
But thanks to the Bernie Brigade, the Supreme Court is going to make sure that for the next gernations anyone can buy as many guns as their adderall addled brain desires; no questions asked.

Indeed, that’s already happening in the lower courts where domestic abusers subject to a restraining order are no longer designated prohibited persons.

“The 5th Circuit three-judge panel, all nominated by Republican presidents, ruled that the law was no longer constitutional under the Supreme Court’s landmark expansion of Second Amendment rights last summer.”

The right’s war on women continues.

Don't try to weasel out of what you said.

You stated, and I quote: "But thanks to the Bernie Brigade, the Supreme Court is going to make sure that for the next gernations anyone can buy as many guns as their adderall addled brain desires; no questions asked".

Is that not a direct quote of what you posted? Misspellings and all?
What is it you think I'm trying to "weasel out of"?

Yes that is a direct quote. Bernie's folks stayed home, your blob won, and we now have a supreme court that doesn't care about the weekly bloodbaths because any really pissed off junior GI Joe commando can buy as many weapons as they want; no questions asked. That is what happened in Uvalde.
What is it you think I'm trying to "weasel out of"?

Yes that is a direct quote. Bernie's folks stayed home, your blob won, and we now have a supreme court that doesn't care about the weekly bloodbaths because any really pissed off junior GI Joe commando can buy as many weapons as they want; no questions asked. That is what happened in Uvalde.
Still lying. Bu Bye.
If the thug holding the gun wasn’t there, what would have happened?
So you want to lock him up before committing a crime, or institutionalize him in a crazy farm of yesteryear???

Remember, you all think mentally ill people should have guns..... :rolleyes: And 18 year olds should have AR15s etc.... :rolleyes:
So you want to lock him up before committing a crime, or institutionalize him in a crazy farm of yesteryear???

Who said anything about locking anyone up?

The point was, if it’s true that if the gun was not there it wouldn’t have happened then it’s also true that if the gun were there and not being held by a thug with bad intent, it wouldn’t have happened. Understand?
Remember, you all think mentally ill people should have guns..... :rolleyes: And 18 year olds should have AR15s etc.... :rolleyes:

Who’s “you all”? I never said any such thing.
So you want to lock him up before committing a crime, or institutionalize him in a crazy farm of yesteryear???

Remember, you all think mentally ill people should have guns..... :rolleyes: And 18 year olds should have AR15s etc.... :rolleyes:
Not at all. We simply want the laws on the books to be enforced and NOT reduce felony charges to misdemeanors by Soros backed district attorneys.

MSU killer Anthony McRae had prior felony gun charge dropped by progressive DA, would have been barred from owning gun if convicted

By Allie Griffin
February 15, 2023

McRae, 43, was initially slapped with a felony weapons charge — which would have outlawed him from owning guns in the future if convicted, the Detroit Free Press reported.

However, he instead agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge and the felony rap was dropped as part of the deal with the Ingham County District Attorney’s office.


Why do Liberals refuse to enforce and enact laws that will actually reduce gun crimes?
I hope you're right.

But thanks to the Bernie Brigade, the Supreme Court is going to make sure that for the next gernations anyone can buy as many guns as their adderall addled brain desires; no questions asked. Some dimwit somewhere (if they haven't already) will come up with a Mad Libs type form to make their own pre-slaughter manifesto that the gun seller will not know about (not that they will care of course--there is $200 on the line!).

You really are stupid………you make up crap and lie, and think that is all you have to do for an argument.


12 mass public shootings in a country of over 350 million people…….

total murdered 74

deer kill 200 people each year

lawn mowers between 90-100

ladders 300

bathtubs 350

cars close to 40,000

the vast majority of gun murder in the U.S. is not the lone nit’s…..lgun murder is primarily committed by known criminals and the majority of their victims are other criminals……..or the family and friends of their targeted criminals hit by mistake.

These criminals have long histories of crime and violence……and cannot legally buy any gun, anywhere in the U.S……they use straw buyers…people who can pass any background check…..or they simply steal the gun…,,,,,

So nothing you posted is based in fact, truth or reality…..,

and the criminals doing the shooting have long histories of being arrested over and over again...only to be released over and over again by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians….

That is the truth….but you don’t care about the real cause of gun murder in the U.S…….you want to ban guns and the rarest of rare events ………mass public shootings……and the 24/7 coverage they get…..is your best tool to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you that power…..

Meanwhile…..arresting and keeping the people doing 95% of all the gun murder in the U.S. locked up doesn’t interest you….because you simply lie and make it seem like those criminals are mass public shooters ….allowing you to use them to scare normal people who are not their actual victims….
So you think this many people (3M roughly)

Had to draw down on someone last year, this year, next year,

The research has been done over decades and decades…….according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings……the Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million times a year……..

They are the representatives of your god…..government…….they did the research, not us……….if your god failed you again, that’s on you and your god, not us.
As I have proven by the videos posted earlier, anyone can buy a gun no questions asked/no background check from a dealer willing to sell it. And if you have no adult criminal record despite stating on social media that you're about to attack someone--you can buy a gun questions asked. Those are just the facts.

That is a lie….… no gun dealer will sell a gun without a background check…..they are required by federal law…..you lying clod.

