3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

I figure you would end up with disreputable sources.

"Kamala Harris says that the riots are not going to stop, ever, and to BEWARE"

If you didn't rely on social media for your information, and had watched the entire interview, you would realize that nowhere in it was there mention of riots, violent protests, looting or arson so how could she be condoning or violence when violence isn't even mentioned? She was talking about the demonstrations as in peaceful protests. In fact, she had elsewhere specifically condemned the violence, rioting and looting.

Second claim, about her speech NAACP condoning or supporting violence is also dishonest.

This was her praise of BLM - as a movement.

“People around our country of every age, of every color, of every gender stood shoulder to shoulder fighting for justice under the law,” she said. “Bad cops are bad for good cops. We need reform of our policing in America and our criminal justice system.”

Yup. That sure is calling for violence.
Nice rambling personal opinion, sweetheart, but just an attempt to justify Democrats supporting domestic terrorism and foreign Socialist enemies attempting to destabilize the US .

Dude, yiu just completely skipped over the fact that Harris helped bail out domestic terrorists to get them back on the streets to continue looting, burning, destroying, fiebonbing police cars with Molotov cocktails and trying to burn federal and local police alive inside federal buildings.

Harris 'warned this would continue...and said 'it should continue' (you left that out ...wonder why :p. ).
- The thing she should have done was to call for an end of the domestic terrorism that cause BILLIONS of dollars in damage in DEMOCRAT-RUN communities all over the country. Instead, she bailed out terrorists and encouraged more violence.
1. You did not clear shit up.

2. I still fail to see where Trump encouraged anyone to violently riot at the Capitol. Can you provide a direct quote and link? Your own words show Trump called for peace and urged people to go home.

3. Trump himself was proven by a bipartisan Senate team's investigation to have been the 1st person to suggest the National Guard be present on 1/6/21 and Democrats / the House & Senate Sergeant At Arms rejected the idea.

4. (#3 was after...) The FBI warned Pelosi and the Capitol Police about the expected crowd... WHY isn't Pelosi being called to testify about who she talked to, what she did, & what she did not do? The Senate investigation report told how the Capitol Police did not prepare, were nit prepared, and were primarily at fault fior the riot getting out of control.

5. The report told how 30 -30 minutes before Trump's speech was over individuals removed barricades and signs saying that area was restricted, which means many people were guilty of trespassing before they even knew they were doing it.

6. You obviously forgot (or not) how the FBI has admitted they had agents / infiltrators in the crowd, like Sullivan...like they had agents inside the group that planned to kidnap Michigan's gov Whittmer...which reportedly the FBI's idea.

The FBI is on record for illegally spying on Americans and defrauding the FISA Court for decades, helping to find Biden's niece's diary - NOT their job, keeping Hunter's laptop hidden/secure - NOT their job...they have proven to be more of a rogue threat than beneficial.

If they Knew about the violent riot coming and warned the Capitol Pol
ice, Pelosi, & the Sergeants-at-Arms in advance, WHY COULDN'T THEY STOP IT / DIDN'T THEY MAKE ANY EFFORT TO STOP IT IN ADVANCE?
- Oops...simple question NOT answered yet...
Incredible. I asked you two direct questions and you chose to side-step them and provide spin instead of answering. I wonder why that is. Shall we try this again? :p

As the violent mob was breaking into the building and secret service was evacuating Pence and his family, Trump was STILL tweeting disparaging remarks about Pence. Do you support those actions from Trump?

Hours after the attack, Trump tells these people that they're very special and that he loves them. Do you support these comments from Trump?

There you go. I bolded the questions for you so you don’t “accidentally” forget to answer them this time. :p
Was it "bring your family to work" day? Until Ray Epps is charged and we know the number of Feds planted in the crowd the committee are the people that look guilty.
So you support Trump attacking Pence through Twitter as Pence was being evacuated along with his family. Good to know.
Incredible. I asked you two direct questions and you chose to side-step them and provide spin instead of answering. I wonder why that is. Shall we try this again? :p

As the violent mob was breaking into the building and secret service was evacuating Pence and his family, Trump was STILL tweeting disparaging remarks about Pence. Do you support those actions from Trump?

Hours after the attack, Trump tells these people that they're very special and that he loves them. Do you support these comments from Trump?

There you go. I bolded the questions for you so you don’t “accidentally” forget to answer them this time. :p
Don't forget. While Trump was still speaking on 1/6, Antifa was breaking into the Capital building, 35 minutes before the end of his speech.
Don't forget. While Trump was still speaking on 1/6, Antifa was breaking into the Capital building, 35 minutes before the end of his speech.
Whoever it was, I sure am glad that those idiots got arrested for breaking in. I say we throw them all in prison for a very long time.

