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3000 German Police on the hunt for far right extremists intending a Coup

Something about German independence

Holy Moses I did not expect this. German Police have been on raids and have arrested 25 while still wanting another 25. I am not sure who they all are. Some are in the army and it was said they were wanting help from Russians in Germany for a coup. They have a lot of desires not least to put Germany back to the kind of Government it had prior to WW2. I'm guessing this will be an on going story.

You are totally mad. It exist in Germany about 25,000 extremists who call themselve "Reichsbürger"="citizens of the empire". Under "empire" they do not understand the only German empire which really ever had existed and what had been a union and not an empire - the Holy Empire (1800-1806). They also do not think about the Prussian Empire (1870-1918) but about the so called "third empire" better known under the expression "Nazi-Germany" (1933-1945). This people are clear enemies of Germany. They hate the federal republic and love tyranny.

A part of this anti-democratic extremist movement made very concrete and detailed plans how to eliminate the elected German government. In the moment about 25 ringleaders of this criminals are arrested and it looks like another 25 "rebels" - better to call them "super-idiots" - will perhaps soon additionally be arrested.

The army is by the way very angry because since years they try to fire this extremist idiots in their own rows who are arrested now. But the processes in this context are very long and very complex. Same problem with other officials of the federal republic of Germany. One of the arrested persons is for example a female judge. I guess this means all of her judgements will have to be controlled - specially if Jews, political opponents, migrants or foreigners had been affected. This people are a problem in a time when Germany needs no problems in the current crisis-es. Typical for Nazis and other enemies of Germany to try to cause problems specially in such a situation. But indeed they are only their own problem now.
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I believe nothing here ...

Baron! You have absolutelly not any light idea about Germany - never had. Everything what you said about Germany never had been anything else than bullshit. There's nothing "to believe" now. About 25 potential rebels had been arrested - 2 of the arrested people came free and it looks like another 25 will be arrested additionally if new suspicions are substantiated.
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Something about German independence


Our Americans are absolutelly not any problem for us. Never had been. The US-army in general acts very fast and very good on every form of substantial critics. And the USA has really reasons to be proud on their boys here in Germany. Very most of them show an "untadeliges Verhalten" = an "honorful behavior". Very seldom exceptions are only confirming this rule. With this "arrogance-rebellion" now - which we had to stop because of the detailed plans of this "rebels" - they have absolutelly nothing to do.
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This seems to be a right wing trait. First America and now Germany.

I guess Donald Trump had been a motivation for them. He got more than one vote - and now they seem to think Germany is the country of the unlimited possibilities. But to make two times the same political mistake seems not to be our strength - hopefully.

By the way - the Nazis - and I do not say Donald Trump is a Nazi I speak only about that he motivates them - often acted when the normal people had been deflected by celebrations like Easter or Christmas. Whatever - the Nazis are under control now - Christmas tide is going on.

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Correction: The Holy Empire had been from 800-1806 AD and not from 1800-1806 as I wrote here. The full name is "Holy Empire of German nation" - or with another word "Germany" - but it was not holy, not an empire, not really German in the English sense of this word and no nation at all. It means something like "Christian federation of united nations".
In the movie "Django Unchained"

In what?

there is a character, who perfectly expresses your master's loving attitude towards the occupying masters of Germany.


Ich bin

Manchmal fragt man mich nach dem Sinn des Lebens
Hey Mann, wo kommst Du her, wo willst Du hin?
Ist das ganze Gewusel nicht vergebens, nicht vergebens?
Nein - Es gibt einen guten Grund, dass ich hier bin!

Ich bin der Korkenzieher, der Glühbirnenreindreher
Ich bin der Sonntag-früh-am-Morgen-Brötchenholer-geher
Ich bin der Sackhüpfer und der Abflußentstopfer
Ich bin der Nasenspray-in-Kindernasen-Tropfer
Ich bin der Zöpfeflechter, ich bin der Mückenfänger
Ich bin der Antragsteller, ich bin der Behördengänger
Ich bin der Troubadour, der die zartesten Liebeslieder singt
Und der das Altglas zum Altglascontainer bringt

Ich bin der Beichtvater, der Trostpflasteraufkleber
Ich bin der Suppenauslöffler und der Taschengeldgeber
Ich bin der "Kopf hoch"-Sager, der Tränenabwischer
Ich bin der Zahnspangen-aus-dem-Mülleimer-Fischer
Ich bin Beziehungskitter, ich bin der Friedensrichter
Ich bin Positivdenker und der Streitigkeitenschlichter
Und wenn sich schluchzend alles wieder versöhnt in den Armen liegt
Bin ich derjen′ge, der dafür den Ärger kriegt

