304,000 New Jobs Added in January!

I've never trusted one administration to tell the truth on jobs or wages...not one.
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


Donald Trump 19 times denounced the job creation numbers as fake during his election campaign.

That was because like the Washington Compost, they of the Lame Stream Media kept fudging the numbers to make Obama look better. Yeah, he employed more people who were minimum wage, but when people left the workforce, in despair, that also counted towards low unemployment numbers. Now, every where you look, you see, "Help Wanted" signs which is why wages also are going up.

Pay gains during Trump's first year in office are the best since the Great Recession
That gives President Donald Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, easily topping any during former President Barack Obama's entire term.

Not to mention the people ho had their hours cut back to part-time, so the employers didn't have to comply to the Obamacare regulations.

The truth is, the Obama years were a true clusterfuck when it came to job creation and economic growth.
Employers have never had an easier time finding qualified hard working young workers. This generation will go down as the most productive and tough this nation has ever seen.

Liberals are pissed.

They even admitted they want the economy to do badly so they can say they were right.

you're full of owl shit - nobody wants a bad economy you f'n idiot.
Bill Maher does....
Bill Maher says a crashing economy would be one way to get Trump out of office

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher admitted that he hopes the American economy will crash so that President Donald Trump will be voted out of office.

Let's all heed the words of a comedian!

Liberals are pissed.

They even admitted they want the economy to do badly so they can say they were right.

you're full of owl shit - nobody wants a bad economy you f'n idiot.
Bill Maher does....
Bill Maher says a crashing economy would be one way to get Trump out of office

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher admitted that he hopes the American economy will crash so that President Donald Trump will be voted out of office.

Let's all heed the words of a comedian!
Libs are well known for embracing the thoughts and opinions of anyone who agrees with them. It’s easier than thinking for themselves.
Employers have never had an easier time finding qualified hard working young workers. This generation will go down as the most productive and tough this nation has ever seen.

This generation will go down losers in the trade with China.

The greatest boost to manufacturing in the Trump era is the manufacturing of excuses.
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


Donald Trump 19 times denounced the job creation numbers as fake during his election campaign.


Donald Trump 19 times denounced Obama's job creation numbers as fake during his election campaign.

And they were. The Obama administration quit counting those who gave up looking for work, or fell through the cracks.
People not looking for work (except those on temporary lay-off) have never, and still are not, classified as unemployed. There have been no changes to the definition of unemployed since 1884, and that was a minor change regarding people hired but not yet working.
I don't believe furloughed workers were counted as unemployed.

I'm fascinated by this hobby of many in the Donald cult to simply state the job numbers of a given month, then celebrate as if hundreds of thousands of new jobs wasn't a normal phenomenon. Did you rejoice the same way when 300k jobs were created during a month in the Obama years?

Sigh. . . . Sigh. . . . Yes, furloughed federal workers *were* counted as unemployed--I guess you didn't bother to read the BLS report, even though I provided a link to it.

Again, why can't you folks be honest about the economic numbers: We had a *net loss* of manufacturing jobs under Obama, whereas last year alone the economy added 284,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest increase since 1995. Wages were flat-lined under Obama, but last year alone they rose by 3.2%. The number of long-term unemployed people dropped by 205,000 in 2018. The number of people employed part-time for economic reasons dropped by 329,000 in 2018. Etc., etc., etc.

When will you stop lying and stop pretending that the remarkable economic growth, and the *kind* of economic growth, that we're seeing under Trump is much better than we saw under Obama?
Before you chastise people for not reading the report, perhsps you should read it. BLS notes that furloughed Federal workers were under-counted in the survey due to non-sample error.

And changes to the UE rate (and most other changes in the Current Population Survey) in January are unreliable because the population controls are adjusted. Census adjusted their population estimates downward this year. This affected much of the data. There’s a note, as there is every year.

And the November to December job change was adjusted down to +222,000
Employers have never had an easier time finding qualified hard working young workers. This generation will go down as the most productive and tough this nation has ever seen.

This generation will go down losers in the trade with China.

