
I would like to hear your explanation on why other first world nations don't have these monthly shooting sprees.

And the internet answers your question...you clod......

As once-peaceful Sweden is grappling with a major crime wave that includes murder, gun violence and bombings, at a level unwitnessed by its peers and neighbors, the country's police chief Anders Thornberg admitted that "this is a society we don't want".

In 2022, fatal shootings in Sweden hit a record high of 61 - six times more than Denmark, Finland and Norway combined. As the country struggles to contain the soaring crime rate, in neighboring countries, a recently coined term "Swedish conditions" has become an insult in political debate.
Nevertheless, he cautiously admitted that "there are those who claim" that immigration could have a hand in the game.

"There are those who say that it may have been because of poor integration and [the fact] that we have to deal with these vulnerable areas," Thornberg told Swedish media, alluding to a massive list of blighted and crime-stricken urban zones scattered across the country.

Outside Sweden, such areas where violence runs riot are known as "no-go zones" and even "ghettos", but the country's authorities stick to the more euphemistic "exclusion zones" or "parallel societies". The list currently features 61 entries, clouded with crime, unemployment and lawlessness.

The spike in gun homicide in Sweden was linked to criminal milieus in "socially disadvantaged areas," the report said, noting that shooting fatalities had more than doubled in the past decade. Earlier, national police reports identified dozens of organized gangs active in Sweden, often based on shared ethnicity and numbering as many as 5,000 active gangsters. Mob feuds, drug deals and violent redistribution of power in the underworld were named a common factor behind many shootings and explosions.

UBCs are perfectly appropriate, effective, and Constitutional – in no manner in violation of the Second Amendment.

UBCs do not regulate any particular type of firearm or class of weapon; it’s an administrative process that ensures prohibited persons do not come into possession of a firearm the consequence of a private, intrastate transaction, placing no limits or restrictions of the type or class of firearms being transacted.

Opposition to UBCs is unwarranted and devoid of merit.
OK so open up the NICS to civilians at no charge. There is absolutely no way to enforce it but I'm sure many gun owners who might want to sell a gun would use it.
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WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

It's called population growth, you goofball...lol
Really? Nobody ever died from gunshots in warfare?

It works everyday in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, etc....

Yeah....you really don't think or do research, do you?

Keep in mind....this is after they banned guns in Australia....


AUGUST 29, 2020 - Fares Abounader, a Comanchero bikie was shot dead in a drive-by attack as his wife and young child were inside their Panania house
OCTOBER 4, 2020 - Shaylin Zreika - an associate of the Alameddines - is beaten with a metal bar in a street fight in Strathfield
OCTOBER 18, 2020 - Rafat Alameddine's former home is shot up in a drive-by shooting
OCTOBER 19, 2020 - Mejid Hamzy is shot dead in Condell Park
JANUARY 30, 2021 - Mustafa Naaman is shot dead in Hurstville in a suspected mistaken identity attack on Ibrahem Hamze
JANUARY 30, 2021 - Mejed Derbas is shot dead in Smithfield
FEBRUARY 15, 2021 - Bilal Hamze's mother Maha Hamze comes under gunfire again in another drive-by shooting at her home in Auburn
MARCH 12, 2021 - A home linked to the Alameddine family in Guildford is shot up
AUGUST 6, 2021 - Alameddine low-level associate Shady Kanj is shot in Chester Hill and found dead by police in Guildford
AUGUST 14, 2021 - Police foil alleged gangland hit on Ibrahem Hamze when they spot stolen Mercedes in North Sydney
OCTOBER 20, 2021 - Salim and Toufik Hamze are gunned down outside their home in Guildford
NOVEMBER 10, 2021 - Drive-by shooting at Guildford home of Alameddine associate. No-one is hurt
JANUARY 6, 2022 - Brother of Bassam Hamzy, Ghassan Amoun, is shot dead at 35 years of age in a brazen daylight execution as he sat in a BMW outside an apartment building in Western Sydney.
APRIL, 4, 2022 - Mahmoud 'Brownie' Ahmad aka 'Mr Big' is gunned down in a hail of bullets - after being warned by police that he had a million-dollar bounty on his head for his role in deadly shooting in Greenacre.
MAY 10, 2022 - Comanchero bikies with links to the Alameddine clan, Tarek Zahed and his brother Omar were shot at while training at a gym in Auburn. Omar died at the seen while Tarek miraculously survived after being shot 10 times including in the face.
MAY 14, 2022: Rami Iskander, 23, was shot in the torso in front of his pregnant wife and two-year-old child at his home on Knox Street at Belmore just before 4am on Saturday. He is the nephew of Brownie Ahmad
MAY 15, 20221: NSW Police launch Strikeforce Erebus to try and tackle the growing problem of gang violence with the Australian Federal Police and intelligence agencies partnering with state cops to stop the bloodshed.
JUNE 28, 2022: Former Lone Wolf bikie Yusuf Nazlioglu dies in hospital a day after he is hit by 10 bullets in a Rhodes underground carpark.

