3rd graders selling raffle tickets for an AR-15

Some people can`t understand why the world thinks we`re nuts.
Third-graders are selling AR-15 raffle tickets in Missouri

What's the problem?
Libs have a hard time with understanding the value of responsible gun ownership.

Why would you say that? There are a whole bunch of responsible progressive gun owners here in USMB myself among them.

Responsible gun owners want to keep them out of the hands of kooks and criminals. If you don't, then you are not a responsible gun owner.

Lena Taylor: Most NRA members back background checks on all gun purchases
Because many libs have been pushing to outright ban guns.
No one believes this ridiculous lie.
Some people can`t understand why the world thinks we`re nuts.
Third-graders are selling AR-15 raffle tickets in Missouri

What's the problem?
Libs have a hard time with understanding the value of responsible gun ownership.

Why would you say that? There are a whole bunch of responsible progressive gun owners here in USMB myself among them.

Responsible gun owners want to keep them out of the hands of kooks and criminals. If you don't, then you are not a responsible gun owner.

Lena Taylor: Most NRA members back background checks on all gun purchases
Because many libs have been pushing to outright ban guns.
No one believes this ridiculous lie.
Are they now changing their position after being proven wrong?
It's all about the object with you why?
It's just a tool.

Lol - yeah, wonder how may Nikolas Cruz could have killed with a hammer, screwdriver or even a knife?
YOU are just a tool if you believe that (but we already knew ;-)
A bomb would’ve been more effective. People will kill with whatever means necessary. Taking one tool away from them solves nothing and will save nobody you fucking spineless piece of shit... Because they will find a way to get it anyway or something else.
Oh yes - Pressure Cooker BOMBS such as the Roosky Boston shitheads provided at the Marathon?
Those were indeed pretty awesome eh SD Trumphole? - But they failed.
You were rooting for 'em huh?

so you are back eh Doktor , what do you think of the links that i put up showing your dem politicians calling for gun bannings Doktor .
True, The military would never turn against its own citizens for the sake of the federal government. They just soon turn on the federal government, because they are overwhelmingly pro second amendment.
If they tried firearm confiscation millions on both sides would die… Fact
Ehhh NO .. the military would never turn on the Federal Government and nobody will EVER go door to door grabbing 3 million guns - PERIOD.
You should join one of the SD Militias clown nuts - I understand there are many.
Otherwise slide on over to Montana, Wyoming or even Northern Idaho ..
In all these places you can find idiots - but the worst of the northern ID idiots are in jail or have moved over to MT. WY or SD
Join them won't you?
where did the good Doktor Love go . I have some info for him and other lefties to see concerning how lefty dems DO want to ban guns . --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- WHERE Are YOU Doktor , i got some video for YOU , just click the link eh !!
From GunsSaveLives.com?
Dude you are AWESOME - thanks for the linky!!
------------------------------------------------ video of your 'dem' gun banners , you can hear their words for yourself Doktor .
True, The military would never turn against its own citizens for the sake of the federal government. They just soon turn on the federal government, because they are overwhelmingly pro second amendment.
If they tried firearm confiscation millions on both sides would die… Fact
Ehhh NO .. the military would never turn on the Federal Government and nobody will EVER go door to door grabbing 3 million guns - PERIOD.
You should join one of the SD Militias clown nuts - I understand there are many.
Otherwise slide on over to Montana, Wyoming or even Northern Idaho ..
In all these places you can find idiots - but the worst of the northern ID idiots are in jail or have moved over to MT. WY or SD
Join them won't you?
The US military never votes for progressives, They don’t have anywhere near the same views. Give it up clown
Some people can`t understand why the world thinks we`re nuts.
Third-graders are selling AR-15 raffle tickets in Missouri

You mean the world that sent 12 million European men, women and children into gas chambers....? That world? The world where Russians sent 25 million innocent men, women and children to their deaths in Gulags and government mass murder? That world? The world of China, where they murdered 70 million innocent men, women and children to their deaths....that world?

We have nothing to learn from the world when it comes to mass murder....the world has committed mass murder on levels we can never understand.

In this country, our criminals commit murder, mainly against other criminals....while around the world, their governments murder innocent men, women and children......

So spare us...
Patterson said by phone Saturday that he considered finding a different raffle item after Wednesday’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but ultimately decided to “turn it into a positive thing” after “getting the hate.”

The fuck is wrong with people? At least have some tact and not hold an event raffling a weapon that just killed 17 people (14 of them children)

Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off splitting the country in half. One sane side and one conservative side. I don't want to live in the same country as these hillbilly ass, gun slinging conservatives anymore.
That's the most intelligent thing you have ever said. Throw the liberals out and let them kill each other.

Kill each other with what? We won't have guns to kill each other. The hillbilly conservatives will probably wind up killing each other.

The hillbilly's have more guns and shoot each other less....inner city democrats have fewer guns and shoot and murder each other more......please...try to post intelligently...
Surely these would be a more appropriate prize.
Bulletproof backpacks for schoolkids...

School shootings are great for business...guns for scared people, crayons and cardboard for protest placards, shouty people invited onto tv 'news' shows, lobbyists to accuse the other side of politicising, thoughts and prayers manufacturing and delivery, funeral directors, florists, t-shirt screen printers, school security consultants and now...
body armour for kids...
Liberty and Free Enterprise working hand in glove...what a great world we live in.

BulletBlocker NIJ IIIA Bulletproof My Child's Pack
Patterson said by phone Saturday that he considered finding a different raffle item after Wednesday’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but ultimately decided to “turn it into a positive thing” after “getting the hate.”

The fuck is wrong with people? At least have some tact and not hold an event raffling a weapon that just killed 17 people (14 of them children)

Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off splitting the country in half. One sane side and one conservative side. I don't want to live in the same country as these hillbilly ass, gun slinging conservatives anymore.

The weapon didn't kill those people.....the killer did....after having been visited by police 39 times, after the FBI was told, twice, that he planned a mass school shooting and after he spent a year under supervision by social services....

The gun didn't kill anyone, the shooter did...

1 rifle was used that day to commit a heinous act........8 million copies of that gun didn't murder anyone on that day.....

Cars kill more people than that rifle.

knives kill more people than that rifle.

clubs kill more people than that rifle.

Empty hands kill more people than that rifle...

Yet you don't get upset with cars, knives, clubs or hands and feet.......

You are not a serious person.
Some people can`t understand why the world thinks we`re nuts.
Third-graders are selling AR-15 raffle tickets in Missouri

Gun murder in the United States is committed by criminals, mainly kiliing other criminals in criminal acts......70-80% of gun murder victims are crimnals....

The world you seek the approval of? They murder innocent men, women and children in the millions.......

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945.

Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico.

According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.

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