32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

Uhhh, I was born and raised in San Francisco and worked in the tech industry downtown. In that situation you're going to be bombarded with queer degeneracy and counterculture whether you want to be or not. As to the nice clean fun of queer pride marches, apparently you missed the Pope buggering float in San Francisco's own? Spare me the bullshit please. I know better.
You should tell us more about NAMBLA. I really don't hear anything about it except from supposedly anti-gay advocates who seem to keep up with NAMBLA news.

Oh my, what a unique and clever retort. I've never seen the like before...except for maybe 200,000 times. What is it with degenerate queers that they project thus, that they think the worst possible insult they can cast on their detractors, is to suggest that their deractors are as big a bunch of degenerates as they are? That says a lot about queer self-esteem, doesn't it? And you think you're being clever. Sad...or wait a minute, belay that "sad" and insert "pathetic" instead.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Seawytch, If I could bottle what you just did and sell it by the case, I'd be rich. This is the most classic and tiresome diversionary-tactic the LGBT crowd uses to divert the subject away from what they most definitely DO NOT want people discussing. It's the old "if you make a good point, I'm going to label you a bigot. If that fails I'll move to homophobe. If that doesn't work I'll pull out the Ace of Spades: the big gun. I will insinuate that your legitimate points and objections [that I really really really don't want you to expose or discuss] mean that you are....*drum roll*....*GASP!*....a closet homosexual!"..

Only, like I've told you before, it doesn't work on me. Now then, have you taken your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at a hospital yet so they can get the full "gay guys are cool" exposure? Or won't you show them the whole truth of the affair?
I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

Sort of like having two toilets, one for blacks and one for whites. What's the point?

Oh, and the Supreme Court said "separate is not equal".

we have separate toilets for men and women. Is that a violation of the SCOTUS decision?

Race and sex are NOT the same thing, no matter how many times you fools try to make it so.
Not in the home, we don't.

what you do in your home is no one's business but yours. What is done in public and what is sanctioned by the state is everyone's business.

If you are serious about banning all separate but equal-------------then all public rest rooms must be for both sexes, locker rooms in schools, military barracks, etc must be for both sexes.

If you are going to make the claim that the ban on separate but equal applies to sex, then step up and be ready to watch a 14 year old heterosexual male watch you pee.

Some business establishments have shared bathrooms. They are single user.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

She's (allegedly) heterosexual and the guys are hot. Makes sense. [emoji1]

that comment just verifies your stupidity. Gay men are only hot to other gay men. lesbians are only hot to other lesbians. No straight male or female is going to be turned on by Rosie O'Donnel or Pee Wee Herman.

BZZZT Wrong! I can't speak for women but Rachel Maddow and Christina Aquilera turn me on and I am a heterosexual male. Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Portia De Rossi and Amber Heard are also hot.
I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

Oh, Fishy has a reason, it's just not a valid one. If there isn't a separate license for heterosexuals, Fishy doesn't feel special anymore.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.
Red hair is also a biological abnormality. Should we have separate unions for people with red hair? What about women who have the biological abnormality of not being able to give birth? If you answer no to either of these, then you have contradicted yourself.

Your reasons are not based in science whatsoever. The reality is there is absolutely no valid reason to have a separate redundant license for a couple based solely on the gender of the spouses. Separate but equal is inherently unequal, and in this case it is inherently redundant too.
What becomes codified into law in any society is what a majority of the citizens believe is right and wrong. I think each state should have a referendum on the issue, or a national referendum if you choose. Are you willing to accept the results of such a vote?

No more than blacks who wanted to marry whites would have accepted a vote on THEIR civil rights. I don't believe we should get to vote on civil rights...with good reason.

Not the same thing no matter how many times you try it. you can get the equality that you seek, and that I want for you, without the word 'marriage'.

You insist on calling a gay union a marriage because you want society to accept homosexuality as a normal human condition.

