300,000 Dead From Covid

Fox reported that today, yet there have been over 600,000 babies killed by abortion every year and not a peep out of Fox, the MSM, DC, so called health 'experts', etc. What kind of country have we become? Seems to me we have an abortion epidemic.
If you know where these babies are being killed get off your ass and do something about it. The least you can do is call the police!
Yeah..YEAH ! and write a letter to congress, senate, and the mayor and...and get signatures ! but...maintain social distancing and disinfect the pen each time. If that doesn't work send Hunter a Facebook msg......with a picture of some bald pussy so it gets his immediate attention.Use goofle transdufikater to make it in Ukrainian.
Fox reported that today, yet there have been over 600,000 babies killed by abortion every year and not a peep out of Fox, the MSM, DC, so called health 'experts', etc. What kind of country have we become? Seems to me we have an abortion epidemic.
Not only that, there are around 200 overdose deaths every day in the US, yet the only time people get bent out of shape is when someone does not comply with wearing a mask.

Shrug. Americans are insane.
Overdose deaths are not contagious. Are you people really this stupid? Never mind.
Fox reported that today, yet there have been over 600,000 babies killed by abortion every year and not a peep out of Fox, the MSM, DC, so called health 'experts', etc. What kind of country have we become? Seems to me we have an abortion epidemic.
If you know where these babies are being killed get off your ass and do something about it. The least you can do is call the police!
The police do nothing about legally sanctioned killings. Killing babies is perfectly legal.
If you know where these babies are being killed get off your ass and do something about it. The least you can do is call the police!
If you voted for a pro abortion representative then you are part responsible for all the infanticide which is indeed an epidemic at least twice as deadly as this COVID flu.
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If you know where these babies are being killed get off your ass and do something about it. The least you can do is call the police!
If you voted for a pro abortion representative you are part responsible for all the killing of babies, dufus.

Except Moral Narcissists don't care what it does to the babies, only how it makes them feel
Fox reported that today, yet there have been over 600,000 babies killed by abortion every year and not a peep out of Fox, the MSM, DC, so called health 'experts', etc. What kind of country have we become? Seems to me we have an abortion epidemic.

The left doesn't give a crap because they can't falsely attribute those 600,000 murdered babies to Trump.
coat hanger trump.jpg
Except Moral Narcissists don't care what it does to the babies, only how it makes them feel
Yes, that's a good definition of moral relativity. "If it feels good, it must be moral." IMO that kind of thinking borders on psychotic.
300,000 Dead From Covid

But very few from other diseases. Must be a miracle cure!

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