32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

I had a friend of mine who was a paramedic at Mardi Gras and there was a lady who had handcuffed herself naked to lamp post, and anyone who wanted to have a go at her could. That's how crazy that shit gets at times.

Some how, i don't think Sil is down there lecturing them on the Children.
I had a friend of mine who was a paramedic at Mardi Gras and there was a lady who had handcuffed herself naked to lamp post, and anyone who wanted to have a go at her could. That's how crazy that shit gets at times.

Some how, i don't think Sil is down there lecturing them on the Children.
Yes, when people are drunk at a bacchanal, all sorts of things can happen. Adults are well advised to keep kids away from venues like that. Sensible ones do.

However, I've never heard of a naked or near naked participant in a gay pride parade needing the paramedics to intervene on some stupid lewd sex act they were performing at a venue where they were sober and doing so as a matter of 'pride' in front of kids.

The venue and the context are what makes the difference. At gay pride parades kids of all ages are encouraged to attend and watch. At Mardi Gras, parents know well in advance what type of "burlesque taverns invading the streets" scene it's going to be and should know better than to bring children there. Most of them don't bring them for good reason.
I had a friend of mine who was a paramedic at Mardi Gras and there was a lady who had handcuffed herself naked to lamp post, and anyone who wanted to have a go at her could. That's how crazy that shit gets at times.

Some how, i don't think Sil is down there lecturing them on the Children.
Yes, when people are drunk at a bacchanal, all sorts of things can happen. Adults are well advised to keep kids away from venues like that. Sensible ones do.

However, I've never heard of a naked or near naked participant in a gay pride parade needing the paramedics to intervene on some stupid lewd sex act they were performing at a venue where they were sober and doing so as a matter of 'pride' in front of kids.

The venue and the context are what makes the difference. At gay pride parades kids of all ages are encouraged to attend and watch. At Mardi Gras, parents know well in advance what type of "burlesque taverns invading the streets" scene it's going to be and should know better than to bring children there. Most of them don't bring them for good reason.

I'm not sure, exactly which children are being 'encouraged' to go to Pride Parades?

Come on, Sil, this is just you looking for reasons to hate gays.
I'm not sure, exactly which children are being 'encouraged' to go to Pride Parades?

Come on, Sil, this is just you looking for reasons to hate gays.

Well, no, they encourage kids. The venue is held in public on main thoroughfares and the public is cautioned not to be on drugs or drinking. It is a sober, purposeful event of "pride" put on by the LGBT community at large. To my knowledge, no LGBT person has ever come out publicly against them. Hundreds of thousands of people sometimes attend the event. [I'm sure the loud colors and rainbow streamers and flags are all for the burned-out adults...]

CA Teachers Take Elementary Students to “Gay Pride” Parade

...Hartline says last year the not-for-profit San Diego Pride organization was under investigation for employing numerous pedophiles as volunteers and staff during its yearly parade and festival. He believes these pro-homosexual events are generally pornographic and that they are frequented by militant sodomites.
This is evidenced, the Christian activist says, “by the numerous triple-X porn companies that have vendors [at the San Diego Pride events], the distribution of condoms and sexual lubricants, and also just the really perverted sex classes that go on to teach people about S&M sex.”
For example, Hartline recalls, the San Diego Pride organizers had a tent exhibit this year called ‘the Leather Room.’ In this tent, he says, “they actually were demonstrating piercings and other really grotesque types of sado-masochism.”
Hartline says he feels the teachers with the San Diego Cooperative Charter School exhibited “gross disregard for the safety of children” when they brought students to the city’s 2006 “gay pride” parade. The charter school is a K-8 institution in the San Diego Unified School District, and he believes the teachers had no business bringing young children into such a depraved and pornographic environment. CA Teachers Take Elementary Students to 8220 Gay Pride 8221 Parade Family Policy Network

The elementary school kids here...


Were taken with the blessings of parents, administrative staff and city officials [for no one intervened] to see this or its equivalent.. [or worse]




This is what "gay marriage" and the cult of LGBT is moving our complacent-acceptance towards incrementally.

BTW, pedophiles also move towards their intended targets incrementally...first grooming the kids' custodians to be complacent to their advances, and then the final induction of getting into the child's mind with the concepts of lewd sex acts.