Why can't you admit that?
If same-sex marriages are not called marriages, they will not get the federal benefits of marriage. The equality sought can thus not be received.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

They should get those benefits. I want them to have those benefits. They do not need to call their union a marriage in order to achieve equal benefits.
I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

That is no more discrimination that not allowing a male reporter in the locker room for the women's soccer team.

nothing you said passes a basic logic test.
Both are examples of discrimination. But discrimination does not automatically equal illegal. There are plenty of valid reasons for not allowing male reporters into female locker rooms and bathrooms. That is completely different than, say, gender discrimination in employment, or racial discrimination, or discrimination in who can marry.

You are really grasping at straws here.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

She's (allegedly) heterosexual and the guys are hot. Makes sense. [emoji1]

Gay men are only hot to other gay men. lesbians are only hot to other lesbians.
That is literally the stupidest BS I have ever read on this forum. Plenty of straight women think Ricky Martin is sexy, and I'd be hard pressed to find a straight guy who doesn't find Portia de Rossi hot.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

Uhhh, I was born and raised in San Francisco and worked in the tech industry downtown. In that situation you're going to be bombarded with queer degeneracy and counterculture whether you want to be or not. As to the nice clean fun of queer pride marches, apparently you missed the Pope buggering float in San Francisco's own? Spare me the bullshit please. I know better.
Pics please.

I've been to San Diego, Long Beach, San Francisco, New York City, Palm Springs Gay Pride Parades. While a few of the bars get loud, club music floats with scantilly clad guys dancing on them, most are social clubs, church groups, businesses, politicians, sports clubs, aid societies, and now military groups.
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Seawytch, If I could bottle what you just did and sell it by the case, I'd be rich. This is the most classic and tiresome diversionary-tactic the LGBT crowd uses to divert the subject away from what they most definitely DO NOT want people discussing. It's the old "if you make a good point, I'm going to label you a bigot. If that fails I'll move to homophobe. If that doesn't work I'll pull out the Ace of Spades: the big gun. I will insinuate that your legitimate points and objections [that I really really really don't want you to expose or discuss] mean that you are....*drum roll*....*GASP!*....a closet homosexual!"..

Only, like I've told you before, it doesn't work on me. Now then, have you taken your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at a hospital yet so they can get the full "gay guys are cool" exposure? Or won't you show them the whole truth of the affair?
Wait....you are a WOMAN, correct? How can we call you a closet homosexual if you are fixated on hot gay MEN? What is wrong with your little thesis there?
How many gay pride parades have YOU personally been to? I've been to many, in many cities and there is no lewd chants or behavior....no more than you would see on a beach in summer or a Spring Break event in any beach town....or on most soap operas or evening tv shows....or even the Dallas Cowgirls.

The last time I went my kids were about 3 and 5. They didn't see anything they didn't see on the beach in St. Pete on vacation...and it was more tastefully appointed.


Next you should take your 3 and 5 year olds to an AIDS ward at your local hospital. Because statistically, 3 of those 5 men have HIV and 2 of those 3 are probably spreading it without protection, or not knowing about it....from using the lower digestive tract [the anus] as an artificial vagina.

You don't want your kids to miss any part of the homosexual culture, do you? You are being COMPLETELY honest with them at that age, right? When they start asking who their daddy is, will you point to the one of you who likes the short shag haircut and who does the falsetto male voice and say "there's your daddy"? If not, how will you explain why a man isn't necessary in their lives? Especially if you have any boys. And I recall you saying you do.

Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..
If HIV is part of the homosexual culture, why do lesbians have the LOWEST instances of HIV of ANY demographic?

ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.
You certainly seem fixated on one and only one aspect of homosexuality....scantily clad men.....and only gay scantily clad men at that. Tunnel vision?

