300 Economists: Don't Kill Growth And Jobs In The Name Of Deficit Reduction


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Mere parsimony (frugality, stinginess) is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

300 Economists Warn Congress: Don't Kill Growth And Jobs In The Name Of Deficit Reduction

A small army of economists warned Congress on Thursday not to focus on deficit reduction instead of job creation or else risk a 1937-style double-dip recession.

"History suggests that a tenuous recovery is no time to practice austerity," says a statement signed by more than 300 economists and policy experts. "In the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal generated growth and reduced the unemployment rate from 25 percent in 1932 to less than 10 percent in 1937. However, the deficit hawks of that era persuaded President Roosevelt to reverse course prematurely and move toward budget balance. The result was a severe recession that caused the economy to contract sharply and sent the unemployment rate soaring."

Democrats in Congress have had 1937 in mind since March 2009. "We're not going to let it happen again," vowed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) at the time.

Nevertheless, deficit hawks dominated the debate in Congress this summer as Democratic leaders struggled to reauthorize a series of programs created by the 2009 stimulus bill. Pelosi and her counterparts in the Senate have had seemingly little choice other than to sacrifice things like COBRA health insurance subsidies and enhanced unemployment benefits to win the support of deficit-hawkish Democrats and moderate Republicans.

"This is about a high road to recovery versus a low road to fiscal balance," said Bob Kuttner of the American Prospect and co-author of the statement, along with the Center for Economic and Policy Research's Dean Baker and the Robert Borosage and Roger Hickey from the Institute for America's Future. "The proper sequencing is: You get the recovery first, that requires increased public investment. And then the road to fiscal balance is much less arduous because people are working, businesses are investing, and tax revenues go up because you're back in recovery.

"There is also a low road to fiscal balance, where you have austerity and you get the budget balanced at the cost of whacking the real economy."

Click HERE to download a PDF of the report.
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HRPuffinstuffPo...'nuf said.

BTW...300 is barely a small battalion, let alone an army. :lol:
The situation will get nasty after either Japan or the PIIGS implode and trigger the other's implosion.
I probably could go to the former USSR and find 6000 economists to endorse what these 300 are saying, maybe a few hundred in Cuba as well. $smiley_with_thumbs_up.gif
I've peer reviewed this post and find it 100% accurate.
HRPuffinstuffPo...'nuf said.

BTW...300 is barely a small battalion, let alone an army. :lol:

Huffington Post reported NEWS, it is not an op/ed piece...'nuf said.

Hey Dude/Oddball. Why the name change, did the butler forget your password? Should I combine your two screen names and call you Dudball or Odddud?
HRPuffinstuffPo...'nuf said.

BTW...300 is barely a small battalion, let alone an army. :lol:

Huffington Post reported NEWS, it is not an op/ed piece...'nuf said.
All of HRpuffinstuffPo is opinion, dickweed.

Those wackaloons could find 300 crazy cat ladies who claim that their jobs were "saved" by Boyking, and they'd run with it as though it was the Sermon on the Mount. :lol::lol::lol:
Seems more than half of these "economists" listed in the report are on the public dole "teaching" at public universities. Of course they don't want cuts. We need more spending for "education", especially in economic programs at public universities.

And the circle continues...
Almost every credentialed economist was shocked by the credit crisis while 10,000 yahoos on the internet had predicted it for years.

There are obviously disturbing problems within academic economics.
Almost every credentialed economist was shocked by the credit crisis while 10,000 yahoos on the internet had predicted it for years.

There are obviously disturbing problems within academic economics.
To name a few things the rational utility maximizer is a myth and so is the normal supply curve. Therefore equilibrium theory is deeply flawed. that pretty much covers everything.
How could it be wrong? 300 liberal economics professors agree it is right. Clearly they are smarter and far more educated than the unwashed masses that haunt these forums!! They are, after all, LIBERALS!!! Everyone knows how smart "liberals" are! Plus these clowns teach economic "theory". That is much better than economic "reality". The last stimulus failed because we didn't go far enough...dah!! Now we need to double, or triple down or we risk systemic failure!!! It is time to GO ALL IN!!!!!! FIRE up the presses, quadruple the QE, lower rates to negative 1% - pay banks to borrow!! Run up the debt to 100 trillion!! We can save the country by destroying it, it is the only answer.....

You Silly conservatives!!

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