32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

A couple of points here.

1) 38% of straights have tried anal sex with their partners. Yet I don't see you getting all upset about that.

2) 27% of HIV infections are due to Heterosexual contact. Again, don't see you getting upset about that, either.

Frankly, it just looks like you are looking for excuses to hate gay people, if we throw your hyperbole about child abuse into the mix.
It would do Silhouette some good to watch Dallas Buyers Club.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.
Ok, where in my reply to you did I "attack" you?

misquoting is a form of atack.
Misquoting is a TOS violation. Where did I misquote you?

I highlighted it in red
That is not a misquote. You DO know that, right?
No one wants gays treated as second class citizens. How exactly does the word "marriage" change the bias that may exist in some small minded people? It won't. You gays need to stop obsessing about the fringers who hate gays and focus on the rest of us that want you treated fairly and equally. Stop obsessing on the word 'marriage' and realize that equal rights are not created by what you are called.

Actually Fishy, it's you that has to stop obsessing about the word marriage and get it changed for everyone. If you don't want gays using it, change all "gubmit" marriages to civil unions so you can still feel special.
Gay is an acquired behavioral fixation. There are no protections in the Constitution as far as I know for acquired behaviors.

Really? What about Religion?

that's an acquired behavior. You have to drag a kid into church and tell him all day that a Magic Fairy in the Sky is going to burn him for all eternity if he does the wrong thing with his wiener.


Okay, now that's just wrong!!!
No one wants gays treated as second class citizens. How exactly does the word "marriage" change the bias that may exist in some small minded people? It won't. You gays need to stop obsessing about the fringers who hate gays and focus on the rest of us that want you treated fairly and equally. Stop obsessing on the word 'marriage' and realize that equal rights are not created by what you are called.
Actually Fishy, it's you that has to stop obsessing about the word marriage and get it changed for everyone. If you don't want gays using it, change all "gubmit" marriages to civil unions so you can still feel special.

Marriage within government is really a hold-over from the church state of England......so it is a term that has religious meaning....and does not really belong in our government at all. It perhaps should be civil unions for all....but.....this is a good legitimate area where stare decicis could be used....let the name marriage stand for man-woman unions and let same sex couples have the term civil unions.....But I still dont think it should be seen as a right and the courts should not be involved.
No one wants gays treated as second class citizens. How exactly does the word "marriage" change the bias that may exist in some small minded people? It won't. You gays need to stop obsessing about the fringers who hate gays and focus on the rest of us that want you treated fairly and equally. Stop obsessing on the word 'marriage' and realize that equal rights are not created by what you are called.
Actually Fishy, it's you that has to stop obsessing about the word marriage and get it changed for everyone. If you don't want gays using it, change all "gubmit" marriages to civil unions so you can still feel special.

Marriage within government is really a hold-over from the church state of England......so it is a term that has religious meaning....and does not really belong in our government at all. It perhaps should be civil unions for all....but.....this is a good legitimate area where stare decicis could be used....let the name marriage stand for man-woman unions and let same sex couples have the term civil unions.....But I still dont think it should be seen as a right and the courts should not be involved.

nice summary.
Gay is an acquired behavioral fixation. There are no protections in the Constitution as far as I know for acquired behaviors.

Really? What about Religion?

that's an acquired behavior. You have to drag a kid into church and tell him all day that a Magic Fairy in the Sky is going to burn him for all eternity if he does the wrong thing with his wiener.

Well if it was my child I'd just take him to an AIDS ward at a hospital and then describe carefully what will statistically happen to him if he decides to imprint himself using the anus for "sex". But if I was a church goer, I'd read him Jude 1 in the New Testament to tell him how worse than being unrepentantly homosexual [for the mentally ill know not what they do] are people who know it is dysfunctional/wrong and against the word of God, but who go ahead and enable the promotion of it as a culture [giving the example of Sodom]. I'd remind him that an entire culture and all its inhabitants, gay or enabling-straight, were sent to the Pit of Fire for eternity.

