32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

No, but marriage in Utah [and other states that won't adopt unless you are married] affords a gay person undeniable access to bring home adoptable orphans without reason to deny. It's called a legal loophole.

You are again false about about the law in Utah, you don't have to be Civilly Married to adopt. Single people (heterosexual or homosexual) can adopt.


Here is the code law:

(3) (a) A child may be adopted by:
(i) adults who are legally married to each other in accordance with the laws of this state, including adoption by a stepparent; or
(ii) any single adult, except as provided in Subsection (3)(b).
(b) A child may not be adopted by a person who is cohabiting in a relationship that is not a legally valid and binding marriage under the laws of this state. For purposes of this Subsection (3)(b), "cohabiting" means residing with another person and being involved in a sexual relationship with that person. 78-30-1 mdash Who may adopt -- Adoption of minor -- Adoption of adult. Chapter 30 mdash Adoption Title 78 mdash Judicial Code 2006 Utah Code Utah Code US Codes and Statutes US Law Justia

Ergo, marriage in Utah = adoption for gays "couples".

You said you had to be married in Utah to adopt. That is wrong, see enlarged colored text above. That is not true you can be single as long as you are not cohabitating. State adoption agencies will have a priority to place adoptees in a married man/woman home, that does not preclude private adoptions by non-state agencies to single homosexual prospective parents.

You should really look at a law before you make claims about what it says.

There is no motivation for queer marriage other than child molestation.

"We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children!"

Queer marcher's chant, 2008 Boston "gay pride" parade.
I am gay and married and have a daughter. Are you accusing me of having molested her?
There is no motivation for queer marriage other than child molestation.

"We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children!"

Queer marcher's chant, 2008 Boston "gay pride" parade.

Says you. But you don't even know a gay person. Let alone speak for all of them. You speak for yourself.

And your source kinda sucks.
What is telling about individual gay people is how they don't denounce these gay pride parades and the lewd/telling chants and behaviors they promote where they anticipate kids will be in attendance. And they don't denounce the appointment of Harvey Milk as representative of their movement [enshrined that way in law in CA] "across the nation and the world". And they don't denounce the postage stamp recently released of Harvey Milk. Yet they know he "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180 of his biography] and that he took on at least one minor boy, officiating as his father, while simultaneously sodomizing him. That's also in his biography.

No retractions. No denouncing. No apologies. Only defense from every gay person I've ever met of the foregoing atrocities against kids.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.
Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

See...Fishy thinks that because he's heterosexual, he's special and only the special people (heterosexuals) should get to use the word marriage on a license (seeming to forget we already can get religiously married in a church).

My license says "marriage" just like yours. Change 'em both or suck it up.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

Sort of like having two toilets, one for blacks and one for whites. What's the point?

Oh, and the Supreme Court said "separate is not equal".

we have separate toilets for men and women. Is that a violation of the SCOTUS decision?

Race and sex are NOT the same thing, no matter how many times you fools try to make it so.
Not in the home, we don't.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Latent homosexuality is more likely. For someone like Sil it isn't a "choice" that he is attracted to scantily clad men but he has make a "choice" to become a homophobe instead.
I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

Sort of like having two toilets, one for blacks and one for whites. What's the point?

Oh, and the Supreme Court said "separate is not equal".

we have separate toilets for men and women. Is that a violation of the SCOTUS decision?

Race and sex are NOT the same thing, no matter how many times you fools try to make it so.
Not in the home, we don't.

what you do in your home is no one's business but yours. What is done in public and what is sanctioned by the state is everyone's business.

If you are serious about banning all separate but equal-------------then all public rest rooms must be for both sexes, locker rooms in schools, military barracks, etc must be for both sexes.

If you are going to make the claim that the ban on separate but equal applies to sex, then step up and be ready to watch a 14 year old heterosexual male watch you pee.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

She's (allegedly) heterosexual and the guys are hot. Makes sense. [emoji1]

that comment just verifies your stupidity. Gay men are only hot to other gay men. lesbians are only hot to other lesbians. No straight male or female is going to be turned on by Rosie O'Donnel or Pee Wee Herman.
Regarding queers and child molestation, why don't some of you deniers explain why half a dozen *NAMBA chapters existed/exist in the Bay Area, the San Francisco chapter boasting 600 members, the assholes having the brass to let city taxpayers foot the bill for their meetings at San Francisco's main library branch downtown. There're other branches in Marin County and all down the peninsula south to San Jose.

