
Go live in Sweden. In the US all law abiding citizens have a Constitutional right to bear arms. I have owned firearms for over 40 years and served in the military I will not have some bureaucrat control my 2nd Amendment right.
Newsflash..they already do according to the gun nuts here.
And I showed you where they didn't...twice.

Its the gun show loophole. It needs to be closed.

No, you didn't...you lied.

There is no loophole...that is a lie.

All.....again.......all, gun dealers must.....again.....must....do a background check for every f*****g sale they do.....at their gun store, and at the gun show.

Normal people...who own guns, and want to sell one of their privately owned guns....can sell that gun anywhere they F*****g want.....they can sell it at a gun show, they can sell it at the mall, they can sell it in their home.......as long as they are not a commercial seller, they can sell one or two of their own, privately owned guns....they do not have to do a background check....anywhere........if they sell more than one or two guns, they can investigated by the ATF for being an unlicensed dealer......you thick clod.......

And you didn't respond to my concept of a phone app for background checks....not surprising since it doesn't entail registering guns so you have a list for confiscating them...
And I showed you where they didn't...twice.

Its the gun show loophole. It needs to be closed.

Ok Candy...be a grown up......

Let's discuss my idea...

A free phone app, where you can plug in the gun buyers information, and then it checks for convictions, warrants, restraining orders through state and federal background check data bases....

No record, no fee........anyone can do it at anytime...

You for or against?
No, you didn't...you lied.

There is no loophole...that is a lie.

All.....again.......all, gun dealers must.....again.....must....do a background check for every f*****g sale they do.....at their gun store, and at the gun show.

Normal people...who own guns, and want to sell one of their privately owned guns....can sell that gun anywhere they F*****g want.....they can sell it at a gun show, they can sell it at the mall, they can sell it in their home.......as long as they are not a commercial seller, they can sell one or two of their own, privately owned guns....they do not have to do a background check....anywhere........if they sell more than one or two guns, they can investigated by the ATF for being an unlicensed dealer......you thick clod.......

And you didn't respond to my concept of a phone app for background checks....not surprising since it doesn't entail registering guns so you have a list for confiscating them...
It was on video... No lie at all.
Ok Candy...be a grown up......

Let's discuss my idea...

A free phone app, where you can plug in the gun buyers information, and then it checks for convictions, warrants, restraining orders through state and federal background check data bases....

No record, no fee........anyone can do it at anytime...

You for or against?
Is it going to check to see if they have a mentally ill person living in their house with them who will have access to the guns? Is it going to check to see if he posted a manifesto to where he plans to die in the next few days?
Is it going to check to see if they have a mentally ill person living in their house with them who will have access to the guns? Is it going to check to see if he posted a manifesto to where he plans to die in the next few days?
as we have seen the fed background checks cant stop that
No, you didn't...you lied.

There is no loophole...that is a lie.

All.....again.......all, gun dealers must.....again.....must....do a background check for every f*****g sale they do.....at their gun store, and at the gun show.

Normal people...who own guns, and want to sell one of their privately owned guns....can sell that gun anywhere they F*****g want.....they can sell it at a gun show, they can sell it at the mall, they can sell it in their home.......as long as they are not a commercial seller, they can sell one or two of their own, privately owned guns....they do not have to do a background check....anywhere........if they sell more than one or two guns, they can investigated by the ATF for being an unlicensed dealer......you thick clod.......

And you didn't respond to my concept of a phone app for background checks....not surprising since it doesn't entail registering guns so you have a list for confiscating them...

Amazing how the left harps on more gun laws but voted for a President who's son lied on a federal firearms application to illegally buy a gun, and didn't even get a ticket yet alone spend any time in jail or prison for it.
theres no place they can be since criminals dont care of they break the law,,,
Sure there is...

In Paris France, some kid gets picked on by class mates, he goes home, cries about it and gets over it eventually.
In Paris Texas, some kid gets picked on by class mates, he goes home, gets his old man's gun and goes back and wastes his class mates.

You're still pretending that having a zillion guns in the nation somehow prevents crime. It doesn't.
Well, you have to open your eyes. Guns are easier to get than ever. That is a fact. You're saying "nunt-unh" or whatever version of grunt you employ doesn't change that fact.

As I said before, nothing of what you say can account for the dramatic increase in the number of violent crimes in such a short span of time.

The spike in crime began during the riots of 2020 and continued to ramp up during the pandemic. Coincidence? I think not.

Both of these phenomena divided the entire country along two battle lines at the same time (vaxxers/govt. stooges-vs.-antivaxxers/free thinkers and cop haters-vs.-law and order adherents).
As you well know, the overall mood of the country at that time was one of anger, resentment, cynicism, and even hate. It was inevitable that crime and conflict would increase.
Sure... I know guys who sell guns no-questions asked are few and far between... <sarcasm>.

Once again you miss the point. How often this happens is beside the point. The point is, it is illegal to buy, sell or trade firearms this way.
But rather than advocate for enforcement of the law, you’d rather deprive law abiding gun owners of their constitutional right to own firearms.
Again...why do we have the problem with gun violence and no other first world nation does to the extent we do?

Again, culture.
So Americans, in your view, are just more homicidal than others. Why do you think that is?

I don’t know why it is, I just know that access to firearms doesn’t make one homicidal.

One doesn’t purchase or acquire a firearm and once it’s in their hand decide they want to kill someone. It just doesn’t work like that.
Sure there is...

In Paris France, some kid gets picked on by class mates, he goes home, cries about it and gets over it eventually.
In Paris Texas, some kid gets picked on by class mates, he goes home, gets his old man's gun and goes back and wastes his class mates.

You're still pretending that having a zillion guns in the nation somehow prevents crime. It doesn't.
no I said having everyone armed so when a person decides he wants to kill someone they can kill them and that will prevent crimes from making them getting worse,,
no I said having everyone armed so when a person decides he wants to kill someone they can kill them and that will prevent crimes from making them getting worse,,

Just a side question... are you just pretending this is a good idea or do you really think having 50 armed people in close proximity to other armed is going to stop someone from being killed by gunfire? Because...it hasn't worked in the history of warfare where firearms were involved.
Just a side question... are you just pretending this is a good idea or do you really think having 50 armed people in close proximity to other armed is going to stop someone from being killed by gunfire? Because...it hasn't worked in the history of warfare where firearms were involved.
well we do have dozens if not hundreds of examples of it working while we have not just no proof but mounting proof your ideas hasnt doesnt and cant work,,
Really? Nobody ever died from gunshots in warfare?

It works everyday in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, etc....
what the fuck are you talking about???

people get killed everyday from criminals in all those countries,,,

and I should have said thousand if not tens of thousands of times guns have been used to stop violent crimes,,
Really? By use of firearms?

Any links to this daily occurance in each of the nations I listed earlier--back before you went completely off the rails??
so your real agenda comes out,,

its not dead or abused people you care about but how they are killed,,,

its already been posted that in this country between 500K and 3 millions violent crimes are stopped by guns every yr, and since you are a long time troll if this forum you damn well know thats true,, so save you claimed ignorance for someone else,,

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