
Other nations have criminals. Why don't they go on these massive shooting sprees?
Crime is skyrocketing, especially in our major cities where DEFUND THE POLICE movements have been successful and some cities are short thousands of officers. All due to the far-left attacks on police.

Why do you demand that innocent, law-abiding citizens be at the mercy of thug criminals who should be behind bars? A number of major cities are in full agreement with your beliefs and they are now sewers. Thousands of people leaving and heading for states extolling the very opposite of what you preach. Why do you suppose that is the case?
Okay...there are like 200 other nations on earth. Of that there are like 50 what I'd call "first world nations"....

and some others.

So there should be 50 stories from this month of mass shootings from these nations if they really do.

Can you link to 10 of them from this month?

China kills its own people. No reason for them to kill each other.

China doesn't release its crime stats anyway, so we have no fucking clue what goes on there.
I like what Sweden has done with their gun laws. If you want to have a gun, you're interviewed numerous times before you get one.

Things along those lines.
Propaganda. The Canadian government threatened the people anyway they could. Taking their trucks was suggested. Fascism, you fucking love it.
As always, conspiracy theories.

You brought up the law that supposedly stripped Canadians of their freedom. The law was never enacted.
As you know too, they have far more violent crime because their citizens are defenseless. But hey, so what, right?
We have 30-40K gun deaths a year. They have far fewer.

As for homicide by any means....we are far more homicidal than other first world nations.

We have 30-40K gun deaths a year. They have far fewer.

As for homicide by any means....we are far more homicidal than other first world nations.

I said violent crime.

Did you see where Sweden has one of the world's worse rape figures?
Our culture is going down the toilet? Why do you say that?
You’re here talking about the spike in mass shootings in this country and you ask why I say our culture is going down the toilet? Really?

To begin with, access to firearms has never fundamentally changed; they’ve always been accessible to those with no criminal record. Ergo, access to firearms alone cannot account for the spiked increase in mass shootings and violent crimes. In other words, access has not changed but the number of gun crimes has.

Given this, how do you account for the increase in gun crime if not for a cultural malaise that affects society as a whole?

Secondly, referring to my comments in my first post about signs that our culture is going down the toilet; we see this in many ways:

1.) Young people today have almost no work ethic and have a sense of entitlement from employers, teachers, parents and society at large.

2.) More and more young people suffer from depression and anxiety today because they are ill-equipped to deal with disappoinment, failure and reality in general.

3.) People no longer have a sense of national pride nor a pride in much of anything at all. This has resulted in drastic drops in military and law enforcement recruitment, among other things.

4.) We are losing what little empathy and self control we had and we’re seeing more public brawls and people physically and violently attacking people for stupid shit like the dipping sauce being too expensive for christ’s sake.

And finally,

5.) What used to be considered a serious allegation that demanded character review and supporting evidence is now tossed at anyone and everyone for no fucking reason and the supposed guilty party is summarily condemned and cancelled, evidence be damned.

I am, of course, referring to accusations of racism. Wokefucks today have no qualms about ruining lives and careers based on little to no evidence.
The new principle has become: Guilty until proven innocent. This was not always the case and quite frankly, it disturbs me.
You’re here talking about the spike in mass shootings in this country and you ask why I say our culture is going down the toilet? Really?

To begin with, access to firearms has never fundamentally changed; they’ve always been accessible to those with no criminal record. Ergo, access to firearms alone cannot account for the spiked increase in mass shootings and violent crimes. In other words, access has not changed but the number of gun crimes has.

Given this, how do you account for the increase in gun crime if not for a cultural malaise that affects society as a whole?

Secondly, referring to my comments in my first post about signs that our culture is going down the toilet; we see this in many ways:

1.) Young people today have almost no work ethic and have a sense of entitlement from employers, teachers, parents and society at large.

2.) More and more young people suffer from depression and anxiety today because they are ill-equipped to deal with disappoinment, failure and reality in general.

3.) People no longer have a sense of national pride nor a pride in much of anything at all. This has resulted in drastic drops in military and law enforcement recruitment, among other things.

4.) We are losing what little empathy and self control we had and we’re seeing more public brawls and people physically and violently attacking people for stupid shit like the dipping sauce being too expensive for christ’s sake.

And finally,

5.) What used to be considered a serious allegation that demanded character review and supporting evidence is now tossed at anyone and everyone for no fucking reason and the supposed guilty party is summarily condemned and cancelled, evidence be damned.

I am, of course, referring to accusations of racism. Wokefucks today have no qualms about ruining lives and careers based on little to no evidence.
The new principle has become: Guilty until proven innocent. This was not always the case and quite frankly, it disturbs me.
And all of this is unique to the USA?
Don’t be an idiot. Don’t pretend like you don’t know that all of these things have drastically increased in the last few years and don’t pretend I didn’t just say that.
I'll take it by your refusal to answer that a truthful answer would be inconvenient for your side of the argument. Hell, we lived through the 1960's...talk a collective loss of national pride. As for folks supposedly having some sort of new found sense of entitlement...you should have seen the 1980's--the so called "me" generation.

Again, this is not unique to the USA. What is unique to the USA is the almost comical availability of guns to whomever can scrape enough pennies together to buy one from any gun show.
They don’t have democrats telling them their country is horrible and racist sexist homophobic murderers 24/7/365.
Secondly, referring to my comments in my first post about signs that our culture is going down the toilet; we see this in many ways:

1.) Young people today have almost no work ethic and have a sense of entitlement from employers, teachers, parents and society at large.

2.) More and more young people suffer from depression and anxiety today because they are ill-equipped to deal with disappoinment, failure and reality in general.

3.) People no longer have a sense of national pride nor a pride in much of anything at all. This has resulted in drastic drops in military and law enforcement recruitment, among other things.

4.) We are losing what little empathy and self control we had and we’re seeing more public brawls and people physically and violently attacking people for stupid shit like the dipping sauce being too expensive for christ’s sake.

And finally,

5.) What used to be considered a serious allegation that demanded character review and supporting evidence is now tossed at anyone and everyone for no fucking reason and the supposed guilty party is summarily condemned and cancelled, evidence be damned.
Ghost of a Rider ... are you a democrat?
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WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

so long as dem DAs continue not to enforce gun laws you are going to see more deaths like we saw in Michigan
if we could only get those criminals to obey the law and not kill people,,
That is the stupidity of it all. Let known dangerous people run around loose, let them in and out of jail like a revolving door that never stops (sometimes on zero bail), and then expect these criminals to obey the law every time they are released. My mind just can't comprehend the glaring stupidity of the left in thinking that dangerous people running around loose aren't dangerous.
That is the stupidity of it all. Let known dangerous people run around loose, let them in and out of jail like a revolving door that never stops (sometimes on zero bail), and then expect these criminals to obey the law every time they are released. My mind just can't comprehend the glaring stupidity of the left in thinking that dangerous people running around loose aren't dangerous.

The left are people that are basically anti-police and pro-criminal. Then they blame guns for our violence problems. You can't say "DUH" loud enough for a liberal to understand. They have zero logic or common sense.
The left are people that are basically anti-police and pro-criminal. Then they blame guns for our violence problems. You can't say "DUH" loud enough for a liberal to understand. They have zero logic or common sense.
whats worse is sometimes the cop is the criminal,, think about the insanity of supporting them,,

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