32 states Ask scotus to settle Gay marriage

The Mayo Clinic's lengthy report on pedophiles and the effects of pedophilia according to this LGBT spokesman "JoeB131" is "meaningless garbage science". Should we be getting our information from NAMBLA Joe?

I think that when anyone tries to transpose homoseuxality and pedophilia, they pretty much have forfeited any credibility they have.
The Mayo Clinic's lengthy report on pedophiles and the effects of pedophilia according to this LGBT spokesman "JoeB131" is "meaningless garbage science". Should we be getting our information from NAMBLA Joe?

I think that when anyone tries to transpose homoseuxality and pedophilia, they pretty much have forfeited any credibility they have.

Really? Even with the strong links that both the Mayo Clinic and the CDC have found between the two?

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

So the CDC found that there is a "pervasive" "epidemic" of gay men having had been molested as boys....then the Mayo Clinic's comprehensive report on pedophiles finds this:

Mayo Clinic 2007
One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

What you have there is a causal peer-reviewed relationship between the epidemic of gay men having been molested as boys and them growing up to continue the cycle which the Mayo Clinic calls "the victim-to-abuser cycle" or "abused-abusers phenomenon".
Guy, you can post whatever homophobic garbage you want. Nobody fucking cares. You can go wank off to pictures from the pride parade.

Translation "Gee I wish Silhouette would quit bringing up credible institutions that have found in peer-reviewed studies that there's a link between an "epidemic" of gay men having been molested as boys and the abused-abuser syndrome! Especially since we're trying to get gay marriage/rights to adopt vulnerable..er...um..I mean needy orphans right now.."

Translation "Gee I wish Silhouette would quit bringing up credible institutions that have found in peer-reviewed studies that there's a link between an "epidemic" of gay men having been molested as boys and the abused-abuser syndrome! Especially since we're trying to get gay marriage/rights to adopt vulnerable..er...um..I mean needy orphans right now.."

Gee, I wish Sil would stop making up shit to rationalize her homophobia, because honestly, you are kind of mentally ill and probably going to commit a hate crime at some point.

What can alleged Philadelphia gay-basher Katherine Knott s tweets tell us about homophobia

Translation "Gee I wish Silhouette would quit bringing up credible institutions that have found in peer-reviewed studies that there's a link between an "epidemic" of gay men having been molested as boys and the abused-abuser syndrome! Especially since we're trying to get gay marriage/rights to adopt vulnerable..er...um..I mean needy orphans right now.."

Gee, I wish Sil would stop making up shit to rationalize her homophobia, because honestly, you are kind of mentally ill and probably going to commit a hate crime at some point.

What can alleged Philadelphia gay-basher Katherine Knott s tweets tell us about homophobia

Stop feeding the troll. Her hobby is inferring gays are pedophiles. You can't reason with that kind of blind bigotry, Joe.
Stop feeding the troll. Her hobby is inferring gays are pedophiles. You can't reason with that kind of blind bigotry, Joe.
Actually, let's give credit where it is due. Gays themselves are inferring that gays are pedophiles when they do stuff like this as a matter of sober "pride" where they hope kids of all ages will be watching:


[BTW, if I were to enter the above photo at a county fair, it's title would be "Inversion of internal pyschological wounds".]

And don't forget the credit of inference that also belongs to the Mayo Clinic and CDC when they draw a direct causal link to the cyclic nature of pedophiles/victims and the prevalence of molested boys in the gay male population:

Mayo Clinic 2007 http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle” or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

There's a problem. And refusal to look at it screaming in your face does not mean the problem has been solved...
You know what, i've been to a few charity events for Breast Cancer, where they have a bunch of kids around and they do a whole bunch of titty jokes. IN fact, breast cancer marches seem to be kind of ribald.


Oddly, I don't see Sil going around thinking of the Children there.
You know what, i've been to a few charity events for Breast Cancer, where they have a bunch of kids around and they do a whole bunch of titty jokes. IN fact, breast cancer marches seem to be kind of ribald.

..Oddly, I don't see Sil going around thinking of the Children there.