And as for gay being a religion, I have often said that the best way for the LGBT cult to get federal protection was to just lay it out there and call themselves what they really are: a de facto cult. They have heretics that they punish [Anne Heche is a derogatory term in gay vernacular] seek youngsters constantly to evangelilze into the fold [bi-curious]. They are all about people crossing into their ranks but avidly and rabidly opposed to those wanting out [see laws in CA and NJ forbidding young people from getting that cross-over therapy, while tons of therapy exists to "ease youngsters out of the straight ranks and into gay]...etc.

Yes, LGBT should declare themselves a religion and be done with it. But they should leave the race comparisons out of the discussion. If I was black I'd be utterly disgusted at them comparing their deviant sex with my race's harrowing struggles for hundreds of years.

The only struggle I can see LGBT inductees wrestling with is how they cannot legally access little kids to adopt because some states forbid that unless you're legally married.
Marriage within government is really a hold-over from the church state of England......so it is a term that has religious meaning....and does not really belong in our government at all. It perhaps should be civil unions for all....but.....this is a good legitimate area where stare decicis could be used....let the name marriage stand for man-woman unions and let same sex couples have the term civil unions.....But I still dont think it should be seen as a right and the courts should not be involved.

Great, go for it. Gays are fine with that...we're not going to waste time changing the name since we don't give a shit. The people that do give a shit need to get on it...we're too busy fighting for equality.
Marriage within government is really a hold-over from the church state of England......so it is a term that has religious meaning....and does not really belong in our government at all. It perhaps should be civil unions for all....but.....this is a good legitimate area where stare decicis could be used....let the name marriage stand for man-woman unions and let same sex couples have the term civil unions.....But I still dont think it should be seen as a right and the courts should not be involved.

Great, go for it. Gays are fine with that...we're not going to waste time changing the name since we don't give a shit. The people that do give a shit need to get on it...we're too busy fighting for equality.

No, LGBTs are fighting for access to adoptable orphans, since civil unions do on all other accounts except adoption in many states.
Marriage within government is really a hold-over from the church state of England......so it is a term that has religious meaning....and does not really belong in our government at all. It perhaps should be civil unions for all....but.....this is a good legitimate area where stare decicis could be used....let the name marriage stand for man-woman unions and let same sex couples have the term civil unions.....But I still dont think it should be seen as a right and the courts should not be involved.

Great, go for it. Gays are fine with that...we're not going to waste time changing the name since we don't give a shit. The people that do give a shit need to get on it...we're too busy fighting for equality.

No, LGBTs are fighting for access to adoptable orphans, since civil unions do on all other accounts except adoption in many states.
And here we are back to the "Gays are after children" aka "Gays are all pedophiles" argument.
Well if it was my child I'd just take him to an AIDS ward at a hospital and then describe carefully what will statistically happen to him if he decides to imprint himself using the anus for "sex". But if I was a church goer, I'd read him Jude 1 in the New Testament to tell him how worse than being unrepentantly homosexual [for the mentally ill know not what they do] are people who know it is dysfunctional/wrong and against the word of God, but who go ahead and enable the promotion of it as a culture [giving the example of Sodom]. I'd remind him that an entire culture and all its inhabitants, gay or enabling-straight, were sent to the Pit of Fire for eternity.

Okay, I guess if you want to fill his head with horseshit, you can still get the AIDS from straight sex.

For the whole Jude 1 thing, you are missing my point. YOu have to fill the kid's head with that horseshit. A kid doesn't know fairy stories about Heaven and Hell until an adult tells it to them, which to my m ind is a form of child abuse.

And as for gay being a religion, I have often said that the best way for the LGBT cult to get federal protection was to just lay it out there and call themselves what they really are: a de facto cult. They have heretics that they punish [Anne Heche is a derogatory term in gay vernacular] seek youngsters constantly to evangelilze into the fold [bi-curious]. They are all about people crossing into their ranks but avidly and rabidly opposed to those wanting out [see laws in CA and NJ forbidding young people from getting that cross-over therapy, while tons of therapy exists to "ease youngsters out of the straight ranks and into gay]...etc.

