32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.


I just took the first state that came along, Alabama.

70.3% of cases are black people. Black people make up between about 25.3% to 26.6% of the population.


Black people are less likely to graduate from high school, 72.3% do compared to 83.6% of white people, 42.5% ware likely to go to college, 14.3% likely to get a bachelors degree compared to 26.1% for whites (that's nearly half), and for advanced levels it is below half. (see table 2).

It's hardly surprising to see higher rates of STIs in those with lower education standards, with less education, with less knowledge.

So we can present statistics, and then say black people shouldn't be allowed to adopt because they have higher rates of HIV/AIDS, right? I'd say no. You will probably say no too, so why is it different for gay people? Prejudice?


As has been said before, men are more likely to pass on HIV/AIDS through gay sex. Women aren't. In fact for women it looks like the vast majority comes from men.

So it's men who are the problem, let's stop men from adopting because they're the problem in the HIV/AIDS issue.
that you would make that statement verifies that your entire agenda is about the word, not equality.

Seeing as the word "marriage" encompasses heterosexual and homosexual marriage in many English speaking countries, like New Zealand, UK, South Africa, Canada and parts of the US, you're going to find that people just accept that the word means two consenting adults now, not one male and one female necessarily.

So it's clearly not about the word.

You're clutching at straws claiming it's not about equality.
excuse the graphic description------------because lesbians do not take a gay penis up the ass.

What does taking "a gay penis up the ass" have to do with this? You're going way off topic again, you make arguments that fit the need for the moment and sweet FA to do with the argument.

The topic is whether a person should marry if they are gay.

You say no because they can't have a "normal family" (how many people have a normal family? I certainly don't and my parents stayed together and never cheated and are one male and one female) but the you talk about them having sex which doesn't have anything to do with having children.

So which is it? It's about the children or not? You seem to swing both ways (excuse the pun).
Regarding queers and child molestation, why don't some of you deniers explain why half a dozen *NAMBA chapters existed/exist in the Bay Area, the San Francisco chapter boasting 600 members...

Because this fails as both a post hoc fallacy.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.
With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.

We are also talking about an area that nobody has challenged all the way to the SCOTUS.
The majority decision in Brown v Board of Education held that the act of segregation itself caused schools to be unequal. Nothing about bathroom segregation is inherently unequal.
we have separate toilets for men and women. Is that a violation of the SCOTUS decision?

Race and sex are NOT the same thing, no matter how many times you fools try to make it so.

With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.

No one wants gays treated as second class citizens. How exactly does the word "marriage" change the bias that may exist in some small minded people? It won't. You gays need to stop obsessing about the fringers who hate gays and focus on the rest of us that want you treated fairly and equally. Stop obsessing on the word 'marriage' and realize that equal rights are not created by what you are called.
With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.

We are also talking about an area that nobody has challenged all the way to the SCOTUS.
The majority decision in Brown v Board of Education held that the act of segregation itself caused schools to be unequal. Nothing about bathroom segregation is inherently unequal.

thats not the point. segregated schools were equal in most cases. separate toilets are equal. If you are truly oppossed to separate but equal, then you must support the elimination of male and female rest rooms. If not, then you are just continuing to be disengenuous.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.
I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

Oh, Fishy has a reason, it's just not a valid one. If there isn't a separate license for heterosexuals, Fishy doesn't feel special anymore.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

You've said yourself that gays and lesbians don't want equal rights but 'societal' acceptance. Would access to marriage provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't? If so, why?

because when a gay union is called a marriage, gays believe that it signifies that societly recognizes homosexuality as a normal human biological condition. Allowing gays to legally commit to each other and have all the rights and privileges of a married man and woman gives them what they say they want. But thats not good enough. They want the government to mandate how society thinks about homosexuality. They want thought control with punishment for non authorized thoughts.

This is much bigger than gay marriage. It would destroy one of the basic premises of this nation----------------freedom of thought
No one wants gays treated as second class citizens. How exactly does the word "marriage" change the bias that may exist in some small minded people? It won't. You gays need to stop obsessing about the fringers who hate gays and focus on the rest of us that want you treated fairly and equally. Stop obsessing on the word 'marriage' and realize that equal rights are not created by what you are called.

