
You said:

Canada has frozen gun sales and have imposed all sorts of restrictions (as have most other first world nations).

Yet none of them have slaughtered "millions of their own people". Hell most third world nations haven't done that.
and they are suiciding their people and locking them up for making jokes,,

sorry I will stick with more guns and reduced government power,,

if its such a worry for you why not move there and be safe??
Belgium doesn't have freedom? England doesn't have freedom? France? The Bahamas? Canada doesn't have freedom?

As for taxes...please stay on topic.
I swear you stupid fucks arent capable of reading simple words,,,

I said they are less free and over taxed,,

even though I think we are over taxed I will stick with our system,,
So I'm guessing from your non-sequitur post...both of you were lying.
I don't know that looks like slaughter to me. I believe you condone murder for a good reason ( a political one). That is not how it works.
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This is true... you see nothing wrong with weekly bloodbaths, murdered students, murdered churchgoers, grocery stores getting shot up.

You're probably in mourning at the guy in Buffalo being sent up the river today.

Sucks to be you.
the only weekly blood baths I see are chicago and other dem cities,,

why is it you claim to love this country but want to change one of its most basic advantages of being able to protect yourself??
Perhaps other countries don’t have this because they treat criminals like criminals and not like they are the victim. Maybe because they don’t have crazy things like no cash bail or judges who hand down weak sentences or district attorneys who plead serious crimes down to misdemeanor:
View attachment 757178

WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

Since the Republicans cuts five dollars from all the Prog social programs...the Progs estimate fifty two trillion people of color, women, gay, sickly and the elderly have died.

And weekly massacres are just the price of doing business.

Sorry I love my nation. You seem to have an issue with it.
If you loved your nation you would know guns keep us free. That is why that right is there.

Dead kids are the price of living free.

dead [people,, yeah it is,,

I will make a deal with you.
there are 3 basic groups that own guns and kill people,,
criminals hold the highest numbers with cops coming in second and law abiding gun owners with the fewest,,

any law only effect the law abiding, if you can get the other two to put down their guns I will gladly hand over mine,,

untill then no law or any other thing will change the deaths,,
Yes mental illness is a very difficult problem that neither party is interested in addressing.
It’s more than that, though it certainly plays a part. Of course, big pharma’s drugs are responsible for some of this and they are fully protected by our corrupt government. They own it after all.

I believe a bigger culprit is societal and cultural problems. We are a sick nation that breeds sick people.
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