32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

Again, i think you are a little delusional. If anything, we've become more prude in our culture.

Back in the 1980's, it was common to see full frontal nudity or even a sex scene in a movie. Today, not so much.

Then first I direct you to any children's television programming today [try Disney for example] to compare with the 1980s lineup for them [and to a book on "pedophiles and pedophile grooming].

And second I nominate you for USMB's "Most Full of Shit" award.


Frankly, I always though He-Man came off as a little gay.

So Disney is doing gay kids shows? Or are they just having a show where there are gay people and no one thinks it's any big whup?
You said our overall culture had become more prude. Now you're rewriting what you said to seem as if you said "more or less gay". Are you a compulsive liar or a purposeful one? I think the latter and think you're on the GLAAD blog payroll...

Again, I nominate you for the USMB's "Most Full of Shit" award.
You said our overall culture had become more prude. Now you're rewriting what you said to seem as if you said "more or less gay". Are you a compulsive liar or a purposeful one? I think the latter and think you're on the GLAAD blog payroll...

Again, I nominate you for the USMB's "Most Full of Shit" award.

I'm still waiting for you to list the super-gay Disney shows.

Yes, our culture has become a LOT more prude. No, nobody is teaching kids to be gay. Maybe teaching them to not be ashamed of being gay, but that's not really the same thing.
I'm still waiting for you to list the super-gay Disney shows.

Yes, our culture has become a LOT more prude. No, nobody is teaching kids to be gay. Maybe teaching them to not be ashamed of being gay, but that's not really the same thing.
So long as that teaching includes telling them that sex with the lower digestive tract is the deadliest form of sex there is. Fair enough? No? Oh wait that's right. On the other thread about HIV you were saying it would be a terrible thing to dissuade young boys from trying out anal sex. Your position I believe was that it is better to risk a few lives than to deter a young boy from anal sex.
I'm still waiting for you to list the super-gay Disney shows.

Yes, our culture has become a LOT more prude. No, nobody is teaching kids to be gay. Maybe teaching them to not be ashamed of being gay, but that's not really the same thing.
So long as that teaching includes telling them that sex with the lower digestive tract is the deadliest form of sex there is. Fair enough? No? Oh wait that's right. On the other thread about HIV you were saying it would be a terrible thing to dissuade young boys from trying out anal sex. Your position I believe was that it is better to risk a few lives than to deter a young boy from anal sex.

again, you really, really need to get over your obsession with the butt sex.
again, you really, really need to get over your obsession with the butt sex.

Let's return to the topic, shall we? Answer this question. What is more important to you?:

1. Little boys not finding out that anal sex can be deadly.

2. Little boys finding out that anal sex can be deadly.
So then you've evaded answering over at the HIV thread. You've evaded answering here. Well I think we know what the sex education conversations are going to be like in a "gay parented" home: "anal sex is good for you and I don't want to hear another word about it Johnny!!"

And the new HIV numbers keep climbing and climbing and climbing for all the little Johnny's in the world thusly deprived of the full information on anal sex...
again, you really, really need to get over your obsession with the butt sex.

Let's return to the topic, shall we? Answer this question. What is more important to you?:

1. Little boys not finding out that anal sex can be deadly.

2. Little boys finding out that anal sex can be deadly.

Why limit yourself to "Little boys". 38% of straights try anal sex. Why aren't you telling little girls that?

Meh, I htink you really need to get over your obsession with the Butt Sex.
So then you've evaded answering over at the HIV thread. You've evaded answering here. Well I think we know what the sex education conversations are going to be like in a "gay parented" home: "anal sex is good for you and I don't want to hear another word about it Johnny!!"

And the new HIV numbers keep climbing and climbing and climbing for all the little Johnny's in the world thusly deprived of the full information on anal sex...

HIV numbers flattened out back in 2000. So you don't even have that one right.
HIV numbers flattened out back in 2000. So you don't even have that one right.

Really? Still lying to kill young boys eh?

Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
HIV numbers flattened out back in 2000. So you don't even have that one right.

Really? Still lying to kill young boys eh?

Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS

24 isn't a young boy.

If you haven't gotten laid by the time you are 24, you are kind of pathetic.
A friend of mine reports that SCOTUS now may waffle and simply refuse to hear the appeals from the hetero fascists, leaving maybe 15 states as traditional marriage states to work their way on the issue of marriage equality. The others and DC will be marriage equality states.
A friend of mine reports that SCOTUS now may waffle and simply refuse to hear the appeals from the hetero fascists, leaving maybe 15 states as traditional marriage states to work their way on the issue of marriage equality. The others and DC will be marriage equality states.
Impossible. And Utah is the reason why...

A friend of mine says you're full of shit and lie routinely in a smoke and mirrors effort to make it look like gays have already won so people will shrug and give up.

Ain't happenin' bro. :tank:
A friend of mine reports that SCOTUS now may waffle and simply refuse to hear the appeals from the hetero fascists, leaving maybe 15 states as traditional marriage states to work their way on the issue of marriage equality. The others and DC will be marriage equality states.
Impossible. And Utah is the reason why...

A friend of mine says you're full of shit and lie routinely in a smoke and mirrors effort to make it look like gays have already won so people will shrug and give up.
Ain't happenin' bro. :tank:

Ah, the ad hom gay by you yet once again. Yeah, SCOTUS can deny to hear Utah, and if it does, Judge Shelby's ruling stands. Guess what: the other districts will follow suit. Either way, marriage equality is here to stay.
Ah, the ad hom gay by you yet once again. Yeah, SCOTUS can deny to hear Utah, and if it does, Judge Shelby's ruling stands. Guess what: the other districts will follow suit. Either way, marriage equality is here to stay.
:bsflag:There cannot be damage done to California and other states' constitutions and the ability of voters to realize their civil right to self-govern while Utah is allowed to self-govern with respect to the same question. This case will be heard. If it isn't heard, it will be the greatest loophole to the dissolution of democracy this country has ever known. Because if other special interest groups want to do things repugnant to the majority that have nothing to do with race and everything to do with behavior...Fourth Reicht here we come..

...Unless you're going to be bigoted next and insist that JUST LGBT behaviors/cult have a special pass to dissolve democratic rule? No, the Stay was granted in Utah. And it was granted for a reason. You cannot have quasi-law that favors one state over another as to its power to self-rule or not. This will be heard.

You are third in line for USMB's "most full of shit" award Jake. Congratulations...
Sil is having a tough day but there it is

Your interp is not accepted by the majority and not by the courts

Step along, nothing for you here
Sil is having a tough day but there it is

Your interp is not accepted by the majority and not by the courts

Step along, nothing for you here
You honestly believe that a separate treatment of the states' rights to self-rule will not have a hearing at SCOTUS?
I don't know, and neither do you.

I do know that marriage equality will come and that quickly.
I don't know, and neither do you.

I do know that marriage equality will come and that quickly.
Marriage equality for polygamists? In Utah? And if Utah gets to say "no" to that, are they the only state allowed to do that? And why did SCOTUS uphold their wishes to preserve their democratic process and grant the stay on gay marriages in Utah?

So you're saying the only state allowed to legislate for itself to define marriage is Utah?
HIV numbers flattened out back in 2000. So you don't even have that one right.

Really? Still lying to kill young boys eh?

Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS

24 isn't a young boy.

If you haven't gotten laid by the time you are 24, you are kind of pathetic.

Or have been fucked up by religion your whole life. Granted this was not a man, but I once dated a 32 year old woman who was a virgin. She had never been with a man or a woman. She had grown up in a fundamentalist home and struggled with her sexuality.

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