3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

In “Federalist No. 10” and “Federalist No. 51,” the seminal papers, Madison argued that a large republic with a diversity of interests capped by the separation of powers and checks and balances would help provide the solution to the ills of popular government. In a large and diverse society, populist passions are likely to dissipate, as no single group can easily dominate. If such intemperate passions come from a minority of the population, the “republican principle,” by which Madison meant majority rule, will allow the defeat of “sinister views by regular vote.”

Republicans understand that they are a minority and have been trying to subvert the rules to game the system in order to force minority rule.

Hence their insistence on calling this a Republic rather than a democracy
Interesting. And how using Semantics to change/apply different meanings to words.
Weak sauce.

Antifa and the Fed agitators would never listen to Trump
I agree...and yet why were all those Republican Congress people and Fox News folks and Trump family members trying to get Trump to say something to stop that madness?

THEY obviously knew these were Trump minions.

And when Trump finally did call them off he acknowledged how much he loved them
You do know words have established meanings, right? You can't just make up shit and insist they mean something else?
Of course.

What does “We love you. You’re very special” mean to you?

Why was Trump posting disparaging things about Pence AFTER he was told that they were rushing him to safety from a violent mob?
please stop spending taxpayer dollars on incompetent investigations on the 2020 elections...on both sides!
It means to me what it says. It does NOT mean "Kill them all and let God sort 'em out", like you believe.
Right. Your pathetic argument is that he didn’t say something like: “I, Donald Trump, hereby encourage you to cause destruction and violence.”

Let’s use a little common sense. Let’s look at his actions. Let’s look at the context.

He was told that Pence and his family were being escorted out to protect them from a violent mob. After that, Trump was still posting disparaging remarks about Pence. This is a fact.

Would this encourage the violent mob chanting “Hang Mine Pence” or would it discourage them?

It’s ok, I know you want to play stupid.

“Bu-bu-but he didn’t actually say he wants them to attack Pence!” Pathetic.
Yep, those Antifa goons should nave been shot.
I wouldn’t go that far. But I’m definitely happy to see them charged. Did you know that over 700 idiots have been charged for their behavior on Jan 6?

I’m glad we agree with punishing these idiots.
Right. Your pathetic argument is that he didn’t say something like: “I, Donald Trump, hereby encourage you to cause destruction and violence.”

Let’s use a little common sense. Let’s look at his actions. Let’s look at the context.

He was told that Pence and his family were being escorted out to protect them from a violent mob. After that, Trump was still posting disparaging remarks about Pence. This is a fact.

Would this encourage the violent mob chanting “Hang Mine Pence” or would it discourage them?

It’s ok, I know you want to play stupid.

“Bu-bu-but he didn’t actually say he wants them to attack Pence!” Pathetic.
Your petulant tantrum aside, no one has any obligation to validate your fantasies.
I wouldn’t go that far. But I’m definitely happy to see them charged. Did you know that over 700 idiots have been charged for their behavior on Jan 6?

I’m glad we agree with punishing these idiots.
How many have been charged with insurrection?

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