300 Million Americans haven’t gotten Covid

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And the hoax squealers are squealing
Approx 35 million positives and 35,000 deaths due to Covid and Covid alone
.01% of All Americans die and .1% of all positives die and we are pearl clutching like 99.9% of all who get it die from it
Squeal on liars. .
Those who have not gotten Covid will either get vaccinated or get Covid. Delta is that contagious.

Yes… some vaccinated folks will get Covid but not many.

The more people get vaccinated the less EVERYONE GETS INFECTED

Horse crap. I just spent a week in Ca, NAPA, Carmel flew out and back did not excessively wash my hands. Came home, no masks went out to dinner went shopping. Just because you're a 2 bit coward don't project it on everyone else.
Why do you lie like this? Can you just not come up with anything real? Does it somehow make you feel better about yourself? Is it just some kinda twisted perversion? What? Inquiring minds want to know.
--he's right and you are wrong ..MOST Americans haven't even got C19
, and of those that did, most don't die
..and of those, it's mostly the elderly and lazy fatasses
Why do you lie like this? Can you just not come up with anything real? Does it somehow make you feel better about yourself? Is it just some kinda twisted perversion? What? Inquiring minds want to know.
.....you sound really idiotic trying to deny the truth/facts, with your double talk babble crap ...we see right through it--like we see through the MSM crap.....but like the hitlerjugend, you believe all that propaganda crap
You do realize that 3 to 3.5 million Americans die a year right FOOL? The ones who died from covid had underlying conditions that made them good bets on not living much longer anyway.
What? Because people die in the normal course of life… we’re supposed to accept ADDITIONAL DEATHS due to Covid?

That makes sense to you?
--he's right and you are wrong ..MOST Americans haven't even got C19
, and of those that did, most don't die
..and of those, it's mostly the elderly and lazy fatasses
If you actually believe that ( as opposed to “just saying something “) you’re a sick fuck
You would have to be in close proximity of 1,000 people to be 1 of the 100 who gets it and the 1 who dies from it. Facts and stats put the spotlight on the hysteria
Even if the now corrected 650,000 was true that still means that 1 out of every 550 people die from this. I doubt you deadbeat shut in non producers come in contact with 550 people per year. So .01% fatality rate for entire population. Does that rank ahead or behind of falling off a ladder?

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