How about you?
Did he physically attack him? Really girlie man. A politician can take it.
Of course he didn’t physically attack him. He just tweeted disparaging remarks about him while a violent mob was attacking police officers and chanting “Hang Mike Pence”.

And naturally, you don’t have any issues with that.
Of course he didn’t physically attack him. He just tweeted disparaging remarks about him while a violent mob was attacking police officers and chanting “Hang Mike Pence”.

And naturally, you don’t have any issues with that.
It was symbolic from the protestors. Trump's reaction to what Pence did should have been expected. Pence knew he was cheated.
It was symbolic from the protestors. Trump's reaction to what Pence did should have been expected. Pence knew he was cheated.
Sure, the same way those idiots “symbolically” attacked the Capitol police officers.

Pence had no authority to stop the certification. Trump wanted Pence to be killed.
Nice rambling personal opinion, sweetheart, but just an attempt to justify Democrats supporting domestic terrorism and foreign Socialist enemies attempting to destabilize the US .

Dude, yiu just completely skipped over the fact that Harris helped bail out domestic terrorists to get them back on the streets to continue looting, burning, destroying, fiebonbing police cars with Molotov cocktails and trying to burn federal and local police alive inside federal buildings.

Harris 'warned this would continue...and said 'it should continue' (you left that out ...wonder why :p. ).
- The thing she should have done was to call for an end of the domestic terrorism that cause BILLIONS of dollars in damage in DEMOCRAT-RUN communities all over the country. Instead, she bailed out terrorists and encouraged more violence.
Well, we’ve already put to rest the lie that she encouraged more violence….now let’s look at the lie that she bailed out terrorists.

Do you think Pence had the authority to stop the certification of the election?
The law governing the certification process, the Electoral Count Act of 1887, specifically limits the power of the president of the Senate precisely because a president of the Senate had intervened in the count previously. In 1857, after James Buchanan's win, the Senate president overruled an objection against Wisconsin electors who had been delayed in their certification process by a snowstorm in 1856.

"One of the points of the Electoral Count Act is to constrain the vice president given this earlier episode and make it clear that he's a presider, not a decider," said former Federal Election Commission Chairman Trevor Potter, president of the Campaign Legal Center.
Well, we’ve already put to rest the lie that she encouraged more violence….now let’s look at the lie that she bailed out terrorists.

Sorry but FactCheck.org is one of the NON-fact check sites busted for lying and covering for Dems....you might as well just have used CNN...

Incredible. I asked you two direct questions and you chose to side-step them and provide spin instead of answering. I wonder why that is. Shall we try this again? :p

As the violent mob was breaking into the building and secret service was evacuating Pence and his family, Trump was STILL tweeting disparaging remarks about Pence. Do you support those actions from Trump?

Hours after the attack, Trump tells these people that they're very special and that he loves them. Do you support these comments from Trump?

There you go. I bolded the questions for you so you don’t “accidentally” forget to answer them this time. :p
Thank you for proving your TDS has driven you mad. I asked you to provide Trump's exact words where he told Americans to violently storm the Capitol & to provide a link...

Since you have declared over & over he did so it should have been an easy task...

...And YOU failed / refuse to do so.

Your 'surrender' is accepted.....next....
Thank you for proving your TDS has driven you mad. I asked you to provide Trump's exact words where he told Americans to violently storm the Capitol & to provide a link...

Since you have declared over & over he did so it should have been an easy task...

...And YOU failed / refuse to do so.

Your 'surrender' is accepted.....next....
Aaaand you ran away once again! :p

I gave you two very specific questions and you avoided them. TWICE. Now why is that? Are you so cowardly that you can’t answer two simple questions? A simple yes or no would have sufficed.

Shall we go for a third time? Believe me I have no problem parading you around like the coward you are.

1) As the violent mob was breaking into the building and secret service was evacuating Pence and his family, Trump was STILL tweeting disparaging remarks about Pence. Do you support those actions from Trump?

(2:00 to 2:24) A minute-by-minute timeline of Trump's day as the Capitol siege unfolded on Jan. 6

2) Hours after the attack, Trump tells these people that they're very special and that he loves them. Do you support these comments from Trump?

(4:17 to 6:01)

Are you going to answer this time, coward? Of course you won’t. Let’s make an example of the little coward you are for all your fellow Trumpsters to see. Watch how you desperately avoid these questions once more.

Dance for me. Bwahahahaha. :p
cant be both,,

Yes, it can be both.

the problem with your definition is it doesnt consider we have a constitution,,

Having a constitution has no bearing on if we are a democracy or not.

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