
View attachment 757178

WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

Several of the survivors of this latest shooting were survivors of previous mass murders.

One from a Sandy Hook
That is what we do. Considering the massive amounts of criminals we incarcerate and the recent uptick in cops who are now in jail for killing unarmed men and women.

The results have not been favorable since we still have weekly bloodbaths.

So we need to strengthen the laws or this will keep happening.
why do you not understand that every shooting youre losing your mind over was already against the law and the criminals did it anyway,, so how exactly is another law going to stop them??

all it does it takes guns away from law abiding that dont committ crimes and hasnt killed a single person,,
You can make that arguement but I would point out we have been able to acquire guns in this country for pretty much it's existence yet mass shootings generally speaking are a new thing. For the longest time the idea of going into a school, business resturant, night club, movie theatre and shooting it up was unthinkable to people now not so much. My first step in trying to figure out how to stop mass shootings would be to figure out what has changed in our society and culture that has more and more people willing to do this without a second thought.
I'm not sure about this being a "new thing".... In the 1980's there was a mass killing at a McDonalds.

23 dead, 19 injured.

The dude had an Uzi in addition to other weapons.
You can make that arguement but I would point out we have been able to acquire guns in this country for pretty much it's existence yet mass shootings generally speaking are a new thing. For the longest time the idea of going into a school, business resturant, night club, movie theatre and shooting it up was unthinkable to people now not so much. My first step in trying to figure out how to stop mass shootings would be to figure out what has changed in our society and culture that has more and more people willing to do this without a second thought.

First one is taking God out of our society. Years ago people lived with the belief there is someplace to go when we leave here, and what you do in this life will determine your eternity.

More and more people are losing that belief and their new belief is once you are dead, you are dead; everything just goes black like you are undergoing surgery.

So some feel they can kill 8, 10, 15 people, kill themselves and it's no different than if you lived your life like an angel.
why do you not understand that every shooting youre losing your mind over was already against the law and the criminals did it anyway,, so how exactly is another law going to stop them??

all it does it takes guns away from law abiding that dont committ crimes and hasnt killed a single person,,

I don't think I've lost my mind. I'm pointing out that other nations seem to have solved this issue decades ago without losing their freedom.

If a criminal can't get the gun, they can't shoot anyone. Every indicator seems to indicate it's an availability problem. Other nations have the "shithole" cities mentioned before, have much more lenient sentencing judging by the numbers of it's own citizens it incarcerates, have access and exposure to the same video games, books, movies, magazines, online vitriol, etc.. that we have, and even have (in the last century) been exposed to industrial scale violence. It doesn't seem to have effected them.

Whats more is that since 1789 when we adopted our constitution and that 2nd amendment which has wrought all of these killings, that has been 244 years. In those 244 years, there have been countless other nations that have had upheaval, revolution, amicable splits of governments, been granted independence by former colonial powers, etc... Apparently--to the best of my knowledge--exactly zero have said, "We really need the same type of law here.
That is what we do. Considering the massive amounts of criminals we incarcerate and the recent uptick in cops who are now in jail for killing unarmed men and women.

Another one ignorant of our laws.

There is no law in any state I'm aware of that in order to use deadly force, you must be threatened with deadly force. As a CCW holder in my state, I have the legal rights to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) gave me reasonable belief that another was a threat of serious bodily harm or death. They don't have to be armed with anything.

We citizens have to adhere to those standards and so do our police officers.
I don't think I've lost my mind. I'm pointing out that other nations seem to have solved this issue decades ago without losing their freedom.

If a criminal can't get the gun, they can't shoot anyone. Every indicator seems to indicate it's an availability problem. Other nations have the "shithole" cities mentioned before, have much more lenient sentencing judging by the numbers of it's own citizens it incarcerates, have access and exposure to the same video games, books, movies, magazines, online vitriol, etc.. that we have, and even have (in the last century) been exposed to industrial scale violence. It doesn't seem to have effected them.

Whats more is that since 1789 when we adopted our constitution and that 2nd amendment which has wrought all of these killings, that has been 244 years. In those 244 years, there have been countless other nations that have had upheaval, revolution, amicable splits of governments, been granted independence by former colonial powers, etc... Apparently--to the best of my knowledge--exactly zero have said, "We really need the same type of law here.
dont care what other countries are doing,, dont like it here you are free to leave,

if you think youre going to get our guns you better plan on killing at least 50 million people or more,,
That is what we do. Considering the massive amounts of criminals we incarcerate and the recent uptick in cops who are now in jail for killing unarmed men and women.

The results have not been favorable since we still have weekly bloodbaths.

So we need to strengthen the laws or this will keep happening.

How about if we get rid of Democrats so we can enforce the laws we have?
Would you agree that availability plays a huge role? I mean...if you don't have guns, you don't have shootings.

Recreational narcotics have been illegal my entire life, yet today, we have a worse problem than ever.

Bad guys know how to get what they want regardless of how many laws you make. If you can figure out a way to stop that, let us know what that is so we could apply the same policies to illegal drugs.
First one is taking God out of our society. Years ago people lived with the belief there is someplace to go when we leave here, and what you do in this life will determine your eternity.

More and more people are losing that belief and their new belief is once you are dead, you are dead; everything just goes black like you are undergoing surgery.

So some feel they can kill 8, 10, 15 people, kill themselves and it's no different than if you lived your life like an angel.
I would add the rise of social media which has made it so easy to trash, attack and vilify people and stir up anger and hate against anyone you don't like and dehumanize them to a point where attacking them or even killing them is not a big deal anymore.
View attachment 757178

WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

As you know, this shooter would not have even been on the streets had it not been for a George Soros backed DA that dropped the shooter's felony weapons charge down to a misdemeanor.


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