32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

they love judges when they want them to come out in their favor

how about that HOBBY LOBBY ?

they love judges when they want them to come out in their favor

how about that HOBBY LOBBY ?

I think Hobby Lobby was a fantastic ruling. I really like how it's being used by non-christian groups. :D

I don't know about fantastic, but it was correct, and yes that idiot was saying all gays are pedophiles. So stupid.

I think eventually what will happen is that SCOTUS will give the right to states.I WISH what would happen is that they would just strike the word marriage from all government documents.

It would make things simpler.
"Gay marriage". The the next step for queers is to "adopt" a little boy, to get their hands on a little boy. That's what this insanity is really all about.
Are you calling gay people pedophiles?

No, I'm calling you a nitwit if that isn't obvious. You probably think it was just coincidence that the Catholic Church flushed its ranks of thousands of child-molesting queer males because they were 10 times more liely to rape children than heterosexual priests were?
"Gay marriage". The the next step for queers is to "adopt" a little boy, to get their hands on a little boy. That's what this insanity is really all about.
Are you calling gay people pedophiles?

No, I'm calling you a nitwit if that isn't obvious. You probably think it was just coincidence that the Catholic Church flushed its ranks of thousands of child-molesting queer males because they were 10 times more liely to rape children than heterosexual priests were?

Do you REALLY think that priests who raped choirs boy were gay but ones who didn't were straight?

Come on man, there are multiple instances of men who were straight men married, girlfriends whatever who have raped little boys.

They are pedophiles who rape targets of opportunity. Put a little girl in front of those creeps and they rape her to. Notice that once their victim actually DOES show any signs of sexual identity, they lose interest.
Do you REALLY think that priests who raped choirs boy were gay but ones who didn't were straight?

Come on man, there are multiple instances of men who were straight men married, girlfriends whatever who have raped little boys.

They are pedophiles who rape targets of opportunity. Put a little girl in front of those creeps and they rape her to. Notice that once their victim actually DOES show any signs of sexual identity, they lose interest.

I've heard this same escapist saw a thousand times since the Catholic Church scandal broke. Rome didn't kick all the queers out of the priesthood because they were victims of a papal hate group. They also set down an edict forbidding queers from becoming priests ever again. The predeliction for gay priests to molest children (boys) was exponentially higher than it was for heterosexual priests. Thus the church's reaction. You can live in denial all you like, but that doesn't change the fact. None of this should be an argument in any case. Celibacy is one of the fundamental tenets for Catholic priests. If they can't live up to their vows, then they should get the hell out of the priesthood. That's simple enough, isn't it?

it is contrary to everything the five republicans on the SCOTUS believe in, it will be interesting how they vote and "coincidentally" as a block ... as all their previous rulings.

I've heard this same escapist saw a thousand times since the Catholic Church scandal broke. Rome didn't kick all the queers out of the priesthood because they were victims of a papal hate group. They also set down an edict forbidding queers from becoming priests ever again. The predeliction for gay priests to molest children (boys) was exponentially higher than it was for heterosexual priests. Thus the church's reaction. You can live in denial all you like, but that doesn't change the fact. None of this should be an argument in any case. Celibacy is one of the fundamental tenets for Catholic priests. If they can't live up to their vows, then they should get the hell out of the priesthood. That's simple enough, isn't it?

So start a fucking thread railing about Catholic Priests...they have nothing to do with marriage equality unless he is marrying the couple. (and that won't happen with the Catholics for about a decade I'm betting)

it is contrary to everything the five republicans on the SCOTUS believe in, it will be interesting how they vote and "coincidentally" as a block ... as all their previous rulings.


How is keeping with Constitution "contrary to everything five Republicans on the SCOTUS believe in"? Besides, it's not their beliefs that matter, but the law.

it is contrary to everything the five republicans on the SCOTUS believe in, it will be interesting how they vote and "coincidentally" as a block ... as all their previous rulings.


How is keeping with Constitution "contrary to everything five Republicans on the SCOTUS believe in"? Besides, it's not their beliefs that matter, but the law.

gay marriage is not mentioned anywhere in the constitution. equality does not require gay marriage. equality means you are treated the same regardless of your sex, race, age, ethnicity, or sexual orientaton. you do not need the word marraige to achieve equality.

for the record, do you support "marriage" of more than two people? yes or no.
If Judges are going to be the new (RULERS) in this country why are we paying for a Congress and get rid of the role of a president...AFTER this one it's pretty much a joke anyway.

And who needs Representation in our government we'll just bow to the judges
32 States Ask Supreme Court to Settle Gay Marriage - ABC News

yeah so 32 states on Thursday want Scotus to just settle the matter once and for all. Given the recent ruling for WI and IL we kinda already know where this will go if Scotus ever decides to deal with this. Watch them punt back to the lower courts.
You mean that 32 states want SCOTUS to remind them what they wrote in Windsor last year? Why not just have the federal judges within the circuits brought into a room and be made to study and then pass an exam on Windsor 2013 in order to keep their positions on the bench?

Maybe what these 32 states are asking for is an end to judicial-fascism and "overruling from underneath"?
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Listen to this from the link in the OP:

In Virginia, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in July that the state's voter-approved ban is unconstitutional. The state has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which hasn't said whether it will accept the case. But the high court granted a request on Aug. 20 from a county clerk to delay implementation of the ruling, which would have allowed same-sex couples to marry beginning the next day.

That was the same request made by a county clerk in California [San Diego County] and WAS REFUSED!

WTF? Different federal treatment for different states based on what? Whim? I get why the 32 states are seeking clarity. There should have been an honest press release following Windsor so that all this crap wouldn't be happening right now.
If Judges are going to be the new (RULERS) in this country why are we paying for a Congress and get rid of the role of a president...AFTER this one it's pretty much a joke anyway.

And who needs Representation in our government we'll just bow to the judges

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