
When liberals want to actually address the topic - the first thing to do would be to stop ENORMOUSLY overstating the real problem that does exist.
It doesn't help to make ridiculous claims like "over 200 school shootings in 2022". Which included shootings on school property when school wasn't even in session. Like weekends.
Number 2 - start taking school security seriously. Most simply do not because they don't want to start showing statistics of mostly black kids being the ones getting in trouble. So they do nothing.

This was a topic a year or so ago. It was found that a lot of them were outside on a playground (with basketball hoops) with nobody in the school building at all, not even a janitor. If leftists didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say at all. If these were real school shootings, it would have been a news event from coast to coast.
I would like to hear your explanation on why other first world nations don't have these monthly shooting sprees.

Because you're comparing mostly single-culture societies to our extremely multicultural society. In the United States, over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. When was the last drive-by conducted by a white shooter?

Then we have these Soros funded DAs and prosecutors. Using the last mass shooting in Michigan, this guy should have been behind bars. But his last shooting she dropped his charges from a felony to a misdemeanor which happens so often across this country. If she would have had him convicted of a felony, he wouldn't have been able to go out and legally purchase a gun.

The problem is not the guns, our problem is the Democrats. You preach about gun laws ignoring the fact your Presidents son lied on a federal firearms application to illegally purchase a gun. Not only is he not behind bars where he belongs, but didn't so much as have to pay a ticket. Instead, he's selling his paint by numbers artwork to anonymous Chinese buyers for up to a half-million dollars.

If you take a nice safe middle-class white city, make a law that all residents must own a firearm, their crime statistics would not change. At the same time, go to a high crime ghetto and make a law that nobody is allowed to own a firearm, and their crime statistics will not change either. If anything, they'd get worse. Proving once again it's not the guns, it's the people. Because if you took minorities out of our crime statistics, you'd see how we compare to your European friends that are disarmed.
I would like to hear your explanation on why other first world nations don't have these monthly shooting sprees.
In a word: Culture.

If you think that access to firearms is the only factor here then you are woefully delusional.

Access to firearms may or may not be a factor but it is clear that our culture is going down the toilet and this is blatantly obvious in many ways, most of which have nothing necessarily to do with crime.
If you loved your nation you would know guns keep us free. That is why that right is there.

Other nations have freedom without the weekly mass shootings.

dead [people,, yeah it is,,

I will make a deal with you.
there are 3 basic groups that own guns and kill people,,
criminals hold the highest numbers with cops coming in second and law abiding gun owners with the fewest,,

any law only effect the law abiding, if you can get the other two to put down their guns I will gladly hand over mine,,

untill then no law or any other thing will change the deaths,,

Are you stating that the criminals have more guns than law abiding gun owners and the police?


Can you link to this?
In a word: Culture.

If you think that access to firearms is the only factor here then you are woefully delusional.

Access to firearms may or may not be a factor but it is clear that our culture is going down the toilet and this is blatantly obvious in many ways, most of which have nothing necessarily to do with crime.
Our culture is going down the toilet? Why do you say that?
Perhaps other countries don’t have this because they treat criminals like criminals and not like they are the victim. Maybe because they don’t have crazy things like no cash bail or judges who hand down weak sentences or district attorneys who plead serious crimes down to misdemeanor:

Seems like we put a lot of folks in prison.... So that isn't the answer. Should we try to top China and jail even more of our citizens?

Seems like we put a lot of folks in prison.... So that isn't the answer. Should we try to top China and jail even more of our citizens?
I suspect China has much stricter gun laws than we do so it seems the stricter gun laws talking point is not the answer either. The Michigan shooter as I understand it had a felony gun conviction that was reduced to a misdemeanor the felony conviction would have made it illegal for him to get a gun. I’m not saying the felony conviction staying would have stopped him from doing what he did but the conviction still should still not have been reduced. There are many things that play a role in people committing mass shootings if people want to get serious about stopping them they need to get past this idea that just one thing is responsible for driving people to do this.
I suspect China has much stricter gun laws than we do so it seems the stricter gun laws talking point is not the answer either. The Michigan shooter as I understand it had a felony gun conviction that was reduced to a misdemeanor the felony conviction would have made it illegal for him to get a gun. I’m not saying the felony conviction staying would have stopped him from doing what he did but the conviction still should still not have been reduced. There are many things that play a role in people committing mass shootings if people want to get serious about stopping them they need to get past this idea that just one thing is responsible for driving people to do this.
Would you agree that availability plays a huge role? I mean...if you don't have guns, you don't have shootings.

I was talking about how many people they kill,,

criminals and cops do the most killing so how about we take theirs first before you go after law abiding people that only kill in self defense??
Would you agree that availability plays a huge role? I mean...if you don't have guns, you don't have shootings.
You can make that arguement but I would point out we have been able to acquire guns in this country for pretty much it's existence yet mass shootings generally speaking are a new thing. For the longest time the idea of going into a school, business resturant, night club, movie theatre and shooting it up was unthinkable to people now not so much. My first step in trying to figure out how to stop mass shootings would be to figure out what has changed in our society and culture that has more and more people willing to do this without a second thought.

I was talking about how many people they kill,,

criminals and cops do the most killing so how about we take theirs first before you go after law abiding people that only kill in self defense??

That is what we do. Considering the massive amounts of criminals we incarcerate and the recent uptick in cops who are now in jail for killing unarmed men and women.

The results have not been favorable since we still have weekly bloodbaths.

So we need to strengthen the laws or this will keep happening.

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