
Yet another lie from the dishonest right.

Individuals who engage in private intrastate transactions of firearms where those individuals are residents of the same state are not required to complete a 4473 and be subject to a NICS background check.

UBCs would address that deficiency placing no restrictions on the acquisition all types of firearms.
By definition an individual who sells a gun occasionally is not a gun dealer.
once again the gun control freaks deny the fact that a gun does not have to be fired and no one has to end up dead as a result from a defensive gun use.

Does one have to brandish a gun to have a defensive gun use? By that I mean pull it out and have it in your hand?
drawing a weapon is a threat of force and most time that threat of force is enough to stop crime.

THAT is a DGU as much as shooting in self defense is

Why would you draw a weapon before a crime is being committed? Have you done this before...just pointed a gun at someone who you think is about to commit a crime?
Why would you draw a weapon before a crime is being committed? Have you done this before...just pointed a gun at someone who you think is about to commit a crime?
So you think a person should wait to be struck stabbed or shot at before he defends himself?

The legal standard of the use of force in any self defense situation is that the use of force to stop what any reasonable person may consider an imminent threat of bodily harm is justified.

So if a guy pulls knife on me has he committed a crime yet? No. Would a reasonable person think that someone pulling a knife on them is a threat to their life? Yes.

And yes I have actually had to draw my weapon and no I didn't wait until the guy struck, stabbed or shot me first I drew my weapon when he said "Give me your wallet or I'll gut you"
Affected? What does that mean? Kids today see realistic depictions of carnage and death every freaking day. My guess is that they are more afraid of getting mugged on the subway or beaten on the school bus.
Hyper-locally, it drives deeply into the collective unconscious. No mass shootings in Moscow for 2022.
No fuck stain; the goalposts are right where they always were. This brain fart of some cell phone app is all your doing. I simply asked if it is going to check the other pertinent factors in whether or not some white supremacist blob-supporting fellow fuck-stain of yours should be able to buy a gun after posting a hate-fueled manifesto where he pretty much comes right out and says he's going to attack people.

The bastard said he was going to attack people....

Should that be factored into whether he should be able to buy a gun--his saying he is going to attack someone?
And this is where conservatives will resort to the ‘we’re helpless to do anything about it/thoughts and prayers’ defense.

Conservatives will tell you that absent a felony conviction, that without an adjudication of being mentally incompetent, or absent being subject to a domestic violence restraining order, a hateful, racist rightwing, Trump-supporting domestic terrorist is at liberty to post on social media his intent to commit crimes of violence and mass murder with a gun and go out the next day and indeed buy a gun.

But we’re not helpless to do anything about it, as conservatives would have us believe.

We can address the mental illness that results in rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate.

We can expose and denounce the misinformation and lies conservatives propagate about ‘open borders,’ ‘stolen elections,’ and ‘voter fraud’ that motivate Trump supporters and other on the right – such as the El Paso Walmart shooter who wanted to murder Hispanic immigrants and the Buffalo, NY shooter who wanted to murder black Americans.
By definition an individual who sells a gun occasionally is not a gun dealer.
UBCs are perfectly appropriate, effective, and Constitutional – in no manner in violation of the Second Amendment.

UBCs do not regulate any particular type of firearm or class of weapon; it’s an administrative process that ensures prohibited persons do not come into possession of a firearm the consequence of a private, intrastate transaction, placing no limits or restrictions of the type or class of firearms being transacted.

Opposition to UBCs is unwarranted and devoid of merit.
But it wouldn't check to see if the psychopath who is buying the arsenal has recently posted that he is going to attack someone.

So, again, it's worthless.

You posted about gun shows and people who are not gun businesses selling one of their private guns to a private buyer........my app deals with that........since my actual solution does not allow you to register guns, allows people to do their own background checks without extra red tape, legal fees or legal peril...you have no interest in it, since you want to register guns so you can confiscate them.........so now you move on to another issue.......

The NICS background check on the phone, app, you mental moron.......would also have information if the person was a prohibited person due to being dangerously mentally ill.......and adjudicated as such through the court system....

You moron.
UBCs are perfectly appropriate, effective, and Constitutional – in no manner in violation of the Second Amendment.

UBCs do not regulate any particular type of firearm or class of weapon; it’s an administrative process that ensures prohibited persons do not come into possession of a firearm the consequence of a private, intrastate transaction, placing no limits or restrictions of the type or class of firearms being transacted.