No one? That's why plenty of people on this site use disparaging comments about gay people and say they are mentally ill, shouldn't have this that or the other.

How does the word marriage change anything? Clearly then your problem here is empathy. How would you feel if you were not allowed to marry because of the way you were born? Think about it for more time than you think about other stuff.

They need to stop obsessing do they? Why do you think they obsess? Perhaps it's that they can't do what they like, it's called LIBERTY and when you're denied liberty you start to obsess a little bit.

Who said about Martin Luther King that he was obsessive?

No, equal rights are not created by what you are called, but when people deny you stuff because of what you're called, you need to fight for equal rights.

Really, on sesame street today the big word is EMPATHY
thats not the point. segregated schools were equal in most cases. separate toilets are equal. If you are truly oppossed to separate but equal, then you must support the elimination of male and female rest rooms. If not, then you are just continuing to be disengenuous.

I'm not sure you're getting this. When you have separate for two distinct groups where one group is pounded on, you do not get equality.

Men and women are generally equal, not always, but often when it comes to toilets, but we're not talking toilets and civil rights wasn't just about toilets, it was about arbitrary segregation. You go here because you're not as good as us sort of attitude.

When it comes to marriage it's "you don't get it because you're not good enough".
because when a gay union is called a marriage, gays believe that it signifies that societly recognizes homosexuality as a normal human biological condition. Allowing gays to legally commit to each other and have all the rights and privileges of a married man and woman gives them what they say they want. But thats not good enough. They want the government to mandate how society thinks about homosexuality. They want thought control with punishment for non authorized thoughts.

This is much bigger than gay marriage. It would destroy one of the basic premises of this nation----------------freedom of thought

I guess that's why we ban those with epilepsy from getting married. If we let them get married it might tell other people that epilepsy is a normal human biological condition, when it clearly isn't. Allowing epileptics to legally commit to each other and have all the rights and privileges of a married man and woman gives them what they say they want. But thats not good enough. They want the government to mandate how society thinks about epilepsy. They want thought control with punishment for non authorized thoughts.

Dude, you're freakin' weird. You seem to think it is the role of govt to pound down on people. People shouldn't be able to get what they want, because we have GOVERNMENT.........

But then I bet you talk about smaller govt all the time and complain how much the govt is up your arse.
we have separate toilets for men and women. Is that a violation of the SCOTUS decision?

Race and sex are NOT the same thing, no matter how many times you fools try to make it so.

With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.

No one wants gays treated as second class citizens. How exactly does the word "marriage" change the bias that may exist in some small minded people? It won't. You gays need to stop obsessing about the fringers who hate gays and focus on the rest of us that want you treated fairly and equally. Stop obsessing on the word 'marriage' and realize that equal rights are not created by what you are called.
WE would love to "stop obsessing". How about the far Right stop trying to keep us second-class citizens under the law.
With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.

We are also talking about an area that nobody has challenged all the way to the SCOTUS.
The majority decision in Brown v Board of Education held that the act of segregation itself caused schools to be unequal. Nothing about bathroom segregation is inherently unequal.

thats not the point. segregated schools were equal in most cases. separate toilets are equal. If you are truly oppossed to separate but equal, then you must support the elimination of male and female rest rooms. If not, then you are just continuing to be disengenuous.
Bull shit.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.
Ok, where in my reply to you did I "attack" you?
With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.

We are also talking about an area that nobody has challenged all the way to the SCOTUS.
The majority decision in Brown v Board of Education held that the act of segregation itself caused schools to be unequal. Nothing about bathroom segregation is inherently unequal.

thats not the point. segregated schools were equal in most cases. separate toilets are equal. If you are truly oppossed to separate but equal, then you must support the elimination of male and female rest rooms. If not, then you are just continuing to be disengenuous.
Bull shit.

Bullshit yourself. I lived in the segregated south during that time. I said IN MOST CASES. that is true. there were certainly cases where the black schools were inferior, but that was not by design.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.
Ok, where in my reply to you did I "attack" you?

misquoting is a form of atack.

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