There is a difference between "ribald" and "lewd sexual acts". A legal one as it turns out. And neither belong displayed for children. Heteros as a group acknowledge that those types of things are "mistakes" made by some idiot hetero. On the contrary, gays promote the lewd parades in front of kids and not once have I ever heard anyone denounce them from their ranks.

The difference is in the base cultural value system. And in each, what is seen as "normal and acceptable" and "what is not acceptable and should be modified or shunned".. In the LGBT culture it seems there is no extreme too lewd in "pride" parades..

BTW, the gay militants have heavily infiltrated women's rights issues and events. They want those votes. It wouldn't suprise me to learn that a gay artist designed that poster to "lewdify" a mainly-hetero event in order to make those events look more like theirs to water down the outrage the public might feel towards the lewd events in pride parades.. In effect killing two birds with one stone.

Like to know who the artist was who rendered that poster. The propaganda machine has been hard at work for decades now trying to blend their subculture with hetero's in order to "cancel out" any outrage or defenses of outrage against the spread of the deviant sex cult. You see it all over TV. And Hollywood is run by GLAAD behind the scenes with an iron fist...

For instance it wouldn't suprise me at all to learn that those promoting Miley Cyrus' act are heavily gay or gay-supportive or outright employees of GLAAD..
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Don't steal Second Base has been around for a while as a Breast Cancer Awareness thing.

You really need to get out more.

Maybe so. But then again so has the concerted LGBT effort to blend their lewd culture into the hetero one. I still want to find out about the artist of that poster.
Don't steal Second Base has been around for a while as a Breast Cancer Awareness thing.

You really need to get out more.

Maybe so. But then again so has the concerted LGBT effort to blend their lewd culture into the hetero one. I still want to find out about the artist of that poster.

What you don't know how to use "Google"?

I think straights had no problem being "lewd" before gays came along.
What you don't know how to use "Google"?

I think straights had no problem being "lewd" before gays came along.
The difference as you already know, is that the lewd behavior is intended or not intended to be viewed by children. Of course people of all orientations engage in lewd behaviors. It's just that the LGBT community gets behind those lewd acts in front of kids at gay pride parades as perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile the hetero community shuns that and passes laws against it. They rebuke and denounce people who do it. But gays shower such people with praise and adulation.

Oh what a difference a professed value system makes in this debate... It's a difference in direction each culture intends itself to head...and that end point that all can see looming off in the distance..
The difference as you already know, is that the lewd behavior is intended or not intended to be viewed by children. Of course people of all orientations engage in lewd behaviors. It's just that the LGBT community gets behind those lewd acts in front of kids at gay pride parades as perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile the hetero community shuns that and passes laws against it. They rebuke and denounce people who do it. But gays shower such people with praise and adulation.

Oh what a difference a professed value system makes in this debate... It's a difference in direction each culture intends itself to head...and that end point that all can see looming off in the distance..

Again, i think you are a little delusional. If anything, we've become more prude in our culture.

Back in the 1980's, it was common to see full frontal nudity or even a sex scene in a movie. Today, not so much.
Again, i think you are a little delusional. If anything, we've become more prude in our culture.

Back in the 1980's, it was common to see full frontal nudity or even a sex scene in a movie. Today, not so much.

Then first I direct you to any children's television programming today [try Disney for example] to compare with the 1980s lineup for them [and to a book on "pedophiles and pedophile grooming].

And second I nominate you for USMB's "Most Full of Shit" award.
Again, i think you are a little delusional. If anything, we've become more prude in our culture.

Back in the 1980's, it was common to see full frontal nudity or even a sex scene in a movie. Today, not so much.

Then first I direct you to any children's television programming today [try Disney for example] to compare with the 1980s lineup for them [and to a book on "pedophiles and pedophile grooming].

And second I nominate you for USMB's "Most Full of Shit" award.


Frankly, I always though He-Man came off as a little gay.

So Disney is doing gay kids shows? Or are they just having a show where there are gay people and no one thinks it's any big whup?

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