* I don't use the "L" that was added to "NAMBA" as an afterthought when the proliferation of Bay Area child rape advocacy was making national news. There is no aspect of "love" involved when queers rape little boys. It's amazing how many queers get downright belligerent when one drops the "L" though. They think pretending that "love" is an aspect of child rape, makes it OK, and probably constitutional too, because, well, it has to a be a queer "right", right?

And not a peep of protest from the city's other 250,000+ queers regarding NAMBA's open advocacy of child rape. But why would they protest advocacy of queer child rape? Every one of them would be doing that very thing if they thought they could get away with it...like, oh, I don't know, like if they were "married" maybe?

They also show up at San Francisco's annual queer pride parade, one of the biggest gatherings of its type in North America, wearing their black NAMBA t-shirts, the back sporting a stick figure of an adult male holding hands with a little boy. The rest of the marchers hug them and kiss them and generally get aroused by the illustration on their t-shirts.

Homosexuals are degenerates, emotionally immature degenerates. And they're becoming dangerous emotionally immature degenerates for society's weakest members, the children. They shit on society's conventions, on our oldest and most natural institutions, like marriage, with the singular motivation of preying on little children. They'll keep on, just like their Nazi bretheren did, as long as our jelly-spined polity lets them get away with it.
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You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

She's (allegedly) heterosexual and the guys are hot. Makes sense. [emoji1]

that comment just verifies your stupidity. Gay men are only hot to other gay men. lesbians are only hot to other lesbians. No straight male or female is going to be turned on by Rosie O'Donnel or Pee Wee Herman.
Those guys are Pee Wee Herman-like? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

excuse the graphic description------------because lesbians do not take a gay penis up the ass.
Regarding queers and child molestation, why don't some of you deniers explain why half a dozen *NAMBA chapters existed/exist in the Bay Area, the San Francisco chapter boasting 600 members, the assholes having the brass to let city taxpayers foot the bill for their meetings at San Francisco's main library branch downtown. There're other branches in Marin County and all down the peninsula south to San Jose.

* I don't use the "L" that was added to "NAMBA" as an afterthought when the proliferation of Bay Area child rape advocacy was making national news. There is no aspect of "love" involved when queers rape little boys. It's amazing how many queers get downright belligerent when one drops the "L" though. They think pretending that "love" is an aspect of child rape, makes it OK, and probably constitutional too, because, well, it has to a be a queer "right", right?

And not a peep of protest from the city's other 250,000+ queers regarding NAMBA's open advocacy of child rape. But why would they protest advocacy of queer child rape? Every one of them would be doing that very thing if they thought they could get away with it...like, oh, I don't know, like if they were "married" maybe?

They also show up at San Francisco's annual queer pride parade, one of the biggest gatherings of its type in North America, wearing their black NAMBA t-shirts, the back sporting a stick figure of an adult male holding hands with a little boy. The rest of the marchers hug them and kiss them and generally get aroused by the illustration on their t-shirts.

Homosexuals are degenerates, emotionally immature degenerates. And they're becoming dangerous emotionally immature degenerates for society's weakest members, the children. They shit on society's conventions, on our oldest and most natural institutions, like marriage, with the singular motivation of preying on little children. They'll keep on, just like their Nazi bretheren did, a long a our jelly-spined polity lets them get away with it.
You should tell us more about NAMBLA. I really don't hear anything about it except from supposedly anti-gay advocates who seem to keep up with NAMBLA news.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

She's (allegedly) heterosexual and the guys are hot. Makes sense. [emoji1]

that comment just verifies your stupidity. Gay men are only hot to other gay men. lesbians are only hot to other lesbians. No straight male or female is going to be turned on by Rosie O'Donnel or Pee Wee Herman.
Those guys are Pee Wee Herman-like? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

to a straight male or female----YES they are.
Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

See...Fishy thinks that because he's heterosexual, he's special and only the special people (heterosexuals) should get to use the word marriage on a license (seeming to forget we already can get religiously married in a church).

My license says "marriage" just like yours. Change 'em both or suck it up.

that you would make that statement verifies that your entire agenda is about the word, not equality.

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