38% of Homicides are Committed by 12% Of the Population


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Why does this ethnic group not fix this? Why is the black culture counter productive?

Me and the misses were discussing this issue the other night over a glass of wine at our table in the garage. Maybe things would improve if we had black police officers patrolling black neighborhoods in efforts to reduce tension and some - agreeably questionable police shootings.

We can reduce racial tension immediately if we did that. Let the outrage manifest when its 'one of their own', conducting police work.that leads to a shooting by LEO

The root cause is deep that keeps the black culture from socially evolving.

So, what's the fix?

It has to be more than jobs, what is it?


FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 3


What is with all these pathetic white people complaining nonstop about black people on the Internet? At least half of the USMB regulars are disgruntled old white people who spend waaaay to much time complaining about black related issues.

I am becoming rather turned off to this place.

What is with all these pathetic white people complaining nonstop about black people on the Internet? At least half of the USMB regulars are disgruntled old white people who spend waaaay to much time complaining about black related issues.

I am becoming rather turned off to this place.

And this is why they're slaughtering each other. I am turned off by your attitude of turning your head away from reality.
What is with all these pathetic white people complaining nonstop about black people on the Internet? At least half of the USMB regulars are disgruntled old white people who spend waaaay to much time complaining about black related issues.

I am becoming rather turned off to this place.

And this is why they're slaughtering each other. I am turned off by your attitude of turning your head away from reality.

"Your focus determines your reality." I tend to direct my own focus towards other matters more relevant to my passions and interests.

Crime in the black community prior to the Great Society, was nearly none existent.

This fact would seem to indicate that government is the culprit and that reducing or eliminating government, would be the solution.
When are whites going to address their criminal culture?

FBI Table 43

FBI Table 43

Actually the chart you linked to shows that blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes, not whites.

Go back to elementary school and learn math.

Look at you! Thinking that you've taught me something. How sweet.

Remember that discussion we had about how your language at times- is that more commonly associated with the female gender?

When are whites going to address their criminal culture?

FBI Table 43

FBI Table 43

Actually the chart you linked to shows that blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes, not whites.

Go back to elementary school and learn math.

Look at you! Thinking that you've taught me something. How sweet.

Remember that discussion we had about how your language at times- is that more commonly associated with the female gender?


Especially when I'm talking to toddlers and puppies. Get it, shithead?
It has to be more than jobs, what is it?

Why does it have to be more than that (jobs)? When anyone (black or white ) has a decent job that provides for themselves and their family, they have respect. Respect for themselves and respect from others.

When you have nothing but hustling on the streets to "provide" for you and yours, respect comes from the barrel of a gun. And if you have to defend the territory that you hustle in and some one is cutting in on your territory, someone is going to get shot.

How come white people like you have such a problem with blacks using guns to protect themselves, their property or the life of someone else? White are all the time saying how it is necessary to do these things. And most white people don't live in nearly the high crime areas that blacks live in.

And finally, if it is black criminals shooting other black criminals, I find it laughable that you or any of the other black haters on here could really give a flying fuck. Hell you all fantasize about shooting blacks all the time.What the fuck do you care?

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