What you lie about is at gun shows private individuals can sell a privately owned gun to anyone they want, any where they want……if they sell more than one or two guns, they are breaking the law…..and have become defacto gun dealers and must do background checks….

you now know this, having been told this over and over again….and now you are simply lying.
So if I post a manifesto at noon to where I said I was going to kill a group of people at 2PM , have not been arrested, charged or convicted of this or any other crime...you think I should be able to buy a gun at 1PM?

A simple yes or no.

Nope…. It you can’t stop it…….…..

The same way you can’t stop a guy posting the same threat, renting a truck and driving through a crowd of people……..killing far more than the guy with a gun…,

But since you can’t stop it…..only the people at the scene can stop him…and you don’t want them to be able to have their own gun to stop him….you want them murdered so you can use their deaths to push gun control…..

Knowing that people may have guns stops mass public shootings….,,we know this from actual mass public shooters and their actual manifestos……..you want those people to die so you can use them……
What is it you think I'm trying to "weasel out of"?

Yes that is a direct quote. Bernie's folks stayed home, your blob won, and we now have a supreme court that doesn't care about the weekly bloodbaths because any really pissed off junior GI Joe commando can buy as many weapons as they want; no questions asked. That is what happened in Uvalde.

Moron…..it is your democrat party releasing all of the gun killers back onto the streets….…..not our guys.
So you want to lock him up before committing a crime, or institutionalize him in a crazy farm of yesteryear???

Remember, you all think mentally ill people should have guns..... :rolleyes: And 18 year olds should have AR15s etc.... :rolleyes:

Moron…….18 year olds can drive…..and a Muslim terrorist in a rental truck in France murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving….more people than in any mass public shooting in the United States…..in fact….more people died in that one attack than all the people killed in entire years of mass public shootings….except for one or two years…

so you would be for banning 18 year olds from driving cars and trucks…..right?
The research has been done over decades and decades…….according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings……the Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million times a year……..

They are the representatives of your god…..government…….they did the research, not us……….if your god failed you again, that’s on you and your god, not us.

Yet you keep repeating the lie...is that on them too?
That is a lie….… no gun dealer will sell a gun without a background check…..they are required by federal law…..you lying clod.

What you lie about is at gun shows private individuals can sell a privately owned gun to anyone they want, any where they want……if they sell more than one or two guns, they are breaking the law…..and have become defacto gun dealers and must do background checks….

you now know this, having been told this over and over again….and now you are simply lying.
Wow...you mean that the only 2 times it happened in the history of the world the transactions were recorded and uploaded to YouTube? Incredible!!!
Nope…. It you can’t stop it…….…..
The same way you can’t stop a guy posting the same threat, renting a truck and driving through a crowd of people……..killing far more than the guy with a gun…,

But since you can’t stop it…..only the people at the scene can stop him…and you don’t want them to be able to have their own gun to stop him….you want them murdered so you can use their deaths to push gun control…..

Knowing that people may have guns stops mass public shootings….,,we know this from actual mass public shooters and their actual manifestos……..you want those people to die so you can use them……
So again...if a guy who has nothing else in his past to keep him from buying a gun...posts his manifesto at noon saying he was going to kill you and your family at 2 PM.... you think the gun store owner should sell him the gun at 1PM?

This is the extent of your idiocy.

See, I think we should look into folks social media and their recent non criminal histories to see if they have had some triggering event...
Moron…..it is your democrat party releasing all of the gun killers back onto the streets….…..not our guys.
Yeah, I listed all of the towns in Texas that had rampage killers...and you're blaming the democrats for being so powerful?

And before you try to speak out both sides of your mouth yet again...Texas has the largest prison population in the nation...so how is it that the democrats are soft on crime while sending so many folks to prison?

I'm sure you'll post some massive wall of text with cherrypicked non sense. Save it.
Moron…….18 year olds can drive…..and a Muslim terrorist in a rental truck in France murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving….more people than in any mass public shooting in the United States…..in fact….more people died in that one attack than all the people killed in entire years of mass public shootings….except for one or two years…

so you would be for banning 18 year olds from driving cars and trucks…..right?

I do love how you get all orgasmic to point out "they kill people too"...as if their madness somehow legitimizes our weekly blood baths.

You're a sad little piece of shit.
So you think this many people (3M roughly)

Had to draw down on someone last year, this year, next year,
Where did I ever say that?

Please quote the post where I did. And when you can't find that post will you have the integrity to admit that you are the one lying about what I said?

I doubt it.
So you think a person should wait to be struck stabbed or shot at before he defends himself?

The legal standard of the use of force in any self defense situation is that the use of force to stop what any reasonable person may consider an imminent threat of bodily harm is justified.

So if a guy pulls knife on me has he committed a crime yet? No. Would a reasonable person think that someone pulling a knife on them is a threat to their life? Yes.

And yes I have actually had to draw my weapon and no I didn't wait until the guy struck, stabbed or shot me first I drew my weapon when he said "Give me your wallet or I'll gut you"
So, at the very least, would you agree that for a defensive gun use to occur, the gun has to be pulled out of the holster right?

Do you really think this happens 3M times a year?

5.7 times a minute--every minute of every day on average.

And when the report was released that was quite a while ago...so that is 5.7 times a minute--every minute of every day--for over a decade now.


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