
So that would be what, 2-3 a minute...every minute of every day? And this has been the case for the "decades"


And you don't know anyone who has had to do this or know of anyone who knows anyone who has had to do this....
I have drawn a weapon twice in my life both times to a real threat to my safety that any reasonable person would agree with

Saying that people don't use their weapons to stop a crime from happening to them is just as ridiculous as your idea that everyone's internet activity has to be included in a BG check
I have drawn a weapon twice in my life both times to a real threat to my safety that any reasonable person would agree with

Saying that people don't use their weapons to stop a crime from happening to them is just as ridiculous as your idea that everyone's internet activity has to be included in a BG check
Saying it happens 2 times a minute....every minute...of every day...and has been happening 2 times a minute...every minute of every day for decades...is just as ridiculous.

The difference is that I never said it didn't happen as you are alleging above; your fellow gun nuts are saying it happens millions of times per year.
Yeah, except for their first time....


The Criminology of Firearms

The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."


Okay...respond to those facts now....
Saying it happens 2 times a minute....every minute...of every day...and has been happening 2 times a minute...every minute of every day for decades...is just as ridiculous.

The difference is that I never said it didn't happen as you are alleging above; your fellow gun nuts are saying it happens millions of times per year.
Where have I ever said that?
And what you did say was that the number of DGU occurrences are so infinitesimally small as to be irrelevant that pretty much us the same thing as denying it.

And those numbers come from several studies. If you want to address the methodology of those studies instead of impugning the character of people who use the data feel free.

I have read that the estimates range anywhere from 500000 to a million and that doesn't sound outrageous to me in a country of over 330000000 people.

I also know that many of these DGUs would never be reported to the cops and even if they were no reports would be filed because the crime never occurred. I didn't call the cops when I pulled my weapon because it would have been a colossal waste of my time.

BUT the number of DGUs is utterly irrelevant as far as the 2nd Amendment in concerned which is why I don't address the topic with any fervor.
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I also know that many of these DGUs would never be reported to the cops and even if they were no reports would be filed because the crime never occurred. I didn't call the cops when I pulled my weapon because it would have been a colossal waste of my time.
Until the knife wielder goes after someone else, stabs them, etc....

Until the knife wielder goes after someone else, stabs them, etc....

You put far too much faith in cops.

By the time the cops got there he would have been long gone and they wouldn't even bother to look for a guy who didn;t actually commit a crime.
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WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

The FDA to declare a new disease:MSSS, Massive Skewl Shooting Syndrome
Pfizer, Pfister, MK and Bayer-Monsanto and Home Depot and Disney to group with the Gates foundation to implement a super fast and effective vaccine for the problem(also recommended for all family members of the affected-afflickted)
More information will be available via app for Apple and Android immediately at no cost.(contains adds)

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