Manchmal scheint mir der Kosmos ganz erklärlich
Fühl' mich mit dem Weltengetriebe verzahnt
Dann erkenn' ich: Ich bin völlig unentbehrlich, unentbehrlich
In den großen Weltenplan fest eingeplant

Denn ich bin der Chauffeur, ich bin der Müllsortierer
Ich bin der Lückenbüßer und diene als Spielverlierer
Ich bin der Büchsenöffner, denn ich kann am besten
Den Geschmack abgelauf'ner Lebensmittel testen
Ich bin der Abholer, der vor-dem-Bahnhof-Steher
Ich bin der Händchenhalter und der mit-zum-Zahnarzt-Geher
Ich bin das Hausschwein, das von allen Tellern die Reste auffrißt
Damit für alle morgen schönes Wetter ist

Ich bin das Ekelpaket, ich bin Besuchsverjager
Der an der Haustür: "Tut mir leid, ist nicht zu Hause"- Sager
Ich bin verantwortlich für jede Art von Dichtung
An jedem Wasserhahn und in jeder Stilrichtung
Ich bin der Bodyguard, der Gute-Nacht-Küsser
Ich bin der Dödel, ich bin der zum-Elternabend-Müsser
Ich bin gutartig, gutaussehend, gut gelaunt und hab′ Geduld
Und wenn man einen Schuld′gen braucht, dann hab' ich Schuld

′S war schön mit euch zu plaudern und zu lachen
Und bin ich jetzt auch erledigt und geschlaucht
Ich könnt' noch stundenlang so weitermachen, weitermachen
Doch ich muss geh′n - versteht - ich werd' zu Haus gebraucht

Denn ich bin Fiebermesser, ich bin der Drachentöter,
Ich bin Erziehungsberechtigter und Schockschwerenöter.
Ich bin der Hauptverdächtige, der Blitzableiter,
Ich bin der Spaßvogel, der Harmonieverbreiter.
Ich bin der Hobbychirurg, ich bin Schadensbegrenzer,
Ich bin der hauptamtliche Veits- und Eiertänzer,
Ich bin es, der im letzten Augenblick das Steuer herumreißt
Und wenn's drauf ankommt auch die Nabelschnur durchbeißt.

Ich bin der Herzensbrecher, ich bin der Blumenpflücker,
Ich bin der Lockendreher und ich bin der Möbelrücker.
Ich mach' den Nacktputzer und den Kartoffelschäler,
Ich mach den Bauchtänzer und den Märchenerzähler.
Ich bin der Rückenkrauler, ich bin der Schlafbewacher,
Ich bin ein zuverläss'ger als-letzter-das-Licht-Ausmacher.
Ich mach dir Eber, Elch und Hengst und Hirsch und wenn es dir gefällt,
Mach ich für dich auch die kleinste Boy-Group der Welt.

Reinhard Mey
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This character:

It exists a very very ... very old German joke about "Django" the Italo-western hero. One day in the morning Django clothed in his western costume (made by Buffalo Bill) including holster with two revolvers enters as usual the bus. But this time Django looks the bus driver in the eye and says "Django does not pay today". Next day the same. Also after next day the same: "Django does not pay today". The bus driver became curious and asked: "And why Django doesn't pay today?" Django answered: "Django got a monthly ticket!"

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Baron! You have absolutelly not any light idea about Germany - never had. Everything what you said about Germany never had been anything else than bullshit. There's nothing "to believe" now. About 25 potential rebels had been arrested - 2 of the arrested people came free and it looks like another 25 will be arrested additionally if new suspicions are substantiated.

Of course all of them are terrorists
The Rollator Gang who fantasied in WhatsUp
The world is laughing, German commies arrested retired people, most of them with rollators, charged them with 'hate' in WhatsUp
As long Germany is (still) run by the communists gang any critical citizen is a terrorist

Of course all of them are terrorists
The Rollator Gang who fantasied in WhatsUp
The world is laughing, German commies arrested retired people, most of them with rollators, charged them with 'hate' in WhatsUp
As long Germany is (still) run by the communists gang any critical citizen is a terrorist


Weather fine on Aldebaran IV?

A rolling walker is by the way indeed a very good instrument to enhance the quality of life - how the two ladies and the gentleman on this foto show very well. No one should be shy to use a walker. This realizes a lot of freedom.
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