34 BLACK ON WHITE HOMICIDES. June 2021—Another Month In The Death Of White America. Which Biden Is Bringing To A Suburb Near You!


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
But I thought the danger was white supremacist gangs. They better start shooting a lot more blacks, or they're going to lose their rep.
Thanks for this, OP. We are seeing increased heroin or serious downer drugs come into the capital of Wisconsin. First hitting locals, the white boys who are seen laying around smashed. The next thing noticed is several blacks never before seen in the neighborhood lounging around with heavy eyelids.
Black Crime and violence since the biden regime took over has surged beyond all expectations.

It is now expected to be a major campaign issue in the coming congressional election.

I find it very cruel of some "liberals" who do everything possible to downplay the violence.

They massage the statistics to claim that there is less violent crime than ever.

What a kick in the face to the grieving families, such as that young man with a promising future who was killed by a stray bullet while riding the subway!

And the violence will only get worse in the coming decades.

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