
I'll take it by your refusal to answer that a truthful answer would be inconvenient for your side of the argument.

First of all, you didn’t answer my question. My question was: Given that access to firearms has not changed, how do you account for the increase in gun crime if not for a cultural malaise that affects society as a whole?

Secondly, yours was a stupid question because I am clearly not just saying that these things are happening, I am saying that they have drastically increased in number or gotten worse in a relatively short time.
Hell, we lived through the 1960's...talk a collective loss of national pride. As for folks supposedly having some sort of new found sense of entitlement...you should have seen the 1980's--the so called "me" generation.

Again, this is not unique to the USA. What is unique to the USA is the almost comical availability of guns to whomever can scrape enough pennies together to buy one from any gun show.

Again, the “comical availability” of guns has never changed. Therefore, firearm availability is not a factor in the increase in mass shootings and gun crime. Or at the very least, it is not the only factor.
View attachment 757178

WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

View attachment 757178

WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

The Europeans murdered over 1,000,000 children …….. in 6 years……

Get back to us when you vultures have something real…………
First of all, you didn’t answer my question. My question was: Given that access to firearms has not changed, how do you account for the increase in gun crime if not for a cultural malaise that affects society as a whole?

Secondly, yours was a stupid question because I am clearly not just saying that these things are happening, I am saying that they have drastically increased in number or gotten worse in a relatively short time.

Again, the “comical availability” of guns has never changed. Therefore, firearm availability is not a factor in the increase in mass shootings and gun crime. Or at the very least, it is not the only factor.

The change happened because of the democrat parties, “Great Society,” that destroyed poor families…going into the 1960s our crime rate was going down……the Great Society began the process of creating fatherless homes, which then created generational poverty and crime……and fatherless boys who became criminals ………..
First of all, you didn’t answer my question. My question was: Given that access to firearms has not changed, how do you account for the increase in gun crime if not for a cultural malaise that affects society as a whole?
Access to firearms has changed. Credit has rapidly expanded thus making acquiring weapons more affordable. Gun laws have been relaxed allowing permit-less carry. Additionally Americans have much more disposable income . Furthermore the secondary purchase market (gun shows and pawn shops) now feature weapons outside of the normal distribution channels.

So your premise is, simply put, wrong.
Secondly, yours was a stupid question because I am clearly not just saying that these things are happening, I am saying that they have drastically increased in number or gotten worse in a relatively short time.

Again, the “comical availability” of guns has never changed. Therefore, firearm availability is not a factor in the increase in mass shootings and gun crime. Or at the very least, it is not the only factor.
Again...your premise is wrong if you think nothing has changed. It has changed legislatively, financially, and culturally.
View attachment 757178

WAPO is behind a paywall. The OP/ED cites the WAPO story. 338,000 +/- students have been in a school that suffered a school shooting. The reporter cited that five years earlier when he did the research, it was 187,000.

Unbelievable. Students in every other advanced nation do not have to bear that yoke. It strains the imagination to consider what this means long term.

Stop letting crazy people and and violent offenders run free, murderer.
Access to firearms has changed. Credit has rapidly expanded thus making acquiring weapons more affordable. Gun laws have been relaxed allowing permit-less carry. Additionally Americans have much more disposable income . Furthermore the secondary purchase market (gun shows and pawn shops) now feature weapons outside of the normal distribution channels.

So your premise is, simply put, wrong.

Again...your premise is wrong if you think nothing has changed. It has changed legislatively, financially, and culturally.
its not permitless carry its CONSTITUTIONAL carry, thats because we all have a right to own and carry arms of any type,,
The truckers were intimidated and threatened. No conspiracy, fact. You are an uninformed dummy.

Earlier you said they were arrested.

They are thrown in jail for speech in those countries. They are not free.

Now you're saying they weren't.

The next time you bring up a fact will be the first time you bring up a fact.
Yeah, for assaulting police officers and blocking traffic.

People should be arrested for assaulting police officers and blocking traffic.

None of this is for free speech. You're simply lying.
Ask a Canadian. There are some here.

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