The greatest boost to manufacturing in the Trump era is the manufacturing of excuses.
I look forward to the Asians dealing with you azzes and us all when they become the major racial leaders of the world. When you ph uk with them, they ph uk back. The feminist marches will be dispatched quickly. The ANTIFA demonstrations will be dealt with in a methodical way. And the BLM will be given back what they give and the will be demure. I respect BLM for their courage. However I watched a basketball game on TNT last night and they had a bunch of guys dressed in female apparel hugging the four guys on the pregame, halftime and post game show. Barkley and Shaq just two of them. Those guys in dresses were rubbing their bodies against them. It was so uncomfortable I changed the channel. But the four guys were happy. So who am I to say anything. Its like Michael Strahan salivating over a ten year old male wearing a dress and wanting it.
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


This is NOTHING to do with a 'Trump' economy. Just like before that it had nothing to do with the 'Obama' economy.

This is the Fed's economy...PERIOD.

Look at December, the Fed keeps raising rates, the markets panic.

January? The Fed backs off, the markets sing.

The economy is - and has been for over 10 years - driven almost entirely by the Federal Reserve stimulating it (through ZIRP and QE).

If you don't know that - you don't know the macroeconomic situation of America.
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


This is NOTHING to do with a 'Trump' economy. Just like before that it had nothing to do with the 'Obama' economy.

This is the Fed's economy...PERIOD.

Look at December, the Fed keeps raising rates, the markets panic.

January? The Fed backs off, the markets sing.

The economy is - and has been for over 10 years - driven almost entirely by the Federal Reserve stimulating it (through ZIRP and QE).

If you don't know that - you don't know the macroeconomic situation of America.

Ok, if you say so pocket rocket. So the conclusion is using your formula is simple if we take it at face value——> Trump put up a far better Fed Chief than Obysmal.

Score one for the Trumpster, if anyone believes your cockamamie spin, lol

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


This is NOTHING to do with a 'Trump' economy. Just like before that it had nothing to do with the 'Obama' economy.

This is the Fed's economy...PERIOD.

Look at December, the Fed keeps raising rates, the markets panic.

January? The Fed backs off, the markets sing.

The economy is - and has been for over 10 years - driven almost entirely by the Federal Reserve stimulating it (through ZIRP and QE).

If you don't know that - you don't know the macroeconomic situation of America.

Ok, if you say so pocket rocket. So the conclusion is using your formula is simple if we take it at face value——> Trump put up a far better Fed Chief than Obysmal.

Score one for the Trumpster, if anyone believes your cockamamie spin, lol

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

How did Trump put up a better Fed Chief? He has caved on normalizing rates. He is no better than Bernanke or Yellen.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that my theory is 'cockamamie'? Not theories...PROOF.

Here is a tiny fraction of the evidence that what I said is true...from people that know a HELL of a lot more about economics than you do:

The Fed Has Undermined The Economy's Ability to Grow
The Fed Has Hurt Business Investment
Fed 'Stimulus' Has Made Inequality Worse, Hurt Economic Growth

I doubt you even understood my theory fully.

Okay, Mr. Economy....what was the major cause of the rise of the equity markets since early 2009...if not the Fed's ZIRP and QE? And why has the economy grown under 3% overall (including under Trump) since 2009...yet the equity markets have boomed?
And why is the M2 Money Velocity at BY FAR it's lowest level for generations?


I also doubt you even know what this chart means.

Well? Come on Mr. Economy...tell us all. How is my - and many other's - theory wrong? Let us all bask in your macroeconomic wisdom.
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Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


Great news for America, bad news for Democrats.
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


This is NOTHING to do with a 'Trump' economy. Just like before that it had nothing to do with the 'Obama' economy.

This is the Fed's economy...PERIOD.

Look at December, the Fed keeps raising rates, the markets panic.

January? The Fed backs off, the markets sing.

The economy is - and has been for over 10 years - driven almost entirely by the Federal Reserve stimulating it (through ZIRP and QE).

If you don't know that - you don't know the macroeconomic situation of America.

Ok, if you say so pocket rocket. So the conclusion is using your formula is simple if we take it at face value——> Trump put up a far better Fed Chief than Obysmal.

Score one for the Trumpster, if anyone believes your cockamamie spin, lol

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

How did Trump put up a better Fed Chief? He has caved on normalizing rates. He is no better than Bernanke or Yellen.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that my theory is 'cockamamie'? Not theories...PROOF.

