4.6% unemployment rate

Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007

More liberal bullshit concocted numbers, just like the made up polls that showed Clinton 332 vs Trump 216, on Nov. 7.

They're on a mission to made Obama look good. Keep putting lipstick on that pig, guys. Does it reflect the millions out of work and stopped looking? No. Does it reflect the record number of food stamps? no. Does it reflect the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost? No. Does it reflect record black unemployment? No. The list goes on and on. This is all leftist mumbo jumbo and a failed effort to save the first black president's disastrous legacy.

Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
More liberal bullshit concocted numbers, just like the made up polls that showed Clinton 332 vs Trump 216, on Nov. 7.

They're on a mission to made Obama look good. Keep putting lipstick on that pig, guys. Does it reflect the millions out of work and stopped looking? No. Does it reflect the record number of food stamps? no. Does it reflect the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost? No. Does it reflect record black unemployment? No. The list goes on and on. This is all leftist mumbo jumbo and a failed effort to save the first black president's disastrous legacy.

Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Roudy is failing to tell the board that Trump's labor participation force rates are going to be worse than Obama's beginning 1 February 2017 and will be worse each month thereafter until he leaves office, is impeached and convicted and removed from office, or dies.
Last edited:
Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Why do you insist that old people, students and the handicapped work?

A solid economy is one in which old people are not forced back into the workforce....wouldn't you agree?
Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Why do you insist that old people, students and the handicapped work?

A solid economy is one in which old people are not forced back into the workforce....wouldn't you agree?
Try again. It's people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Why do you insist that old people, students and the handicapped work?

A solid economy is one in which old people are not forced back into the workforce....wouldn't you agree?
Try again. It's people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking.
Not even close princess
Roudy is failing to tell the board that Trump's labor participation force rates are going to be worse than Obama's beginning 1 February 2017 and will be worse each thereafter until he leaves office, his impeached and convicted and removed from office, or dies.
You're failing to remember Trump isn't even president yet and he already saved one factory and 1000 jobs.
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Roudy does not give a crapy, rw. If a Jew could be a Nazi, he would be one. He is Alt Right and a neo-con, meaning he has no mercy for anyone.

He thinks 4.6% UE and an all time record of people working are bad things.
Roudy is failing to tell the board that Trump's labor participation force rates are going to be worse than Obama's beginning 1 February 2017 and will be worse each thereafter until he leaves office, his impeached and convicted and removed from office, or dies.
You're failing to remember to Trump isn't even president yet and he already saved one factory and 1000 jobs.
And sold Huntington, which is down the road, on down the road.
Let's see

Obama has 4.6% unemployment. $2 gas. Rising housing market. Low interest rates. Low inflation. Strong dollar.

Trump has nowhere to go but down

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A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Why do you insist that old people, students and the handicapped work?

A solid economy is one in which old people are not forced back into the workforce....wouldn't you agree?
Try again. It's people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking.
Not even close princess
Actually spot on. It's the lack of good jobs. You know, those few hundred thousand shovel ready green jobs president Hussein promised us. You can't blame him, he was too busy passing gay marriage and transgender restrooms for you and Jakey to pee in. LOL
Let's see

Obama has 4.6% unemployment. $2 gas. Rising housing market. Low interest rates. Low inflation. Strong dollar.

Trump has nowhere to go but UP
Only in the last year. He intentionally drove the gas prices high throughout his presidency. to force the car companies into making electrics and hybrids. Keep up. You have a horrible memory. Housing has been stagnant, and growth is at 1%. Liberals have a problem dealing with the truth.
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Roudy does not give a crapy, rw. If a Jew could be a Nazi, he would be one. He is Alt Right and a neo-con, meaning he has no mercy for anyone.

He thinks 4.6% UE and an all time record of people working are bad things.
Ah, the "tolerant" liberal brings religion into the mix. Like I said it doesn't take long for them to break down into hissy fits and personal attacks. They aren't mentally stable. LOL
Roudy is failing to tell the board that Trump's labor participation force rates are going to be worse than Obama's beginning 1 February 2017 and will be worse each thereafter until he leaves office, his impeached and convicted and removed from office, or dies.
You're failing to remember to Trump isn't even president yet and he already saved one factory and 1000 jobs.
And sold Huntington, which is down the road, on down the road.
Not even president and Trump forced a company not to move to Mexico, I'd say this guy knows how to get it done. Why didn't that piece of shit Obama intervene and save these families?
Roudy is failing to tell the board that Trump's labor participation force rates are going to be worse than Obama's beginning 1 February 2017 and will be worse each thereafter until he leaves office, his impeached and convicted and removed from office, or dies.
You're failing to remember Trump isn't even president yet and he already saved one factory and 1000 jobs.
Obama saved the auto industry and 240,000 jobs

Trump has a long way to go to match the Great Obama
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Why do you insist that old people, students and the handicapped work?

A solid economy is one in which old people are not forced back into the workforce....wouldn't you agree?
Try again. It's people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking.
Not even close princess
Actually spot on. It's the lack of good jobs. You know, those few hundred thousand shovel ready green jobs president Hussein promised us. You can't blame him, he was too busy passing gay marriage and transgender restrooms for you and Jakey to pee in. LOL
Do you even know what a shovel ready job is?
Evidently not

Obama added 11 million jobs......another mark Trump can't match
Okay okay, I give up...the Obama economy and agenda is a success, and that's why people didn't vote for the candidate obama literally begged Americans to vote for.

"Please vote for Hillary....my legacy...my shitty legacy"

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