Frankly, it seems like you have gays on the brain. I don't even thing gay folks I know are as wrapped around the axle about this shit as you are.

Yes, LGBT should declare themselves a religion and be done with it. But they should leave the race comparisons out of the discussion. If I was black I'd be utterly disgusted at them comparing their deviant sex with my race's harrowing struggles for hundreds of years.

The only struggle I can see LGBT inductees wrestling with is how they cannot legally access little kids to adopt because some states forbid that unless you're legally married.

Right. So, um, when they tied Matt Shepard to the fence and lit him on fire, they was just protecting the children.
Well if it was my child I'd just take him to an AIDS ward at a hospital and then describe carefully what will statistically happen to him if he decides to imprint himself using the anus for "sex". But if I was a church goer, I'd read him Jude 1 in the New Testament to tell him how worse than being unrepentantly homosexual [for the mentally ill know not what they do] are people who know it is dysfunctional/wrong and against the word of God, but who go ahead and enable the promotion of it as a culture [giving the example of Sodom]. I'd remind him that an entire culture and all its inhabitants, gay or enabling-straight, were sent to the Pit of Fire for eternity.

Okay, I guess if you want to fill his head with horseshit, you can still get the AIDS from straight sex.

For the whole Jude 1 thing, you are missing my point. YOu have to fill the kid's head with that horseshit. A kid doesn't know fairy stories about Heaven and Hell until an adult tells it to them, which to my m ind is a form of child abuse.

The main vector of spreading HIV in the US is gay men having anal sex:

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all gay and bisexual men. At the end of 2010, an estimated 489,121 (56%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men.. CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Here's a thread about more alarming statistics linking HIV spread directly to gay sex between men: Clearing Up The Mystery Why Hiv aids Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Well if it was my child I'd just take him to an AIDS ward at a hospital and then describe carefully what will statistically happen to him if he decides to imprint himself using the anus for "sex". But if I was a church goer, I'd read him Jude 1 in the New Testament to tell him how worse than being unrepentantly homosexual [for the mentally ill know not what they do] are people who know it is dysfunctional/wrong and against the word of God, but who go ahead and enable the promotion of it as a culture [giving the example of Sodom]. I'd remind him that an entire culture and all its inhabitants, gay or enabling-straight, were sent to the Pit of Fire for eternity.

Okay, I guess if you want to fill his head with horseshit, you can still get the AIDS from straight sex.

For the whole Jude 1 thing, you are missing my point. YOu have to fill the kid's head with that horseshit. A kid doesn't know fairy stories about Heaven and Hell until an adult tells it to them, which to my m ind is a form of child abuse.

The main vector of spreading HIV in the US is gay men having anal sex:

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all gay and bisexual men. At the end of 2010, an estimated 489,121 (56%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men.. CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Um, again, so what? It seems like you want to use HIV as a reason to hate on Gay people, but the fact is, 44% of those living with HIV are not gay or bisexual, and you aren't spending a lot of time hating on them.

Same thing with the child abuse. It looks like you are just trying to find excuses to hate gay people, which shouldn't have any effect on your life.
Well if it was my child I'd just take him to an AIDS ward at a hospital and then describe carefully what will statistically happen to him if he decides to imprint himself using the anus for "sex". But if I was a church goer, I'd read him Jude 1 in the New Testament to tell him how worse than being unrepentantly homosexual [for the mentally ill know not what they do] are people who know it is dysfunctional/wrong and against the word of God, but who go ahead and enable the promotion of it as a culture [giving the example of Sodom]. I'd remind him that an entire culture and all its inhabitants, gay or enabling-straight, were sent to the Pit of Fire for eternity.

Okay, I guess if you want to fill his head with horseshit, you can still get the AIDS from straight sex.

For the whole Jude 1 thing, you are missing my point. YOu have to fill the kid's head with that horseshit. A kid doesn't know fairy stories about Heaven and Hell until an adult tells it to them, which to my m ind is a form of child abuse.