Here is a tiny fraction of the evidence that what I said is true...from people that know a HELL of a lot more about economics than you do:

The Fed Has Undermined The Economy's Ability to Grow
The Fed Has Hurt Business Investment
Fed 'Stimulus' Has Made Inequality Worse, Hurt Economic Growth

I doubt you even understood my theory fully.

Okay, Mr. Economy....what was the major cause of the rise of the equity markets since early 2009...if not the Fed's ZIRP and QE? And why has the economy grown under 3% overall (including under Trump) since 2009...yet the equity markets have boomed?
And why is the M2 Money Velocity at BY FAR it's lowest level for generations?


I also doubt you even know what this chart means.

Well? Come on Mr. Economy...tell us all. How is my - and many other's - theory wrong? Let us all bask in your macroeconomic wisdom.
The chart clearly illustrates Obama failed. But we knew that.
Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


This is NOTHING to do with a 'Trump' economy. Just like before that it had nothing to do with the 'Obama' economy.

This is the Fed's economy...PERIOD.

Look at December, the Fed keeps raising rates, the markets panic.

January? The Fed backs off, the markets sing.

The economy is - and has been for over 10 years - driven almost entirely by the Federal Reserve stimulating it (through ZIRP and QE).

If you don't know that - you don't know the macroeconomic situation of America.

Ok, if you say so pocket rocket. So the conclusion is using your formula is simple if we take it at face value——> Trump put up a far better Fed Chief than Obysmal.

Score one for the Trumpster, if anyone believes your cockamamie spin, lol

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

How did Trump put up a better Fed Chief? He has caved on normalizing rates. He is no better than Bernanke or Yellen.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that my theory is 'cockamamie'? Not theories...PROOF.

Here is a tiny fraction of the evidence that what I said is true...from people that know a HELL of a lot more about economics than you do:

The Fed Has Undermined The Economy's Ability to Grow
The Fed Has Hurt Business Investment
Fed 'Stimulus' Has Made Inequality Worse, Hurt Economic Growth

I doubt you even understood my theory fully.

Okay, Mr. Economy....what was the major cause of the rise of the equity markets since early 2009...if not the Fed's ZIRP and QE? And why has the economy grown under 3% overall (including under Trump) since 2009...yet the equity markets have boomed?
And why is the M2 Money Velocity at BY FAR it's lowest level for generations?


I also doubt you even know what this chart means.

Well? Come on Mr. Economy...tell us all. How is my - and many other's - theory wrong? Let us all bask in your macroeconomic wisdom.
The chart clearly illustrates Obama failed. But we knew that.

Where did I say he succeeded? He failed and GWB failed before him and Trump is failing as well...as all of them appointed Dove's to lead the Fed.

And I doubt you understand what the chart actually means (without looking it up).
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Depending on which news networks you watch, you may or may not hear about this, but the Department of Labor's BLS just announced that last month the economy added a whopping 304,000 new jobs, including 13,000 new manufacturing jobs. It may seem odd, but the unemployment rate actually edged up slightly, but this was only because of the federal workers who were furloughed during the government shutdown.

Each month the Labor Department's BLS releases a monthly report on the employment situation, and the report for last month was released today. Here is the report:


Great news for America, bad news for Democrats.

Big deal...there have been 100 months in a row of job gains.

US marks 100th straight month of job gains

And please show us EXACTLY where the unemployment rate suddenly nosedived since Trump has been in office?


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You people - both Trumpbots AND Obamabots are alike...you don't even try to understand why things happen macroeconomically.
You just see the the main numbers (that the government wants you to see)...and blindly assume that everything is okay...your 'boy' must be doing a great job.

The Federal Reserve runs the show. And they have since 2008. And even largely since 2001.

But you all cannot see it. You just hide behind your partisan walls and refuse to look at the facts.

The economy is a propped up, cheap debt-fueled, house of cards. That is causing the widening wealth gap as the rich have access to huge, cheap loans they can throw at the equity markets - knowing that they will go up so long as the Fed wants them to.
While the middle class/poor get left behind.
And most of you haven't a frigging clue...and just waste time blaming each other.

No wonder I despise both parties.

While the wealthy laugh all the way to 'billionaire acres'.
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