
I’m still not seeing anything to explain the crime spike.
Well, you have to open your eyes. Guns are easier to get than ever. That is a fact. You're saying "nunt-unh" or whatever version of grunt you employ doesn't change that fact.
Where, at gun shows? If so then they’re doing so illegally.
Sure... I know guys who sell guns no-questions asked are few and far between... <sarcasm>.
Wrong. Pay attention, will ya? The 268 figure was the increase in murders from the previous year. The total number of murders in Chicago jumped from 506 in 2019 to 774 in 2020.
Again...why do we have the problem with gun violence and no other first world nation does to the extent we do?
So Americans, in your view, are just more homicidal than others. Why do you think that is?
Access to firearms has changed. Credit has rapidly expanded thus making acquiring weapons more affordable. Gun laws have been relaxed allowing permit-less carry. Additionally Americans have much more disposable income . Furthermore the secondary purchase market (gun shows and pawn shops) now feature weapons outside of the normal distribution channels.

So your premise is, simply put, wrong.

Again...your premise is wrong if you think nothing has changed. It has changed legislatively, financially, and culturally.

You are an idiot…..you don’t know what you are talking about and just make it up as you go along…..

Access to guns is not easier, you dope……not even close in any way …..in the past you could make order guns through Sears, you could simply walk into a store and buy them without any background check…you ignorant clod.

This is why we know not to trust anti-gun fanatics…….the truth, facts and reality do not support anything you believe about guns , gun owners or the origins of gun crime…

so you just make it up in order to fool uninformed Americans into giving you the power to ban guns…..

If this lust of power on your side didn’t always lead to death and bloodshed you would simply be fools…..
Hence the weekly bloodbaths that you celebrate as the "costs of freedom" as I recall.

Those crimes are a direct result of the democrat party policies attacking police and releasing violent criminals in the cities they control.

The people doing 95% of all gun crime are repeat offenders…..or new gang members..they are not normal people who own guns for normal purposes…..

You don’t understand the issue because you hate guns…..so nothing you believe will actually address violent crime and in particular, gun crime.
Well, you have to open your eyes. Guns are easier to get than ever. That is a fact. You're saying "nunt-unh" or whatever version of grunt you employ doesn't change that fact.

Sure... I know guys who sell guns no-questions asked are few and far between... <sarcasm>.

Again...why do we have the problem with gun violence and no other first world nation does to the extent we do?

So Americans, in your view, are just more homicidal than others. Why do you think that is?

We have a problem because the democrat party has handicapped the police, and they refuse to keep actual, repeat gun offenders locked up…..…..
You don't think anything should change--as you said, constitutional carry allows the "right to own and carry arms of any type,,"

And this is what leads to the mayhem we see in the school shootings, the shootings in the inner cities you guys gleefully report whenever there is a bloodbath in the suburbs as if one makes the other somehow more appetizing...

Dipshit…..we had a total of 12 people commit mass public shootings in 2021………out of over 350 million people……….

74 total murdered….

deer kill 200 people

ladders kill 300 people

bathtubs kill 350 people….

cars kill 40,000 people

the rest of those murdered are majority criminals….murdered by other criminals ……..and the criminals doing the shooting have been arrested by cops, then released by democrats…..over and over again….,,


Nonsense. Videos posted on this thread shows people buying guns no questions asked.

Right...that is what makes them "lawful".

Again...my question was (and remains) why don't other nations with large cities that have minorities, poor, gangs, etc... have this problem of 268 murders in a year? Are Americans just more homicidal?

The criminals in Europe have just as much access to guns….in fact, you clod, their criminals prefer to use fully automatic military rifles……they simply choose not to murder each other the way American criminals do……

Until you look at places like Sweden….and the Netherlands……where they have immigrant drug gangs committing murders all over those countries…because they are protecting drug turf……the criminals in Europe are becoming more and more violent and shooting at each other more and more…….even in England…..

You refuse to see that as the immigrant population grows in Europe, their violent crime rates are going up…..their gun crime rates are going up….
The criminals in Europe have just as much access to guns….in fact, you clod, their criminals prefer to use fully automatic military rifles……they simply choose not to murder each other the way American criminals do……

Until you look at places like Sweden….and the Netherlands……where they have immigrant drug gangs committing murders all over those countries…because they are protecting drug turf……the criminals in Europe are becoming more and more violent and shooting at each other more and more…….even in England…..

You refuse to see that as the immigrant population grows in Europe, their violent crime rates are going up…..their gun crime rates are going up….
Republicans are dishonest cowards who refuse to address the issue of gun crime and violence.

Instead, they attempt to deflect with fearmongering, fallacies, and lies.
You sound envious of those other nations.

Moron….you don’t understand what is happening in Europe……..they are becoming more violent…….

the same is happening in Sweden….

Journalists and lawyers under protection or murdered on the streets, court hearings guarded by the army, witness statements anonymised, and billions in dirty drug money that leaches through society, corrupting as it goes.

This is the Netherlands, where these facts have now inspired a crackdown pitting some €500m a year against a level of organised crime that politicians fear is increasingly “undermining” public order.