Gee, those rainbow colors sure are bright and attractive. I remember back in elementary school they always adorned every event. Kids sure love bright primary colors, streamers and floats!

It's too bad humans are herd animals. Because if we weren't we'd have nipped this crap in the bud long ago...
So classic. Someone accuses me of making something up, I post pictures proving I didn't...then silence....
I had a friend of mine who was a paramedic at Mardi Gras and there was a lady who had handcuffed herself naked to lamp post, and anyone who wanted to have a go at her could. That's how crazy that shit gets at times.

Some how, i don't think Sil is down there lecturing them on the Children.
Yes, when people are drunk at a bacchanal, all sorts of things can happen. Adults are well advised to keep kids away from venues like that. Sensible ones do.

However, I've never heard of a naked or near naked participant in a gay pride parade needing the paramedics to intervene on some stupid lewd sex act they were performing at a venue where they were sober and doing so as a matter of 'pride' in front of kids.

The venue and the context are what makes the difference. At gay pride parades kids of all ages are encouraged to attend and watch. At Mardi Gras, parents know well in advance what type of "burlesque taverns invading the streets" scene it's going to be and should know better than to bring children there. Most of them don't bring them for good reason.

I'm not sure, exactly which children are being 'encouraged' to go to Pride Parades?

Come on, Sil, this is just you looking for reasons to hate gays.
Does Sil know that social groups, clubs, churches, etc. are also at gay pride parades? That gay pride festivals have kid zones with games, face-painting, carnival rides etc. because so many gay couples have kids now?
Does Sil know that social groups, clubs, churches, etc. are also at gay pride parades? That gay pride festivals have kid zones with games, face-painting, carnival rides etc. because so many gay couples have kids now?

Yes I realize that. WHICH MAKES IT WORSE! That means that along with a burlesque gay sex show down main street are kiddie attractions to get them to attend.


What part of how pedophiles operate don't you understand? :cuckoo:

Without realizing it, you just made the case for why gay marriage should not be.
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So classic. Someone accuses me of making something up, I post pictures proving I didn't...then silence....

Did that group of kids see that particular parade? Or are you just juxtaposing pictures.

Seriously dude or chick, whatever you are- Get professional help before you end up spending the rest of your life in prison for committing a hate crime.
So classic. Someone accuses me of making something up, I post pictures proving I didn't...then silence....

Did that group of kids see that particular parade? Or are you just juxtaposing pictures.

Seriously dude or chick, whatever you are- Get professional help before you end up spending the rest of your life in prison for committing a hate crime.
Not only did they see the parade, they participated in it. Expand the quote in my pictured post where it discusses this charter school attending, follow the link and read the article.

"Spend the rest of my life in prison for committing a hate crime"??

For exposing how children are being exposed to gay sex parades? I'll take that risk...lol :lmao:
Seriously dude or chick, whatever you are- Get professional help before you end up spending the rest of your life in prison for committing a hate crime.

So Joe, who is going to put me in prison for the rest of my life for discussing and showing pictures of lewd gay sex acts in front of little kids at a gay pride parade? Just curious.
Seriously dude or chick, whatever you are- Get professional help before you end up spending the rest of your life in prison for committing a hate crime.

So Joe, who is going to put me in prison for the rest of my life for discussing and showing pictures of lewd gay sex acts in front of little kids at a gay pride parade? Just curious.

I think given the level of hate you express, it's only a matter of time before you commit some act of violence against a gay person.

Seriously, you got Gays on the Brain.
Seriously dude or chick, whatever you are- Get professional help before you end up spending the rest of your life in prison for committing a hate crime.

So Joe, who is going to put me in prison for the rest of my life for discussing and showing pictures of lewd gay sex acts in front of little kids at a gay pride parade? Just curious.

I think given the level of hate you express, it's only a matter of time before you commit some act of violence against a gay person.

Seriously, you got Gays on the Brain.
Wow, false premise "that I hate gays" [have you read my accounts of our "gay" family friend who died of AIDS?] ...

...to which you jump to the conclusion "it's only a matter of time before you commit some act of violence against a gay person".

