32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

Buddy, I'm not the one who keep reprinting the same three lewd pictures from a pride parade and claiming that it's all a conspiracy to make your kids gay. You are the one making a big deal about Pride Parades....

So the pictures were lewd?

Good lord dude

Yes, he's admitted as anyone can see, that they are in fact lewd and that kids of all ages are invited to see these lewd acts by the LGBT subCULTure.

And no LGBT person to my knowledge has come out publicly to denounce these parades which are so well known to everyone by now that they are a household word.

Yes, he's admitted as anyone can see, that they are in fact lewd and that kids of all ages are invited to see these lewd acts by the LGBT subCULTure.

And no LGBT person to my knowledge has come out publicly to denounce these parades which are so well known to everyone by now that they are a household word.

Uh, reality check. Even with my internet-free, strict Catholic upbringing from 40 years ago, by the time I was 10, I knew what all the bad words meant, I knew what all the naughty bits were and frankly, found it amusing that the grownups really thought I was that innocent. I could imagine it is probably the same today, if not more so.

So I just don't get worked up that a kid might see in a parade something he's probably already found on the internet.

Yes, he's admitted as anyone can see, that they are in fact lewd and that kids of all ages are invited to see these lewd acts by the LGBT subCULTure.

And no LGBT person to my knowledge has come out publicly to denounce these parades which are so well known to everyone by now that they are a household word.

Uh, reality check. Even with my internet-free, strict Catholic upbringing from 40 years ago, by the time I was 10, I knew what all the bad words meant, I knew what all the naughty bits were and frankly, found it amusing that the grownups really thought I was that innocent. I could imagine it is probably the same today, if not more so.

So I just don't get worked up that a kid might see in a parade something he's probably already found on the internet.
Once again for the pathologically-slow...

It's the expression of sober and "proud" subcultural values and not the random not-proud inebriated event. If you can get that straight, get back to me.
Once again for the pathologically-slow...

It's the expression of sober and "proud" subcultural values and not the random not-proud inebriated event. If you can get that straight, get back to me.

Yawn. frankly, you seem to just be focused on a couple people who act silly, as opposed to the majority of participants who are quite sober and proud.
Once again for the pathologically-slow...

It's the expression of sober and "proud" subcultural values and not the random not-proud inebriated event. If you can get that straight, get back to me.

Yawn. frankly, you seem to just be focused on a couple people who act silly, as opposed to the majority of participants who are quite sober and proud.
Lewd sexual exposure and mock sex acts are the hallmark of every gay pride parade. Common knowledge. Go to one and check back with me.
Once again for the pathologically-slow...

It's the expression of sober and "proud" subcultural values and not the random not-proud inebriated event. If you can get that straight, get back to me.

Yawn. frankly, you seem to just be focused on a couple people who act silly, as opposed to the majority of participants who are quite sober and proud.
Lewd sexual exposure and mock sex acts are the hallmark of every gay pride parade. Common knowledge. Go to one and check back with me.

Why, I'm sure you spend all your time thinking about them. You just can't get them off your mind.

YOu know, like the vegetarian who JUST CAN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT STEAK!!!!
Why, I'm sure you spend all your time thinking about them. You just can't get them off your mind.

YOu know, like the vegetarian who JUST CAN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT STEAK!!!!

Don't worry yourself too much there Joe. I will stop talking about it the second SCOTUS has reiterated Windsor in the upcoming Hearing on gay marriage vs state's rights.
Why, I'm sure you spend all your time thinking about them. You just can't get them off your mind.

YOu know, like the vegetarian who JUST CAN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT STEAK!!!!

Don't worry yourself too much there Joe. I will stop talking about it the second SCOTUS has reiterated Windsor in the upcoming Hearing on gay marriage vs state's rights.

And what are you going to do when they don't?

Guy, the dominos are falling regardless of What SCOTUS does.
Yet another far left talking point that tries to distract from the worse than Bush, Obama.

Who care s if gays can marry, it won't matter if they can not find jobs..
Don't worry yourself too much there Joe. I will stop talking about it the second SCOTUS has reiterated Windsor in the upcoming Hearing on gay marriage vs state's rights.