The main vector of spreading HIV in the US is gay men having anal sex:

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all gay and bisexual men. At the end of 2010, an estimated 489,121 (56%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men.. CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Um, again, so what? It seems like you want to use HIV as a reason to hate on Gay people, but the fact is, 44% of those living with HIV are not gay or bisexual, and you aren't spending a lot of time hating on them.

Same thing with the child abuse. It looks like you are just trying to find excuses to hate gay people, which shouldn't have any effect on your life.

Gays spread the disease readily. Bisexuals transmit it over to the hetero population. It really isn't hard to understand. Many hetero women aren't aware they're having sex with a bisexual man. Until they find out they are infected with HIV and learn about the man's compulsive secret life...
Marriage within government is really a hold-over from the church state of England......so it is a term that has religious meaning....and does not really belong in our government at all. It perhaps should be civil unions for all....but.....this is a good legitimate area where stare decicis could be used....let the name marriage stand for man-woman unions and let same sex couples have the term civil unions.....But I still dont think it should be seen as a right and the courts should not be involved.

Great, go for it. Gays are fine with that...we're not going to waste time changing the name since we don't give a shit. The people that do give a shit need to get on it...we're too busy fighting for equality.

No, LGBTs are fighting for access to adoptable orphans, since civil unions do on all other accounts except adoption in many states.
And here we are back to the "Gays are after children" aka "Gays are all pedophiles" argument.
When was the last time you denounced a gay pride parade's lewd acts in front of kids? Or the choice of Harvey Milk enshrined by law in CA where you live as "representative of the LGBT culture around the nation and the world" when he was also notorious for sodomizing teens, some of them minors while officiating as "their father figure"?

Where is your denouncement? Lacking it means that you and all the LGBTs who wont' step up and denounce those things are passively in support of inappropriate sex in front of or even with kids in Harvey Milk's case. Support is support. So adoption agencies and state laws take notice...
Meanwhile, Silhouette has no problem with women flashing breasts in Martigras parades, or pretty much any straight person doing the exact same thing he calls lewd when gay people do it.

A shallow and pathetic double standard, nothing more.
Meanwhile, Silhouette has no problem with women flashing breasts in Martigras parades, or pretty much any straight person doing the exact same thing he calls lewd when gay people do it.

A shallow and pathetic double standard, nothing more.
I do have a problem with it. And so do THEY, the day after. Theirs was a drunken lack of judgment. Not a "proud sober display" in a parade.

The context is everything. Either you are proud of your behaviors soberly and hope kids are watching, or you aren't. The two people are worlds apart as parents. Everyone expects momentary lapses in judgment in anyone. They don't expect a lifestyle proud of lapses of judgment as a way of life...
Meanwhile, Silhouette has no problem with women flashing breasts in Martigras parades, or pretty much any straight person doing the exact same thing he calls lewd when gay people do it.

A shallow and pathetic double standard, nothing more.
I do have a problem with it. And so do THEY, the day after. Theirs was a drunken lack of judgment. Not a "proud sober display" in a parade.

The context is everything. Either you are proud of your behaviors soberly and hope kids are watching, or you aren't. The two people are worlds apart as parents. Everyone expects momentary lapses in judgment in anyone. They don't expect a lifestyle proud of lapses of judgment as a way of life...
Plenty of people aren't ashamed at all to flash their breasts at Martigras. Some girls go to the parade solely to do just that and get the attention. You are just making crap up to suit your hypocrisy.
Meanwhile, Silhouette has no problem with women flashing breasts in Martigras parades, or pretty much any straight person doing the exact same thing he calls lewd when gay people do it.

A shallow and pathetic double standard, nothing more.
I do have a problem with it. And so do THEY, the day after. Theirs was a drunken lack of judgment. Not a "proud sober display" in a parade.

The context is everything. Either you are proud of your behaviors soberly and hope kids are watching, or you aren't. The two people are worlds apart as parents. Everyone expects momentary lapses in judgment in anyone. They don't expect a lifestyle proud of lapses of judgment as a way of life...
Plenty of people aren't ashamed at all to flash their breasts at Martigras. Some girls go to the parade solely to do just that and get the attention. You are just making crap up to suit your hypocrisy.

Great point. But it "Mardi Gras".

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