$375,000 Deposited To The Khan Law Account From The Clinton Foundation

The corruption from the Clintons knows no limit!

Those two should be in jail by now....if there is Divine Justice they should be behind bars!
The corruption from the Clintons knows no limit!

Those two should be in jail by now....if there is Divine Justice they should be behind bars!

All liquids have a point of saturation, where it cannot dissolve more chemicals into it.

But some can be supersaturated where they adapt a form that simply adds more and more of the same chemical to its supersaturated state, with no limit.

The Clintons are a SuperSaturated criminal syndicate.
The corruption from the Clintons knows no limit!

Those two should be in jail by now....if there is Divine Justice they should be behind bars!

All liquids have a point of saturation, where it cannot dissolve more chemicals into it.

But some can be supersaturated where they adapt a form that simply adds more and more of the same chemical to its supersaturated state, with no limit.

The Clintons are a SuperSaturated criminal syndicate.

Is it the Clintons? Or are they just part of a more powerful cabal working with other global moguls to suppress information and scandals and even ordering a hit if necessary?

I know sounds so funny to everybody. Then make a comic book out of it because it's still a good story.
The weird thing is, that whole circus should have been helping trump's vote.

People are idiots. They get behind a pointless war in Iraq because some Abduls killed a few stock brokers and did everyone a favour, and now they get behind some abdul, against Trump for a war they bloody well got behind in the first place.

Trump didn't want that war, the people did. Now someone died in these wars. Who's fault is it? Trumps. WTF people are dumb.
We're supposed to believe that "document", but a BC certified by the State of Hawaii is phony? :rolleyes:
We're supposed to believe that "document", but a BC certified by the State of Hawaii is phony? :rolleyes:

Yes. Just like we are expected to believe Comey and the FBI there is no cause for any wrongdoing by Hilldebeest.

Just like we are supposed to believe the congressional committee or whoever the hell it was that rendered no indictments on the IRS scandal.

No doubt there would never be any outside (or inside) pressure on some State of Hawaii officials to follow the party line.
We're supposed to believe that "document", but a BC certified by the State of Hawaii is phony? :rolleyes:
Yes. Just like we are expected to believe Comey and the FBI there is no cause for any wrongdoing by Hilldebeest. Just like we are supposed to believe the congressional committee or whoever the hell it was that rendered no indictments on the IRS scandal. No doubt there would never be any outside (or inside) pressure on some State of Hawaii officials to follow the party line.
But a obviously partisan website has no agenda, right? :laugh2:
We're supposed to believe that "document", but a BC certified by the State of Hawaii is phony? :rolleyes:
Yes. Just like we are expected to believe Comey and the FBI there is no cause for any wrongdoing by Hilldebeest. Just like we are supposed to believe the congressional committee or whoever the hell it was that rendered no indictments on the IRS scandal. No doubt there would never be any outside (or inside) pressure on some State of Hawaii officials to follow the party line.
But a obviously partisan website has no agenda, right? :laugh2:
Maybe they do, I hardly bothered to read it. I just commented on him taking some official's word from the state of hawaii as gospel.
With obama's track record, and the way this world operates, it is ridiculous to make that claim as fact. But nobody cares to know "the rest of story," because the current accepted one lines up so well with their predilections.
If the purported bank statement is real, why does it read "KM KHAN LAW OFFICE" on top and then "KM KHAN LAW OFFICES" further down?


Apparently they created a new mistake after correcting an earlier one in which the lower entry read "JM KHAN LAW OFFICE"! :laugh2:

Khizr Khan Received $375,000 from the Clinton Foundation?

The above image is from the cite in the OP, NOT snopes.
If the purported bank statement is real, why does it read "KM KHAN LAW OFFICE" on top and then "KM KHAN LAW OFFICES" further down?


Apparently they created a new mistake after correcting an earlier one in which the lower entry read "JM KHAN LAW OFFICE"! :laugh2:

Khizr Khan Received $375,000 from the Clinton Foundation?

The above image is from the cite in the OP, NOT snopes.

It's a pretty bad photoshop -- yet idiot cons eat up the bait.

How do they get through their daily lives with this level of stupidity?
If the purported bank statement is real, why does it read "KM KHAN LAW OFFICE" on top and then "KM KHAN LAW OFFICES" further down?
It's a pretty bad photoshop -- yet idiot cons eat up the bait. How do they get through their daily lives with this level of stupidity?

You may have a point. It could be a forgery, at least, something smells fishy. And we right wing nut jobs are so gullible.

But neither can liberals or the media or Snopes explain these incongruities on this “official” document below. After all, it is only cons who would resort to skullduggery, liberals are above all that.

And, yes, I know if a post is long it’s ignored on these boards --- so ok to stop now. Bye.

But for the record I will submit it anyway. Nice how you gave us an example of party shenanigans and forgeries to advance a cause. But if someone really cared they might have gone beyond what they heard on CBS or CNN on Barack’s travails with a 2 ½ year pleading for him to release his birth certificate. Oh, that all got tidied up so nicely with one quick photo op of his long form.