Opposition to UBCs is unwarranted and devoid of merit.

No, actually, they are not any of those things, since criminals get around the current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers...people who can pass any background check, or the criminals simply steal their guns....

hat ensures prohibited persons do not come into possession of a firearm

Since criminals use straw buyers or steal their guns....your above statement is false.
No, actually, they are not any of those things, since criminals get around the current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers...people who can pass any background check, or the criminals simply steal their guns....

Since criminals use straw buyers or steal their guns....your above statement is false.
How many of the young men that murdered students in school got their guns illegally?
The Buffalo mass murderer. I may need to be more specific. The one who killed mostly black people at the Tops Grocery Store.

You really are dumb....like monumentally stupid.....

I had an idea that this nut was the one you were ignorantly pointing to......

This shooter, who you likely chose at random and did absolutely no research on before you posted it in the first post......described himself as a member of the "Authoritarian Left...." and an "Eco-fascist...." you dumb clod....

Authoritarian left and eco-fascist......and anti-semitic.......

He is a leftist through and through........

The author describes himself as someone who initially identified himself as being on the "authoritarian left",[81][82] before he developed American neo-Nazi, antisemitic, eco-fascist, ethno-nationalist, populist, and white supremacist views.[12][83]

The Buffalo suspect calls himself an “eco-fascist” and blames migration for harm to the environment in the document posted online.

This invocation of eco-fascism, or green racism,

“The invaders are the ones over-populating the world,” the Christchurch murderer wrote in his own manifesto. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.”

How many of the young men that murdered students in school got their guns illegally?

Not many......since the police knew who they were and failed to act, as did the schools they attended.......had the police in most of these situations or the schools pressed charges and taken them to court and convicted them of the various crimes they did actually commit...they would have popped up as prohibited on background checks.....

So this failure is with your "God," government..........
Why would you draw a weapon before a crime is being committed? Have you done this before...just pointed a gun at someone who you think is about to commit a crime?

I have a friend who was walking in Chicago and two guys were approaching him......he thought they looked sketchy so all he did was move his jacket out of the way so he could simply access his pistol.....they saw that movement and what it meant, and crossed the street.........

Another friend I know, a harpist at a local, 5 star restaurant.....was moving with his boyfriend, loading his harp in his van.... when two men approached them...the two men pointed a gun at them, took their watches, wallets and his car, with the harp he used at his jobs......never saw the harp again........he had to borrow a harp to work....it was about 10 grand in a music instrument
I would like to hear your explanation on why other first world nations don't have these monthly shooting sprees.
Why do you think they don't? France and Britain have much worse mass murdering from Islamic terrorists constantly, weekly. I expect you just don't listen to much international news. Other nations, too --- Spain, Japan, even China. Lots of mass murders, many spectacular with big deathcounts. Surely you remember some of them.
I would like to hear your explanation on why other first world nations don't have these monthly shooting sprees.

You mean like Sweden?

You idiot...you really, really need to pay more attention to the crime increasing in Europe.....

This is the terrifying moment a teenager armed with an AK-47 fired 15 bullets into the home of a terrified mother and her young child in a Stockholm suburb.

In exclusive footage obtained by MailOnline, bullets are sprayed into the front door with empty cartridge cases bouncing down the stairwell, before the camera focuses on the front door riddled with holes.
A frightened mother, who lives in the block, told MailOnline: 'It was crazy. It wasn't a small gun. It was a Kalashnikov.

Sweden has seen at least 15 incidents of homes being sprayed with bullets and a similar number of bombings in the last six weeks as drug gangs, mainly from immigrant communities, battle for control of the streets.

An hour after the apartment shooting, police managed to prevent a potential murder in nearby Hammarbyhöjden.
Officers carrying out surveillance on an address linked to a man in the Dalen network are said to have begun chasing a suspicious car.
The pursuit ended with the car crashing and two boys aged 13 and 14 being arrested after automatic weapons and masks were found inside.

Local media reports that many recent attacks are linked by police to a desperate turf war between two gang leaders, nicknamed 'The Kurdish Fox' and 'The Greek'.

Gangs increasingly hire young teenagers to carry out acts of violence as they cannot be prosecuted due to the criminal age of responsibility being 15 in Sweden, compared to ten in the UK.

Teenager machineguns family home near Stockholm as gun crime spirals

Seems me that American criminals don't use fully automatic military rifles........the teens in Sweden do...

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