The mayors of Amsterdam and Rotterdam are warning of a “culture of crime and violence that is gradually acquiring Italian traits”, with record amounts of intercepted drugs at the port of Rotterdam, extreme violence that often kills the wrong target, and €15bn to €30bn a year laundered into property, cannabis “coffee shops”, tourism and bars. Allegations that the country, better known for its tolerance and fiscal frugality, has the characteristics of a “narco state 2.0” are now being taken extremely seriously.
“It took the killing of a crime blogger, the innocent brother of a crown witness against [alleged drug gang chief] Ridouan Taghi and others, then the witness’s lawyer Derk Wiersum, and last summer my colleague Peter R de Vries, the crown witness’s official confidant. We don’t have mafia like Italy, but this kind of violence is mafia-like. It is terror.”
While Dutch criminal gangs have been dubbed the “Mocro [Moroccan] Maffia” and ethnic minorities are overrepresented as crime suspects,

Moron….you don’t understand what is happening in Europe……..they are becoming more violent…….

the same is happening in Sweden….

Journalists and lawyers under protection or murdered on the streets, court hearings guarded by the army, witness statements anonymised, and billions in dirty drug money that leaches through society, corrupting as it goes.

This is the Netherlands, where these facts have now inspired a crackdown pitting some €500m a year against a level of organised crime that politicians fear is increasingly “undermining” public order.

The mayors of Amsterdam and Rotterdam are warning of a “culture of crime and violence that is gradually acquiring Italian traits”, with record amounts of intercepted drugs at the port of Rotterdam, extreme violence that often kills the wrong target, and €15bn to €30bn a year laundered into property, cannabis “coffee shops”, tourism and bars. Allegations that the country, better known for its tolerance and fiscal frugality, has the characteristics of a “narco state 2.0” are now being taken extremely seriously.
“It took the killing of a crime blogger, the innocent brother of a crown witness against [alleged drug gang chief] Ridouan Taghi and others, then the witness’s lawyer Derk Wiersum, and last summer my colleague Peter R de Vries, the crown witness’s official confidant. We don’t have mafia like Italy, but this kind of violence is mafia-like. It is terror.”
While Dutch criminal gangs have been dubbed the “Mocro [Moroccan] Maffia” and ethnic minorities are overrepresented as crime suspects,

Meanwhile back in reality, we have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

The whole of Europe--the entire continent--has a few thousand if that many.
Meanwhile back in reality, we have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

The whole of Europe--the entire continent--has a few thousand if that many.

Suicides…..you lying asshat.

Still waiting for our gun murder number…2,460,000 in 246 years….to reach the 15 million innocent people murdered in Europe in just 6 years……

After they did what you want here and took guns away from their people………
We have a problem because the democrat party has handicapped the police, and they refuse to keep actual, repeat gun offenders locked up…..…..
Meanwhile back in reality; one of the states with the most gun ownership--Texas--has quite a few mass shootings.
Just in the last five years...
White Settlement
El Paso
Santa Fe
Sutherland Springs

But you're blaming the democratic party--the same party that hasn't won state wide in Texas since the 90's.

Yeah...you're full of shit.
Meanwhile back in reality, we have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

The whole of Europe--the entire continent--has a few thousand if that many.

The democrat party is driving our gun murder rate……

democrats control Chicago…and released these violent gun criminals multiple times….

Chicago — Jeffery Brown, a 17-year-old Chicago high school student, had two pending felony gun cases in juvenile court when he and three other gunmen opened fire on a man outside a West Side store last summer, prosecutors said Thursday. The alleged victim, 34, can no longer walk.

On Christmas Day, police arrested Brown for domestic battery. When they did, prosecutor Anne McCord said, Brown was in possession of a gun that he used to shoot the victim months earlier.

Brown is the 55th person accused of killing or shooting—or trying to kill or shoot—someone in Chicago last year while having a felony case pending. The alleged crimes involved at least 94 victims, 25 of whom died.

Meanwhile back in reality; one of the states with the most gun ownership--Texas--has quite a few mass shootings.
Just in the last five years...
White Settlement
El Paso
Santa Fe
Sutherland Springs

But you're blaming the democratic party--the same party that hasn't won state wide in Texas since the 90's.

Yeah...you're full of shit.

And California with extreme gun control had more……
Meanwhile back in reality; one of the states with the most gun ownership--Texas--has quite a few mass shootings.
Just in the last five years...
White Settlement
El Paso
Santa Fe
Sutherland Springs

But you're blaming the democratic party--the same party that hasn't won state wide in Texas since the 90's.

Yeah...you're full of shit.


total of 12 mass public shootings…….12 people out of over 350 million.
Its still a gun death.

80-90% of the time, suicides attempts that use a gun are successful. Not so much for most other popular methods.


Explain South Korea, Japan, and China….extreme gun control and far higher rates of suicide…..they jump off of buildings, in front of trains and use home cleaning products….you dolt.
Explain South Korea, Japan, and China….extreme gun control and far higher rates of suicide…..they jump off of buildings, in front of trains and use home cleaning products….you dolt.
I did... I said "most" other methods.

I do like how you have to keep changing the subject because you're getting your ass kicked yet again.
Well, you have to open your eyes. Guns are easier to get than ever. That is a fact. You're saying "nunt-unh" or whatever version of grunt you employ doesn't change that fact.

Sure... I know guys who sell guns no-questions asked are few and far between... <sarcasm>.

Again...why do we have the problem with gun violence and no other first world nation does to the extent we do?

So Americans, in your view, are just more homicidal than others. Why do you think that is?
Because of people like you.
You're five years behind, Americans are now approaching $1 TRILLION in credit card debt.

What does credit card debt have to do with illegal purchases and ownership of guns?


U.S. credit card debt jumps 18.5% and hits a record $930.6 billion

Jessica Dickler@JDICKLER

  • Total credit card debt reached a record $930.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022, according to the latest credit report from TransUnion.
  • As balance rise, so have delinquencies, which is “something to watch,” says TransUnion’s Michele Raneri.

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