…Yeah, right.

Mara Zebest’s Report on the finally released Birth Certificate http://www.wnd.com/files/Obama_LFBC_Report_final_draft.pdf

So the leftist powers that be have to spring into action once again. “Call Snopes!!” So then Snopes does its routine “Defense of everything Obama” and issues this report calling digital graphics expert Mara Zebest’s work flawed and calling her a ‘birther.’ With the most unprofessional methods and the flimsiest of evidence.


Once again… end of story for the uninitiated and the gullible. Still, other investigations persist never to see the light of day in the mainstream media again. Because the left has won… the public is convinced Barry was born in Hawaii.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Equally perplexing to me (and others) is the origin of Barack Obama’s social security number. Why did he get it in Connecticut? So Snopes responds and explains this number never came off some named dead man and the liberal world breathes a sigh of relief. After all, conservatives are so dishonest. Well, maybe, but Snopes is neither God, nor as honest as you so wish they were.

So all one needs to read are these articles and they will get my contention. But, no, I won’t be reiterating for the defiant a summarized version in my own words. I already know no one cares.

Snopes response on the Connecticut Social Security Number

Birtherreport responds to Snopes.



When I was assembling this post and went to my records to access the articles I wanted --- what do you know?... they are no longer available says the message when you try to call up the link. What a shock. Someone does not want this information disseminated would be my guess. But as it is… I did keep a cut and paste copy in my hard drive. So, just in case you did not believe me that this rebuttal exists, here it is.


Private Investigators Respond To Snopes About Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

Private Investigators respond to Leftist husband and wife team called Snopes regarding their latest piece on Obama's Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants.

Response from private investigators Susan Daniels and Niel Sankey:

Susan Daniels: SNOPES is right. Obama is not using Jean Paul Ludwig’s CT social security number. He is using someone else’s. And in their delight in denouncing the use of Ludwig’s, they include a new addition to the Social Security Administration’s website that says a person does not have to live in the state for which the number has been set aside. That was never written there before Obama’s fraudulent use of his number was challenged.

Attached in the current information at SSA for filing for a number is the following. “NOTE: If you are age 12 or older and have never received a Social Security number, you must apply in person.”

Obama allegedly got his CT number of 042-68-4425 in March ’77, which can be proven since the person before him -4424 and after him -4429 both got theirs then.

Next is: “Show an address where you can receive you card 7 to 14 days from now” and a web address “to find the Social Security office or Social Security Card Center that serves your area.” Is there a single rational person in this country who believes a fifteen year old flew from HI to CT to get a social security number when he could have gotten his there?

Later this month they are going to start issuing the cards randomly. I think to prevent exactly what happened with Obama and his phony number. They were never randomly assigned before.

For him to have a CT number, there has to be at the SSA a form SS-5 that is hand-written (like the other numbers around his) and has a CT address where he was living. It doesn’t exist. Now that we have seen the phony “birth certificate,” let’s see the phony SS-5.

The other documents, which are self-explanatory, are a compilation of those I have found and some that were sent to me. The important documents included his falsified Selective Service application and the Selective Service Verification, which is a government run site. Of course, you won’t be able to pull up Obama’s because they shut his down — but not until after I printed it. You will find on it the last four numbers of his CT SSN. You can test its accuracy if you were in the military. Google Selective Service Verification, input the required information and watch yours Selective Service information pop up. -Private Investigator Susan Daniels

Neil Sankey: I will simply agree with, and support what Susan says.

This Ludwig story was not of my doing either, and I had no part in it, it was well subsequent to the compilation of lists and other data. I am firmly of the belief that these matters should be thoroughly and properly investigated, but by the correct Authorities who have the power to access the necessary material at source, i.e. the FBI, CIA etc. My job, as a concerned citizen with experience in this field is to raise the matter and present it for such investigation. I also performed that function with the lists I provided to Doctor Taitz, which are now exhibits in her lawsuits. They are not verified, or presented as being accurate, other than that that is the data that is available in public record. It should / MUST be properly investigated by the proper Authorities. If not THEY must answer to God (they took the oath) and the American People,whom they are supposed to protect. -Private Investigator Neil SANKEY
Last edited:
If the purported bank statement is real, why does it read "KM KHAN LAW OFFICE" on top and then "KM KHAN LAW OFFICES" further down?
It's a pretty bad photoshop -- yet idiot cons eat up the bait. How do they get through their daily lives with this level of stupidity?

You may have a point. It could be a forgery, at least, something smells fishy. And we right wing nut jobs are so gullible.

But neither can liberals or the media or Snopes explain these incongruities on this “official” document below. After all, it is only cons who would resort to skullduggery, liberals are above all that.

And, yes, I know if a post is long it’s ignored on these boards --- so ok to stop now. Bye.

But for the record I will submit it anyway. Nice how you gave us an example of party shenanigans and forgeries to advance a cause. But if someone really cared they might have gone beyond what they heard on CBS or CNN on Barack’s travails with a 2 ½ year pleading for him to release his birth certificate. Oh, that all got tidied up so nicely with one quick photo op of his long form.

