3rd graders selling raffle tickets for an AR-15

Some people can`t understand why the world thinks we`re nuts.
Third-graders are selling AR-15 raffle tickets in Missouri

You mean the world that sent 12 million European men, women and children into gas chambers....? That world? The world where Russians sent 25 million innocent men, women and children to their deaths in Gulags and government mass murder? That world? The world of China, where they murdered 70 million innocent men, women and children to their deaths....that world?

We have nothing to learn from the world when it comes to mass murder....the world has committed mass murder on levels we can never understand.

In this country, our criminals commit murder, mainly against other criminals....while around the world, their governments murder innocent men, women and children......

So spare us...
School massacres are okay because Hitler and Stalin killed millions? WTF is wrong with you?

No....dumb ass......taking 600 million guns away from people who did not use them to commit any crime or murder is stupid....considering that mass shootings in 35 years murdered 795 people...while knives...every single year murder over 1,600 people.............

I know you are an idiot....but let me explain......there are people alive today, who lived during a time when governments around the world murdered 12 million, 25 million, 70 million innocent men, women and children........the governments were able to do this because they first disarmed the victims......and these things happened in Europe where they had the rule of law, modern univerisities, the sciences, philosophy, courts and democrat processes............and they sent 12 million people to gas chambers...including children..........

As tragic as school shootings are, you don't end them by taking guns away from law abiding people......you end them by ending gun free zones and having pay attention to the nut jobs they know.....

You don't care about dead people......because if you did you would belong to MADD, and you would fight to ban knives, clubs and empty hands.......items that murder more people than all rifles combined...

You hate guns.......and by focusing on guns, you don't solve the problem

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total murders by mass public shooters...1982-2017

knife murders.....2009-2013.....


Rifle murder....

330 millions of all sorts of people in the USA and 17 of them die at the hands of a FREAK and you want to punish all the normal law abiding Gun Owners . What is Wrong with YOU August ???
How are you being punished? I think I can safely drive my car around town at 80 mph but it`s illegal. Why am I being punished?

I can safely have an AR-15 in my home....why do you want to punish me?
330 millions of all sorts of people in the USA and 17 of them die at the hands of a FREAK and you want to punish all the normal law abiding Gun Owners . What is Wrong with YOU August ???
How are you being punished? I think I can safely drive my car around town at 80 mph but it`s illegal. Why am I being punished?
----------------------------------------------- AR15 is a RIGHT , driving your car is a privlege August !! The Freak that murdered is in jail as he awaits further punishment and your types want to take away ar15 from normal Americans August .
I wouldn't have one the barrels are too thin and easily corroded...

I personally don't like the way the AR looks.....the AK looks better and the Mini 14 is more appealing as well.....but the AR-15 is easy to use, and is the most popular rifle in the United States.......
HEAVY Barreled versions are available . AR is standard USA military caliber for now anyway . AK is cool and all Americans oughta own one of each . Personally i like the Walnut stocked Scout M1A but i do appreciate the lighter carry weight of the AR . The best gun though is probably the AK because of its more powerful ammo IMO .
Patterson said by phone Saturday that he considered finding a different raffle item after Wednesday’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but ultimately decided to “turn it into a positive thing” after “getting the hate.”

The fuck is wrong with people? At least have some tact and not hold an event raffling a weapon that just killed 17 people (14 of them children)

Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off splitting the country in half. One sane side and one conservative side. I don't want to live in the same country as these hillbilly ass, gun slinging conservatives anymore.

Or, you could just move to Canada. It's a win for both sides.
As seen on the raffle ticket:

Rifle can be picked up on the 3rd floor of the freshman building at a high school in Florida.
Patterson said by phone Saturday that he considered finding a different raffle item after Wednesday’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but ultimately decided to “turn it into a positive thing” after “getting the hate.”

The fuck is wrong with people? At least have some tact and not hold an event raffling a weapon that just killed 17 people (14 of them children)

Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off splitting the country in half. One sane side and one conservative side. I don't want to live in the same country as these hillbilly ass, gun slinging conservatives anymore.
That's the most intelligent thing you have ever said. Throw the liberals out and let them kill each other.

Kill each other with what? We won't have guns to kill each other. The hillbilly conservatives will probably wind up killing each other.

You won't HAVE GUNS to kill each other ?
So you're obviously saying your split off "sane" side would not have Second Amendment rights.
You realize that the majority of Americans support the Second Amendment?

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