AUGUST 13, 2022: Former gangster's wife Lametta Fadlallah and her hairdresser Amy Al-Hazzouri are peppered with bullets while sitting in their in what police labelled a ‘targeted assassination’.

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WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

Now add their parents, extended family members, teachers, their families, their friends, and their families.

This is why gun nut America is in big trouble in future elections, as the generations of these students come of age. It has already started.
Guns have existed for a long time. This only started happening recently. It’s clearly not the mere existance of guns.

IMO it’s 24 hr news who report the person and their manifestos. They should not be focused on at all. I think many of these shooters would just commit suicide if they didn’t know a way to make a big impact.

Also, look at social media, rise in single parent homes, nihilistic cultural norms, troll culture, dopamine addictions via likes/followers/hits, the demonization of white men
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Now add their parents, extended family members, teachers, their families, their friends, and their families.

This is why gun nut America is in big trouble in future elections, as the generations of these students come of age. It has already started.
I hope you're right.

But thanks to the Bernie Brigade, the Supreme Court is going to make sure that for the next gernations anyone can buy as many guns as their adderall addled brain desires; no questions asked. Some dimwit somewhere (if they haven't already) will come up with a Mad Libs type form to make their own pre-slaughter manifesto that the gun seller will not know about (not that they will care of course--there is $200 on the line!).
We have no mental health care system to speak of, and we have more firearms than people. What could go wrong? We as Americans really need to think about what we are doing, and stop yelling talking points at each other.
You posted about gun shows and people who are not gun businesses selling one of their private guns to a private buyer........my app deals with that........since my actual solution does not allow you to register guns, allows people to do their own background checks without extra red tape, legal fees or legal peril...you have no interest in it, since you want to register guns so you can confiscate them.........so now you move on to another issue.......

The NICS background check on the phone, app, you mental moron.......would also have information if the person was a prohibited person due to being dangerously mentally ill.......and adjudicated as such through the court system....

You moron.
So if I post a manifesto at noon to where I said I was going to kill a group of people at 2PM , have not been arrested, charged or convicted of this or any other crime...you think I should be able to buy a gun at 1PM?

A simple yes or no.
So if I post a manifesto at noon to where I said I was going to kill a group of people at 2PM , have not been arrested, charged or convicted of this or any other crime...you think I should be able to buy a gun at 1PM?

A simple yes or no.
Right now, in Indiana, it would take 2 hours to buy a firearm, but as a rule, the guys at the gun shops would not know about the threats. I will say however, guys working at the gun shops can refuse to sell firearms for any or no reason.
So you think a person should wait to be struck stabbed or shot at before he defends himself?

The legal standard of the use of force in any self defense situation is that the use of force to stop what any reasonable person may consider an imminent threat of bodily harm is justified.

So if a guy pulls knife on me has he committed a crime yet? No. Would a reasonable person think that someone pulling a knife on them is a threat to their life? Yes.

And yes I have actually had to draw my weapon and no I didn't wait until the guy struck, stabbed or shot me first I drew my weapon when he said "Give me your wallet or I'll gut you"
So you think this many people (3M roughly)

Had to draw down on someone last year, this year, next year,
I hope you're right.

But thanks to the Bernie Brigade, the Supreme Court is going to make sure that for the next gernations anyone can buy as many guns as their adderall addled brain desires; no questions asked. Some dimwit somewhere (if they haven't already) will come up with a Mad Libs type form to make their own pre-slaughter manifesto that the gun seller will not know about (not that they will care of course--there is $200 on the line!).
That's just goofy, what the heck is the matter with you?
That's just goofy, what the heck is the matter with you?
As I have proven by the videos posted earlier, anyone can buy a gun no questions asked/no background check from a dealer willing to sell it. And if you have no adult criminal record despite stating on social media that you're about to attack someone--you can buy a gun questions asked. Those are just the facts.
As I have proven by the videos posted earlier, anyone can buy a gun no questions asked/no background check from a dealer willing to sell it. And if you have no adult criminal record despite stating on social media that you're about to attack someone--you can buy a gun questions asked. Those are just the facts.

Don't try to weasel out of what you said.

You stated, and I quote: "But thanks to the Bernie Brigade, the Supreme Court is going to make sure that for the next gernations anyone can buy as many guns as their adderall addled brain desires; no questions asked".

Is that not a direct quote of what you posted? Misspellings and all?
No, actually, they are not any of those things, since criminals get around the current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers...people who can pass any background check, or the criminals simply steal their guns....

Since criminals use straw buyers or steal their guns....your above statement is false.
‘NORFOLK, Va. - A rare piece of gun legislation with backing by the NRA and gun control groups is advancing through the General Assembly.

HB2387 would allow people to write off up to $300 in their state taxes for the purchase of gun safes or gun storage locks.

"This bill is not about requiring people to do anything. It's not about banning anything. It's not taking away anything. It simply tries to give a tax credit to incentivize something that many law-abiding citizens already do," said Del. Alfonso Lopez (D-Arlington), the bill's patron, during a sub-committee hearing in January.’

But will conservatives support such a sound, appropriate measure that will help reduce gun crime and violence, or will they blindly oppose it as usual.

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