Still not answering whether or not you've taken your kids to an AIDS ward at a hospital after the gay pride parade eh? When will you fess up and level with the little tykes about the whole gay picture. Not just the parts you want them to see? [You want them to see guys dry humping in speedos down mainstreet???]
Base your law only on animus for gay people then scratch your heads and ask why you keep losing in court.
I don't consider the stay granted to Utah based on its citing Windsor 2013 and that to not grant the stay would cause "irreparable harm" to Utah's democratic system "a loss in court".
Boys absolutely fare the best with an adult male role model who is sane. There is no substitute for a father in reality.

I don't think 'sane' means what you think it means. As homosexuality isn't a mental illness.

Asking society to bestow the stamp of legitimacy and all its perks [marriage/access to adoptable orphans] upon your subculture is a request that is ludicrous. Trying to force it upon society federally is more twisted fascism than even Hitler could've dreamed up. For the children will suffer. Of that you can be certain. All the evidence shows up in any gay pride parade in a town near you..

And I don't think fascism means what you think it means, either. And how did Hitler get brought into a gay marriage debate? Are we going to need to get you your fainting couch? As doubling down on debutant melodrama doesn't actually shore up any of the truck sized holes in your reasoning.

The fact remains that you have no good reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry. They can meet every requirement of marriage. If you're going to deny gays and lesbians a fundamental right, you need a good reason.

And you don't have one.
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Base your law only on animus for gay people then scratch your heads and ask why you keep losing in court.
I don't consider the stay granted to Utah based on its citing Windsor 2013 and that to not grant the stay would cause "irreparable harm" to Utah's democratic system "a loss in court".

Actually, the courts didn't cite anything when they granted the stay. You're quite literally hallucinating every part of your post.
I already addressed that point in the post you quoted. You are just repeating yourself, which is not an argument. Let me reiterate.

Even if all benefits could be equal by calling same-sex marriages something else, Why have two separate licenses that confer the exact same benefits? The separate license for same-sex couples would be totally redundant. There would be no reason to do so other than to disparage and discriminate against gay individuals.

Oh, Fishy has a reason, it's just not a valid one. If there isn't a separate license for heterosexuals, Fishy doesn't feel special anymore.

Its really quite simple. heterosexuality is a normal human biological condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human biological condition. Society does not want to punish people because of a genetic abnormality. Society should allow two gays of the same sex to make a legal binding commitment to each other. But such a union is not a marriage any more than a man and two women or a woman and her dog is a marriage.

You've said yourself that gays and lesbians don't want equal rights but 'societal' acceptance. Would access to marriage provide them with societal acceptance that access to civil unions wouldn't? If so, why?
we have separate toilets for men and women. Is that a violation of the SCOTUS decision?

Race and sex are NOT the same thing, no matter how many times you fools try to make it so.

With gender we allow separate, for obvious reasons.

We're talking gender, though were women to have inferior toilets then they'd be a problem.

However we're talking an area where people are being seen as second class citizens, and that is with the treatment of gay people in certain areas of life.
ALL parts of the homosexual culture. I didn't notice any lesbians in that photo. If you're going to show your kids "how cool gay men are"...show them the whole story, not just them in creepy tight speedos not at a beach but parading that look down main street just as a display for kids of all ages to oogle at.

I was recently in Southern Africa. In Maseru, capital of Lesotho there was a bill board up in the street. The LOWEST area of the country for HIV/AIDS infections was the north at 19%, yes, that's the lowest.
In other places you looking at above 25%.

They say that 50% or there abouts, of women in the capital Maseru have HIV/AIDS.


Why do these countries have such high rates of HIV/AIDS? Because of homosexuality?
Well look at southern Africa. Gay marriage is legal in South Africa, in at 20-30%, whereas it is illegal in Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe and as far as I know Botswana as well.

So why is it higher in these countries than South Africa?

Generally it's down to one thing. IGNORANCE.

The more ignorance in society, the more they're likely to take measures to combat HIV/AIDS (or anything else for that matter) with something that won't work ever.

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