34000 black churches break ties with the Presbyterian church

How about the small number of black churches breaking ties with Jesus after realizing he was the lucifer character they were all warned about?
Look up online like on Youtube the many pastors admiting Jesus was Lucifer.

Jesus Christ God. The Hebrew prophets prophesied of His coming. Malachi specifically prophesies of His coming. And then there is not another Word from God until THE WORD appears in the flesh and dwells among men. Who prophesied of His coming after 400 years of silence? John the Baptist. If you knew the scriptures you would know this. If you were a child of Abraham you would not hate God. You need to repent. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
1) the first messiah that falls to the pit (by the hands of Rome=the sea-Ezekiel 28) claimed to be a god is Lucifer and you just proved it by claiming him both the first messiah who fell (acts 2:27 ,1 peter 3:19) and calling him your god. Messiah is not supposed to be God nor served, he's serving humanity not himself.
2) Your own prophet said youd come in his name deceiving people and the apostles said the world would be deceived even the elect and that 1/3 woukd be affected while there is exactly 1/3 of you on earth, no other followers equate the 1/3.
3) You very much know you can't let
the anti christs (anti the anointed temple priests)
which you admit was Rome as the sawtawn
(adversary), tell you who the anti messiah is when
they created the image of lucifer and called it
christ. Do you understand what a double negative
Do you understand sequences (a large part in
S.A.T. and IQ tests are involving sequences and
discerning them.
If lucifer is the first and fallen messiah imposter
and Jesus came first/ fell, and claimed to be unto
(emulating) messiah (rev 1:13), that means you can't claim the next messiah is the first one, it's impossible
and any such claim would lower your IQ and SAT
scores instantly.
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In this at least I'm in complete agreement,

"This arbitrary change of Holy Scripture is a flagrantly pretentious and illegitimate maneuver by a body that has no authority whatsoever to alter holy text."

No one has ANY right EVER to alter Scripture. Once you do it's not from God anymore but from Man. Why I was never into Talmudic Judaism (most of it.) Was more of a Karaite (Judaism extant before Talmudic came along.)

Last time I checked God can authorize His servants to do whatever He wants them to do.

Canonization of Scripture was done as-discovered. Come along later and start changing things it's not canonized any more.

a closer canon is evidence of apostasy. A people faithful to God receive revelation from God and cannot have a closed canon.
Surely this will lead conservatives in America to embrace black people! I can't wait for their relationship to blossom!

Straw man. We've never had a problem with black people to begin with.
The divide is growing and so it should. the "church" is supposed to stand on the word of God NOT be PC.
The "word of God" these days is thousands of years worth of editing of whatever the hell was the original supposed "word of God."

Actually you are quite mistaken. The Word of God is the most intact, unchanged Book of Antiquity on the earth today. The second is the Illiad. This is a documented fact. Look it up. You may also want to read Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell that lists the names of the scholars - including secular scholars who participated in the study.

There are so many version and the more one studies the text of antiquity the most one will see how much as been altered over the years, left out or add. The bible of today is quite different from the books they were originally before and even after codex. From herbrew to aramaic, to greek to latin to english, etc., there have been errors changes and interpretations to the political demands of the day.

quran also went through many change in the first 150 years and even now there are more than a dozen version being used around the world, and those translated into more than a 100 languages, each with their limited words and meanings, vs.

The books might have been inspired, but they are the words of man, not god. Even from the most basic beginning of creation they are wrong or there are several versions. Number of gods, aspects of god, nature of god, temperament and demands of god, laws of god, etc., they all vary throughout the book/chapter, throughout the codex, throughout the totality of books, from church to church, from country to country......

Hardly god made
How about the small number of black churches breaking ties with Jesus after realizing he was the lucifer character they were all warned about?
Look up online like on Youtube the many pastors admiting Jesus was Lucifer.
Get over it, Muhammad(may he burn, oh wait, he already is), was a false prophet Jesus spoke of, coming to fool many, ask any Christian who was a converted Muslim
Surely this will lead conservatives in America to embrace black people! I can't wait for their relationship to blossom!

Straw man. We've never had a problem with black people to begin with.
The divide is growing and so it should. the "church" is supposed to stand on the word of God NOT be PC.
The "word of God" these days is thousands of years worth of editing of whatever the hell was the original supposed "word of God."

then ask God yourself. That's the beauty of the gospel. We all have the right and duty to go to the Lord and learn for ourselves.
It's just unfortunate that you were given the wrong gawds/lords.
Yes, our God wants us to feed the hungry, and cloth the needy, that is so wrong.
Ullys: I think you are assuming something about my name, it's Hebrew.
The tense in the NT is the person speaking is saying :
"They will come in my name and say I am christ"
meaning they will come in Jesus name saying he was Christ, nowhere are they saying "he is christ" third person. Plus Mohammad was not a messiah or claiming to be. Furthermore the sequence is not proper, the false prophet comes first not second.
Oh and the false prophet comes out of Rome's (SEA)

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