…Yeah, right.

Mara Zebest’s Report on the finally released Birth Certificate http://www.wnd.com/files/Obama_LFBC_Report_final_draft.pdf

So the leftist powers that be have to spring into action once again. “Call Snopes!!” So then Snopes does its routine “Defense of everything Obama” and issues this report calling digital graphics expert Mara Zebest’s work flawed and calling her a ‘birther.’ With the most unprofessional methods and the flimsiest of evidence.


Once again… end of story for the uninitiated and the gullible. Still, other investigations persist never to see the light of day in the mainstream media again. Because the left has won… the public is convinced Barry was born in Hawaii.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Equally perplexing to me (and others) is the origin of Barack Obama’s social security number. Why did he get it in Connecticut? So Snopes responds and explains this number never came off some named dead man and the liberal world breathes a sigh of relief. After all, conservatives are so dishonest. Well, maybe, but Snopes is neither God, nor as honest as you so wish they were.

So all one needs to read are these articles and they will get my contention. But, no, I won’t be reiterating for the defiant a summarized version in my own words. I already know no one cares.

Snopes response on the Connecticut Social Security Number

Birtherreport responds to Snopes.



When I was assembling this post and went to my records to access the articles I wanted --- what do you know?... they are no longer available says the message when you try to call up the link. What a shock. Someone does not want this information disseminated would be my guess. But as it is… I did keep a cut and paste copy in my hard drive. So, just in case you did not believe me that this rebuttal exists, here it is.


Private Investigators Respond To Snopes About Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

Private Investigators respond to Leftist husband and wife team called Snopes regarding their latest piece on Obama's Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants.

Response from private investigators Susan Daniels and Niel Sankey:

Susan Daniels: SNOPES is right. Obama is not using Jean Paul Ludwig’s CT social security number. He is using someone else’s. And in their delight in denouncing the use of Ludwig’s, they include a new addition to the Social Security Administration’s website that says a person does not have to live in the state for which the number has been set aside. That was never written there before Obama’s fraudulent use of his number was challenged.

Attached in the current information at SSA for filing for a number is the following. “NOTE: If you are age 12 or older and have never received a Social Security number, you must apply in person.”

Obama allegedly got his CT number of 042-68-4425 in March ’77, which can be proven since the person before him -4424 and after him -4429 both got theirs then.

Next is: “Show an address where you can receive you card 7 to 14 days from now” and a web address “to find the Social Security office or Social Security Card Center that serves your area.” Is there a single rational person in this country who believes a fifteen year old flew from HI to CT to get a social security number when he could have gotten his there?

Later this month they are going to start issuing the cards randomly. I think to prevent exactly what happened with Obama and his phony number. They were never randomly assigned before.

For him to have a CT number, there has to be at the SSA a form SS-5 that is hand-written (like the other numbers around his) and has a CT address where he was living. It doesn’t exist. Now that we have seen the phony “birth certificate,” let’s see the phony SS-5.

The other documents, which are self-explanatory, are a compilation of those I have found and some that were sent to me. The important documents included his falsified Selective Service application and the Selective Service Verification, which is a government run site. Of course, you won’t be able to pull up Obama’s because they shut his down — but not until after I printed it. You will find on it the last four numbers of his CT SSN. You can test its accuracy if you were in the military. Google Selective Service Verification, input the required information and watch yours Selective Service information pop up. -Private Investigator Susan Daniels

Neil Sankey: I will simply agree with, and support what Susan says.

This Ludwig story was not of my doing either, and I had no part in it, it was well subsequent to the compilation of lists and other data. I am firmly of the belief that these matters should be thoroughly and properly investigated, but by the correct Authorities who have the power to access the necessary material at source, i.e. the FBI, CIA etc. My job, as a concerned citizen with experience in this field is to raise the matter and present it for such investigation. I also performed that function with the lists I provided to Doctor Taitz, which are now exhibits in her lawsuits. They are not verified, or presented as being accurate, other than that that is the data that is available in public record. It should / MUST be properly investigated by the proper Authorities. If not THEY must answer to God (they took the oath) and the American People,whom they are supposed to protect. -Private Investigator Neil SANKEY
Good evening, turz. I have 2 questions. First is Ms. Zebest's 12 pg work on fonts etc. Is the Obama copy on the green paper a recent copy, and is the Nordyke copy an old copy. I ask because of my own experience with death certificates. My Dad died in 1985 and his death certificate was one of those old microfische copies like the one in your link issued to Nordyke, and a single copy was accepted everywhere. My Mom died in 2009 and her certificates were all on a new special tamper-proof paper. Not only that, but where the certificate is required to change ownership and accounts, in 2009 every proof of death had to be an original tamper-proof copy, no Xerox or microfische. This leads me to think that between the Nordyke birth copy and the Obama birth copy there was a system upgrade.

But more important than that...how did the Sankeys get Obama's SSN? I guard mine zealously, and can't imagine anyone being careless about their SSN.

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