37 Mass Shootings in the Seven Days Ending July 8

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
One wonders what is the problem with this country,, most of them don't make the headlines. Buried on page 9 of the news!

One wonders what is the problem with this country,, most of them don't make the headlines. Buried on page 9 of the news!

Sorry...... these are not considered mass public shootings....these are criminal acts. There is a difference. People understand that a mass public shooting is a shooting in a public place unattached to another crime....the shootings in your linked video are criminals shooting people as part of another crime or as part of gang activity.....

Anti-gunners like to use this criminal activity to bolster their claims of mass public shootings, because 99.99% of the people in this country are not affected by criminals shooting each other..so anti-gunners lie, and imply that these are mass shootings, in order to create the feeling among uninformed Americans, that random shooters are walking into public places and shooting strangers. This is not happening, and it is a lie to mix the two types of shootings.
Also....the type of shootings in the video.....are the responsibility of democrat judges, politicians and prosecutors....who will arrest people who appear in that video on gun charges.....felonies.....and then let them out of jail with low bail.....where they then go back on the street and either get arrested again for gun charges, and released...until they finally murder someone with a gun.......all because they should have been in jail or prison instead of roaming free on the street.

But by calling these shootings mass publics shootings...as the guy on the video implies.....it takes the focus off of the real gun murder number....10,982 where you have inner city gangs in democrat controlled voting districts killing those people...vs. the 93 people killed in actual mass public shootings in 2018.....

They want to ban guns, not stop gun violence....that is why their focus is on the mass public shootings, and not the criminals who are repeatedly released, over and over again by democrat party judges...
One wonders what is the problem with this country,, most of them don't make the headlines. Buried on page 9 of the news!

The very first shooting......criminals shooting at other criminals, and an innocent gets killed....this is not a mass public shooting.

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