And what are you going to do when they don't?....
I will accept whatever SCOTUS decides. Until then I will keep this debate between BOTH sides open to the public airing. You keep forgetting there are two sides to the gay marriage debate. I'm here to keep reminding people of that fact.
I will accept whatever SCOTUS decides. Until then I will keep this debate between BOTH sides open to the public airing. You keep forgetting there are two sides to the gay marriage debate. I'm here to keep reminding people of that fact.

Yeah, there are two sides.

Unfortunately, one of them is based on religious stupidity and homophobic bigotry and isn't to be taken seriously.
I will accept whatever SCOTUS decides. Until then I will keep this debate between BOTH sides open to the public airing. You keep forgetting there are two sides to the gay marriage debate. I'm here to keep reminding people of that fact.

Yeah, there are two sides.

Unfortunately, one of them is based on religious stupidity and homophobic bigotry and isn't to be taken seriously.
I'm not religious at all. I walked away from the christian church years ago. I have secular reasons for not wanting kids placed with sex perverts who do lewd acts in their sober pride parades where kids of all ages are watching.
I'm not religious at all. I walked away from the christian church years ago. I have secular reasons for not wanting kids placed with sex perverts who do lewd acts in their sober pride parades where kids of all ages are watching.

Yes, we've figured out that you have this obsession with gay people due to that one time at camp, or whatever.

We just don't care.
Yes, we've figured out that you have this obsession with gay people due to that one time at camp, or whatever.

We just don't care.

Who is "we"? Just curious.

And don't you mean that you've inserted that narrative in place of the one where you say my friend who died of AIDS didn't exist? [over at the other thread where you are saying that?] Asshole. Speaking of inventing a narrative. I understand that if people know about my friend and what he went through, it makes your slander of my position more difficult. So you simple re-invent my past so that your smears can be more complete. You not only defile his memory doing so, you defile the memories of all the deaths from AIDS that didn't need to happen. In the same way it didn't need to happen to my friend if he had gotten therapy at a young age to reverse the damage done to him by being molested as a boy.

As it happens, he couldn't do that legally in two states now. Because so doing would have helped him transition his physical sexual compulsions to come into line with his emotional ones where he kept falling in love with women but couldn't express himself physically with them because of the damage done to him as a boy.

Reinvent people's histories....deny that HIV is deadly....reinvent psychology itself and make that reinvention a matter of law interfering between patient and doctor....

Sounds like a cult to me.
Yes, we've figured out that you have this obsession with gay people due to that one time at camp, or whatever.

We just don't care.

Who is "we"? Just curious.

And don't you mean that you've inserted that narrative in place of the one where you say my friend who died of AIDS didn't exist? [over at the other thread where you are saying that?] Asshole. Speaking of inventing a narrative. I understand that if people know about my friend and what he went through, it makes your slander of my position more difficult. So you simple re-invent my past so that your smears can be more complete. You not only defile his memory doing so, you defile the memories of all the deaths from AIDS that didn't need to happen. In the same way it didn't need to happen to my friend if he had gotten therapy at a young age to reverse the damage done to him by being molested as a boy.

As it happens, he couldn't do that legally in two states now. Because so doing would have helped him transition his physical sexual compulsions to come into line with his emotional ones where he kept falling in love with women but couldn't express himself physically with them because of the damage done to him as a boy.

Reinvent people's histories....deny that HIV is deadly....reinvent psychology itself and make that reinvention a matter of law interfering between patient and doctor....

Sounds like a cult to me.

Again, i doubt your imaginary friend existed.

But reality- People are born gay or straight. Trying to make them be something other than that is child abuse.
Again, i doubt your imaginary friend existed.

But reality- People are born gay or straight. Trying to make them be something other than that is child abuse.

Short of printing his name here and upsetting his brother and his family, all that is left is the account of how he was molested and "turned" to gay compulsive sex. He was made gay. He most certainly was not 'born that way'.
Again, i doubt your imaginary friend existed.

But reality- People are born gay or straight. Trying to make them be something other than that is child abuse.

Short of printing his name here and upsetting his brother and his family, all that is left is the account of how he was molested and "turned" to gay compulsive sex. He was made gay. He most certainly was not 'born that way'.

