupidity of that statement. It saddens me that my daughter will have to suffer the consequences of your stupidity.....
They're retiring earlier than they want because they can't get the job they want and they can start to collect Social Security.
They're retiring earlier than they want because they can't get the job they want and they can start to collect Social Security.
Do you think it will overload the system and make it crash...?
Remember kids, Democrats believe that ATM machines hurt the Obamaeconomy and unemployment stimulates the Obamaeconomy

If you're sane stand on your head to understand Democrats logic

No, stupid cons believe that's what Democrats believe. The main reason Congress can't get anything done is that there are too many idiot Republicans who believe stupid shit like you just posted.
Republicans prefer to throw the retiring Baby Boomers off a cliff - unless of course they vote Republican.

When they think of what it will take to support them, they join the tea party, and listen to FOX NEWS

And they would rather urge Darrell Issa to invent those phony scandals, than face the problems that Bush and the Republicans left us.....

Thank god Obama has doubled our 401K and IRA ....


It gives me great joy to know that you are going to get to witness the stupidity of that statement. It saddens me that my daughter will have to suffer the consequences of your stupidity.....
Statists don't give a crap of future generations and their liberty...only their power power over them.

Short sighted, and known to cause strife...just the way they like it.
Remember kids, Democrats believe that ATM machines hurt the Obamaeconomy and unemployment stimulates the Obamaeconomy

If you're sane stand on your head to understand Democrats logic

No, stupid cons believe that's what Democrats believe. The main reason Congress can't get anything done is that there are too many idiot Republicans who believe stupid shit like you just posted.
BOTH parties are culpable, as are the people that vote for them.

You know I'm correct.
Remember kids, Democrats believe that ATM machines hurt the Obamaeconomy and unemployment stimulates the Obamaeconomy

If you're sane stand on your head to understand Democrats logic

No, stupid cons believe that's what Democrats believe. The main reason Congress can't get anything done is that there are too many idiot Republicans who believe stupid shit like you just posted.

I made Rdeany drink a tall glass of Shut the Fuck Up Juice for challenging me on that, you want some too?

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits ?One of the Most Important Stimuli for the Economy? | CNS News

White House: Unemployment Stimulates the Economy - Katie Pavlich

Democrat Steny Hoyer: unemployment checks and food stamps stimulate the economy | Wintery Knight

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAgRBq2jnz4]Original: Penn & Teller You Need To Shut The Fuck Up ! (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]

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