I'd say the acts of violence committed daily against "gay" people are people in full denial of how much childhood molestation and other co-morbid mental illness is rampant among the gay population, and how that wilfull ignorance is killing gays by the 1,000s every year [the HIV epidemic and how to stave it off logically]
Wow, false premise "that I hate gays" [have you read my accounts of our "gay" family friend who died of AIDS?] ...

...to which you jump to the conclusion "it's only a matter of time before you commit some act of violence against a gay person".

I'd say the acts of violence committed daily against "gay" people are people in full denial of how much childhood molestation and other co-morbid mental illness is rampant among the gay population, and how that wilfull ignorance is killing gays by the 1,000s every year [the HIV epidemic and how to stave it off logically]

Yeah, I have read your account of your friend who died of AIDS.

158,000 people die of Lung Cancer every year in the US.

As opposed to 15,000 who died of AIDS.

Now, both my Dad and my Grandfather died of Lung Cancer. And, yeah, it was kind of dumb they smoked. It was worse that big corporations exposed them to asbestos.

But being smokers did not make them bad people.
Yeah, I have read your account of your friend who died of AIDS.

158,000 people die of Lung Cancer every year in the US.

As opposed to 15,000 who died of AIDS.

Now, both my Dad and my Grandfather died of Lung Cancer. And, yeah, it was kind of dumb they smoked. It was worse that big corporations exposed them to asbestos.

But being smokers did not make them bad people.
If smoking involved enticing kids of all ages to watch them performing lewd sex act in "pride" parades down mainstreet, it would make them completely unfit to parent, however... [or to gain a legal loophole to adopt society's wards...orphans...via marriage]
If smoking involved enticing kids of all ages to watch them performing lewd sex act in "pride" parades down mainstreet, it would make them completely unfit to parent, however... [or to gain a legal loophole to adopt society's wards...orphans...via marriage]

Are you fucking kidding me? The whole smoking industry was based on enticing kids to smoke in their teens.

Or then we had Joe Camel.

But at least they weren't telling kids to have the Butt Sex.
Your strawman is amusing, however before I have to go to the mods to rein you in, do you want to return to the subject of 32 states petitioning for/against gay marriage with SCOTUS? I sense you're trying to make the topic of gay pride parades/children/fit to adopt/marriage loophole to adopt.. turn into something other than that. I understand your desperation to do so but I won't indulge you.
But at least they weren't telling kids to have the Butt Sex.
Your strawman is amusing, however before I have to go to the mods to rein you in, do you want to return to the subject of 32 states petitioning for/against gay marriage with SCOTUS? I sense you're trying to make the topic of gay pride parades/children/fit to adopt/marriage loophole to adopt.. turn into something other than that. I understand your desperation to do so but I won't indulge you.

Buddy, I'm not the one who keep reprinting the same three lewd pictures from a pride parade and claiming that it's all a conspiracy to make your kids gay. You are the one making a big deal about Pride Parades. which is nothing compared to what the Tobacco industry used to do to get kids to smoke.

I'm sure that 32 states are petitioning SCOTUS because they know that it's pretty much inevitable, and they don't want to do their jobs like we did in IL of codifying it. They want SCOTUS to fix the problem so they don't have to.

My guess, though, is that SCOTUS is going to keep letting the lower courts strike down these laws because they are unconstitutional, before they go along with the herd.
But at least they weren't telling kids to have the Butt Sex.
Your strawman is amusing, however before I have to go to the mods to rein you in, do you want to return to the subject of 32 states petitioning for/against gay marriage with SCOTUS? I sense you're trying to make the topic of gay pride parades/children/fit to adopt/marriage loophole to adopt.. turn into something other than that. I understand your desperation to do so but I won't indulge you.

Buddy, I'm not the one who keep reprinting the same three lewd pictures from a pride parade and claiming that it's all a conspiracy to make your kids gay. You are the one making a big deal about Pride Parades. which is nothing compared to what the Tobacco industry used to do to get kids to smoke.

I'm sure that 32 states are petitioning SCOTUS because they know that it's pretty much inevitable, and they don't want to do their jobs like we did in IL of codifying it. They want SCOTUS to fix the problem so they don't have to.

My guess, though, is that SCOTUS is going to keep letting the lower courts strike down these laws because they are unconstitutional, before they go along with the herd.

So the pictures were lewd?

Good lord dude

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