32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Sil is like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.
Ok, where in my reply to you did I "attack" you?

misquoting is a form of atack.
Misquoting is a TOS violation. Where did I misquote you?
No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.
Ok, where in my reply to you did I "attack" you?[/QUOTE]

misquoting is a form of atack.[/QUOTE]

Well done, you managed to move the conversation away from the topic (again) and make it into a mud slinging match (again).

This is your "debate" huh?
ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Sil is like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.
I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

Why do you keep bringing up other subjects when you can't defend your position?

Look, you guys are hung up about a word, "Marriage", because you think your Magic Sky Fairy gave you that word.

Reality is, Polygamous marriages were recognized in this country, and in societies to this very day. Now, you m ight not want to believe they are marriages, but they are.

If you don't believe in God, fine. But to insult those who do just shows what a mindless fool that you are.

My views have nothing to do with religion. They have to do with biology and science. They also have to do with what is best for society as a whole and the legal precedents that would be set by gay marriage.

My views are based on logical thinking and facts, yours are based on emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

So...you are actively trying to eliminate legal marriage for those who cannot procreate and the elderly, right? How about for the morbidly obese? Trying to eliminate that too?

No. I never said anything close to that. but I get it that your only defense whe confronted with facts is to attack the messenger.
Ok, where in my reply to you did I "attack" you?

misquoting is a form of atack.
Misquoting is a TOS violation. Where did I misquote you?

I highlighted it in red
You've said yourself that gays and lesbians don't want equal rights but 'societal' acceptance. Would access to marriage provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't? If so, why?

because when a gay union is called a marriage, gays believe that it signifies that societly recognizes homosexuality as a normal human biological condition.

I didn't ask what gays 'believe' about societal acceptance. I asked you if access to marriage would provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't. If so, why?

This is much bigger than gay marriage. It would destroy one of the basic premises of this nation----------------freedom of thought

How does it destroy freedom of thought? If gays are permitted access to marriage, are you not longer allowed to think of marriage as being only a man and a woman? If so, who is stopping you?
ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Sil is like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.
I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

So we should deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....because you don't consider an anus to be a vagina?

That's some pretty weak tea, Silo. Though you're doing a lovely job of demonstrating that its animus against gays that are motivating the gay marriage bans.
You've said yourself that gays and lesbians don't want equal rights but 'societal' acceptance. Would access to marriage provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't? If so, why?

because when a gay union is called a marriage, gays believe that it signifies that societly recognizes homosexuality as a normal human biological condition.

I didn't ask what gays 'believe' about societal acceptance. I asked you if access to marriage would provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't. If so, why?

This is much bigger than gay marriage. It would destroy one of the basic premises of this nation----------------freedom of thought

How does it destroy freedom of thought? If gays are permitted access to marriage, are you not longer allowed to think of marriage as being only a man and a woman? If so, who is stopping you?

when certain thoughts and beliefs are punished by the government, freedom has been lost. the USA would be no better than a muslim country run by sharia law---------------believe what we tell you or you will be killed or jailed.

gays can have their unions legalized and sanctioned without calling them a marriage. Calling them a marriage goes against the beliefs of a vast majority of the inhabitants of planet earth.
ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Sil is like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.
I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

So we should deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....because you don't consider an anus to be a vagina?

That's some pretty weak tea, Silo. Though you're doing a lovely job of demonstrating that its animus against gays that are motivating the gay marriage bans.

see, thats what you don't get. its not animus towards the individuals, they have no control over their genetics. Human biology does not set up a sexual union of two males or two females. And, no matter how many times you guys deny it----------it is about sex.
You've said yourself that gays and lesbians don't want equal rights but 'societal' acceptance. Would access to marriage provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't? If so, why?

because when a gay union is called a marriage, gays believe that it signifies that societly recognizes homosexuality as a normal human biological condition.

I didn't ask what gays 'believe' about societal acceptance. I asked you if access to marriage would provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't. If so, why?

This is much bigger than gay marriage. It would destroy one of the basic premises of this nation----------------freedom of thought

How does it destroy freedom of thought? If gays are permitted access to marriage, are you not longer allowed to think of marriage as being only a man and a woman? If so, who is stopping you?

when certain thoughts and beliefs are punished by the government, freedom has been lost. the USA would be no better than a muslim country run by sharia law---------------believe what we tell you or you will be killed or jailed.