Um. Yeah.

You know, my parents used to force me to eat brocolli when I was growing up. It didn't turn me into a brocolli lover.

Even assuming that your pretend friend got the gay forced on him when he was a kid, no one forced him to do it when he was an adult.
Um. Yeah.

You know, my parents used to force me to eat brocolli when I was growing up. It didn't turn me into a brocolli lover.

Even assuming that your pretend friend got the gay forced on him when he was a kid, no one forced him to do it when he was an adult.

You are as absolutely ignorant as ignorant can be about childhood molestation survivors. Here, let be bring back the Mayo Clinic for you to clear up the matter:


Page 461

Pedophilic abuse is often not reported for a variety of
reasons ranging from fear (eg, worried about not being
believed, will be physically harmed if child reports abuse),
emotional reasons (needy child identifies with the pedophile),
or guilt (feels responsible for what happened)

6 In
the study by Bagley et al, the most common response why
individuals who were molested once did not report abuse
was that they could “handle the abuse” and it “didn’t
bother” them (50.7%),
with the second most common response
being that they were afraid of how other people
would react (40%)

For children who were abused multiple
times, the most common response was that they felt
partly responsible (57.7%
) or that they did not want the
person prosecuted because of some degree of attachment

It is startling that the North American Man/Boy
Love Association Web site uses research with similar findings
(eg, it did not bother me or I liked the experience) to
justify its position on why it should be legal for adult men
to have consensual sexual relationships with boys

...page 465

Generally, abused children experience the greatest psychological
damage when the abuse occurs from father figures
(close neighbors, priests or ministers, coaches) or involves
force and/or genital contact.

The specific long-term
effects on abused children as they grow into adulthood are
difficult to predict. Some individuals adapt and have a
higher degree of resilience, whereas others are profoundly
and negatively changed. Studies have found that the children
abused by pedophiles have higher measures of
trauma, depression, and neurosis on standardized psychometric
Individuals who experience long-term
abuse are significantly more likely to have affective illness
(eg, depression), anxiety disorders (eg, generalized anxiety
disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, panic attacks), eating
disorders (anorexia in females), substance abuse, personality
disorders, and/or adjustment disorders and to make
suicidal gestures or actually engage in serious suicide attempts
than those who are not abused....

We have clinically treated 10 adult men who were
molested by a priest or minister
. Many of these men
reported initially liking the relationship with the clergyman
because of the attention they received and having a
special relationship with a person of power and respect.
Later, these men reported feeling rejected, abandoned,
and betrayed. They all reported multiple sexual acts. Five
were “passed around” to other pedophilic clergy, who
also engaged in multiple sexual acts with them. Common
features seen in the abused men included guilt, anger, and
confusion about the abuse. Eight of the abused men had
either treatment-refractory or recurrent depression, 7 had
divorced at least twice, 6 had made serious suicide attempts,
and 4 had alcohol or drug dependency issues. All
reported fear of isolation from others, shame, and a fear of
emotional dependency on others. Five reported they were
gay or bisexual, whereas 3 of the remaining 5 had difficulty

with both emotional and physical intimacy with their

How about that? 8 of ten boys grown up to men who were molested as boys by men turned out to be either gay or had difficulty being intimate with women. 80% of boys who were molested by men grew up gay or "closeted" gay [difficulty getting turned on by women/females].

You are as absolutely ignorant as ignorant can be about childhood molestation survivors. Here, let be bring back the Mayo Clinic for you to clear up the matter:

How about that? 8 of ten boys grown up to men who were molested as boys by men turned out to be either gay or had difficulty being intimate with women. 80% of boys who were molested by men grew up gay or "closeted" gay [difficulty getting turned on by women/females].

Meaningless garbage science. How many straight men would be willing to ADMIT they were molested as children? My guess, very few.
Meaningless garbage science. How many straight men would be willing to ADMIT they were molested as children? My guess, very few.

The Mayo Clinic's lengthy report on pedophiles and the effects of pedophilia according to this LGBT spokesman "JoeB131" is "meaningless garbage science". Should we be getting our information from NAMBLA Joe?

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