So if gay marriage is passed, people will be killed or jailed? I'm not following you. I get the post apocalyptic landscape you're imagining. I'm just not understanding how that actually happens. When interracial marriage was passed over the beliefs of the vast majority, nothing happened. And it wasn't until 1991 that the majority of folks came around to the legality of interracial marriage.

So there was almost 25 years between the ruling an the majority coming around. Yet 'The Stand' didn't play out.

Oh, and you've still never answered my question:

Would access to marriage provide gays and lesbians with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't? If so, why?

This would be the 6th time I've asked. And you seem eager to answer any question but the one I'm asking. Please try harder.
ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Sil is like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.
I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

So we should deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....because you don't consider an anus to be a vagina?

That's some pretty weak tea, Silo. Though you're doing a lovely job of demonstrating that its animus against gays that are motivating the gay marriage bans.

see, thats what you don't get. its not animus towards the individuals, they have no control over their genetics. Human biology does not set up a sexual union of two males or two females. And, no matter how many times you guys deny it----------it is about sex.

Its certainly a desire to deny them something important. To have gay unions recognized as less. You yourself have avoided my question about whether providing gays and lesbians access to marriage would grant them societal acceptance that civil unions wouldn't.....6 times.

It seems pretty obvious that you believe that civil unions would deny something important to gays. And you very much want to deny them this value.
when certain thoughts and beliefs are punished by the government, freedom has been lost. the USA would be no better than a muslim country run by sharia law---------------believe what we tell you or you will be killed or jailed.

This is ridiculous hyperbole.

No thoughts or beliefs are being 'punished' by the 'government,' no one is seeking to compel anyone to believe anything he doesn't wish to believe in, nor will anyone be 'jailed' or 'killed' for believing what he does, consequently no freedoms have been 'lost' - it's delusional to perceive such a thing.

gays can have their unions legalized and sanctioned without calling them a marriage. Calling them a marriage goes against the beliefs of a vast majority of the inhabitants of planet earth.

You have no authority to dictate to gay Americans what they 'can' or 'cannot' have.

The contract law that same-sex couples are eligible to participate in is called marriage, it's the same marriage law that opposite-sex couples participate in. There can be only one marriage (contract) law, it would be in violation of the 14th Amendment to contrive 'separate but equal' marriage law for same-sex couples simply to appease your fear, ignorance, and hatred of gay Americans.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, that a given majority might be hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans is not justification to indeed deny same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law, allowing them to enter into marriage contracts.

You're at liberty to hate gay Americans, and you may do so with impunity; you are not at liberty, however, to seek to codify your hatred of gay Americans, such as advocating that they be denied access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in.
ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Sil is like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.
I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

So we should deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....because you don't consider an anus to be a vagina?

That's some pretty weak tea, Silo. Though you're doing a lovely job of demonstrating that its animus against gays that are motivating the gay marriage bans.

see, thats what you don't get. its not animus towards the individuals, they have no control over their genetics. Human biology does not set up a sexual union of two males or two females. And, no matter how many times you guys deny it----------it is about sex.

Its certainly a desire to deny them something important. To have gay unions recognized as less. You yourself have avoided my question about whether providing gays and lesbians access to marriage would grant them societal acceptance that civil unions wouldn't.....6 times.

It seems pretty obvious that you believe that civil unions would deny something important to gays. And you very much want to deny them this value.

Civil unions in some states deny gays the access to little kids. That's why for them, civil unions won't do...
I like steak. I wouldn't compare it to using the anus as an artificial vagina in even the remotest fashion. I have a ranch. I see every day what animals do with their anuses. It does not stimulate my hunger.

There is nothing exciting about looking at the wasting body of a gay dude with AIDS...or those you can tell are starting to waste away but still appear to have vigor so are spreading it the most of any person on earth.

A couple of points here.

1) 38% of straights have tried anal sex with their partners. Yet I don't see you getting all upset about that.

2) 27% of HIV infections are due to Heterosexual contact. Again, don't see you getting upset about that, either.

Frankly, it just looks like you are looking for excuses to hate gay people, if we throw your hyperbole about child abuse into the mix.
when certain thoughts and beliefs are punished by the government, freedom has been lost. the USA would be no better than a muslim country run by sharia law---------------believe what we tell you or you will be killed or jailed.

gays can have their unions legalized and sanctioned without calling them a marriage. Calling them a marriage goes against the beliefs of a vast majority of the inhabitants of planet earth.


You're claiming that gay marriage will force you to believe something. er.... how's that exactly? You don't have to believe, you just have to accept.

Not only that, to be extremely contradictory, you want to deny people the freedom to believe that marriage includes all consenting adults. How bad of you. Well this is according to your "logic" which says if there is a law then this deprives people the right to believe that the law is wrong. Where you get this idea from I have no idea.

You say calling gay marriage, marriage goes against the beliefs of the "vast majority of inhabitants of planet earth", doesn't mean that it shouldn't happen. Guns in the hands of citizens goes against the beliefs of the vast majority of people on planet earth.... so.... you gonna get rid of guns?
see, thats what you don't get. its not animus towards the individuals, they have no control over their genetics. Human biology does not set up a sexual union of two males or two females. And, no matter how many times you guys deny it----------it is about sex.

Human biology doesn't set up people with no hands or arms either, yet it happens.
Gay is an acquired behavioral fixation. There are no protections in the Constitution as far as I know for acquired behaviors.
Gay is an acquired behavioral fixation. There are no protections in the Constitution as far as I know for acquired behaviors.

1. Sure the Constitution protects behaviors, religion is a behavior whether you consider it genetic or acquired - it's protected.

2. Homosexuals are included in "All Citizens" under the 14th Amendment. Unlike what some people like to believe it (the 14th) does not say "All Citizen - exempt homosexuals".

3. The SCOTUS has already acknowledged that homosexuals are protected under the Constitution ruling in Lawrence v. Texas that laws used primarily to target homosexuals were unconstitutional, in Romer v. Evans laws which attempted to remove equal protection from homosexuals (even if passed as a ballot vote) were unconstitutional, and in Windsor v. United States noted tha DOMA violated their rights to equal protection from a Federal perspective (leaving the review of whether a State can discriminate in Civil Marriage for a later case).

"Fifth Amendment itself withdraws from Government the power to degrade or demean in
the way this law does, the equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment
makes that Fifth Amendment right all the more specific and all the better understood
and preserved."​

Redfish said:

see, thats what you don't get. its not animus towards the individuals, they have no control over their genetics. Human biology does not set up a sexual union of two males or two females. And, no matter how many times you guys deny it----------it is about sex.


It's animus toward both the gay individual and gay Americans as a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections – the very act of denying them access to marriage law is of itself a hateful act, and consequently in violation of the 14th Amendment.
when certain thoughts and beliefs are punished by the government, freedom has been lost. the USA would be no better than a muslim country run by sharia law---------------believe what we tell you or you will be killed or jailed.

This is ridiculous hyperbole.

No thoughts or beliefs are being 'punished' by the 'government,' no one is seeking to compel anyone to believe anything he doesn't wish to believe in, nor will anyone be 'jailed' or 'killed' for believing what he does, consequently no freedoms have been 'lost' - it's delusional to perceive such a thing.

gays can have their unions legalized and sanctioned without calling them a marriage. Calling them a marriage goes against the beliefs of a vast majority of the inhabitants of planet earth.

You have no authority to dictate to gay Americans what they 'can' or 'cannot' have.

The contract law that same-sex couples are eligible to participate in is called marriage, it's the same marriage law that opposite-sex couples participate in. There can be only one marriage (contract) law, it would be in violation of the 14th Amendment to contrive 'separate but equal' marriage law for same-sex couples simply to appease your fear, ignorance, and hatred of gay Americans.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, that a given majority might be hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans is not justification to indeed deny same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law, allowing them to enter into marriage contracts.

You're at liberty to hate gay Americans, and you may do so with impunity; you are not at liberty, however, to seek to codify your hatred of gay Americans, such as advocating that they be denied access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in.
Brilliantly put. Bravo.

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