4.6% unemployment rate

one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified

So the theory goes anyway. The labor statistics disagree with your theory.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified

So the theory goes anyway. The labor statistics disagree with your theory.
Read the front page of NY times to find out that economy is improving and obama is handing off to dump a far better economy than what was handed to him
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

When unemployment numbers are high, they use those numbers against the President.

When the unemployment numbers are low, they say the numbers are false.

When they talk to poor workers, they say Hillary and Government Sachs will pay for their elitist corruption.

When it comes time to staffing a cabinet, they hire Wall Street insiders and career globalists.

When the opposition controls the White House, every debt ceiling increase gets 24/7 coverage.

When they control the White House, debt ceiling increases are not reported and their voters have no idea that they even took place.

If the Russians hacked the RNC and helped a Democratic candidate win, we would see a Civil War.

If a Supreme Court justice died during a Republican Presidential term, and the Democrats in congress refused to advise and consent for an entire year, we would see a Civil War. People would rise and take their country back.

The Left is weak.
Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.
Why? It's a meaningless figure in terms of the health of the job market as it reflects demographics.

It was lower than it is now in the early 60's. It went up then because the baby boomer generation began turning 18 and entering the labor force. Now they're turning 62 and leaving the labor force.

Tell that to the tens of millions unable to find steady work who now live on the dole.
You're fucking deranged. There's only 7.4 million people out of work now who are looking for a job. WTF do you get "tens of millions from?"

No, you're confused. The labor participation rate includes those that have given up looking or taken part time jobs that don't count as full employment.

33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978. The number of Americans aged 16 and older not participating in the labor force hit 92,898,000 in February, tying December's record, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Mar 7, 2015
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978 - RT.com
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978
Great, you follow up your last deranged post with another. :eusa_doh:

I didn't deny there are any folks who gave up looking within the group of those not in the labor force... I am pointing out the vast majority of those not in the labor force choose to not work. For a wide variety of reasons, some 95% of those not in the labor force neither look for work nor want to work. Citing 95 million not working, when nearly all of them don't want to work, as though it somehow indicates either a bad economy or an unhealthy job market, is just the sort of idiocy rightwingnuts spout.

Want proof of that...? Watch how the right does a 180 on their complaints about the labor force participation rate when Trump assumes office and the not in labor force continues to grow as it has for decades now and as the labor force participation rate continues to drop as it has done for about 16 years now.
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if unemployment has been around 5% all of this time, then why are we still borrowing money to stay afloat? The debt keeps rising!
Ask Republicans since they have controlled spending since 2011.
Obungles is the best thing to have happened for the republican party, he'll leave with the dems in shambles and the repubs in full control

Trump won because racist dog shit like you.

Calm yourself, you can try again in 4 to 8 years who knows maybe you will have better luck.

Let's face some brutal facts, the dems haven't fared so well in recent elections. There is a reason for that...they should be wondering why. The democrat party is decimated, no leadership, a failed agenda and they have little power.
But they gained seats in the House & Senate.

Well that was weak....LOL Who's in control?
The ones who bitch and moan the minority party is destroying this nation.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Too stupid for words.

89 million of those 95 million don't want to work.

There were more people out of work who wanted a job while Bush was president. Where was your outrage then?
So Democrats are all about creating more people out of work who depend on the govt. and therefore more voters. In the meantime the working class gets taxed like crazy and America goes down the toilet because of their social engineering, globalist, socialist agenda. The Democrapic party platform in a nutshell.
Who was the last president, Democrat or Republican, for whom the not in labor force grew?
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007

More liberal bullshit concocted numbers, just like the made up polls that showed Clinton 332 vs Trump 216, on Nov. 7.

They're on a mission to made Obama look good. Keep putting lipstick on that pig, guys. Does it reflect the millions out of work and stopped looking? No. Does it reflect the record number of food stamps? no. Does it reflect the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost? No. Does it reflect record black unemployment? No. The list goes on and on. This is all leftist mumbo jumbo and a failed effort to save the first black president's disastrous legacy.

Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.


LFPR decline was well predicted and it will continue due to basic demographics and education standards.


It will be flat during cycle growth years (like it has been 2014-now) and it will drop in slower years through 2030s...unless there is a drastic change in immigration policy.

If you think Trump will change this you may as well start slow cooking that shoe now - it is only a matter of time before you'll have to eat it.
Aha! I'm sure you also have a graph to show us why there has been record unemployment of blacks and Latinos under Obama. LOL.
Huh? The BLS doesn't report on Latino unemployment and the record high unemployment for blacks was 20.7% in 1983.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

More Americans are kissing the workforce goodbye – not because they’re financially secure but because they can’t find a job. A record 95 million people are sitting on the sidelines opting not to work. As a result, the labor participation rate is stuck at 62.7%, a 40-year low.

“There are a certain percentage of people staying home,” said Dan North, economist at Euler Hermes, during an interview with FOXBusiness.com. “If benefits are great in some states, people will just stay home,” he noted. Those benefits may include welfare, food stamps and Medicare.

“It’s not that people are lazy, they are just not stupid,” Michael Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, which advocates limited government, tells FOXBusiness.com. Tanner, who studies poverty issues, also notes the federal welfare system is very complex and has around 70 programs, making it more complicated to fix. States with generous freebies include Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and California.
Bye-Bye: U.S. Job Seekers Giving Up, Leaving the Workforce
Oh? About how many of those 95 million people want to work?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

More Americans are kissing the workforce goodbye – not because they’re financially secure but because they can’t find a job. A record 95 million people are sitting on the sidelines opting not to work. As a result, the labor participation rate is stuck at 62.7%, a 40-year low.

“There are a certain percentage of people staying home,” said Dan North, economist at Euler Hermes, during an interview with FOXBusiness.com. “If benefits are great in some states, people will just stay home,” he noted. Those benefits may include welfare, food stamps and Medicare.

“It’s not that people are lazy, they are just not stupid,” Michael Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, which advocates limited government, tells FOXBusiness.com. Tanner, who studies poverty issues, also notes the federal welfare system is very complex and has around 70 programs, making it more complicated to fix. States with generous freebies include Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and California.
Bye-Bye: U.S. Job Seekers Giving Up, Leaving the Workforce
Oh? About how many of those 95 million people want to work?
How many found jobs under Obamas leadership?
4.6 percent. ...Damn impressive

I remember 2009 when the rate broke 10 percent. Even though the market was recovering, GDP was positive, hiring was up

Republicans insisted......The unemployment rate is the most important economic factor

there are 90 million americans who are not in the work force. Most of them are not counted in the unemployment stats.

But continue your Obama worship, you can only do it for a few more weeks. Then, the end of an error and a new beginning under intelligent patriotic leadership.
Nor should they

Why do you want to include 50 million retirees as "unemployed"?

OK, take them out. 40 million is what % of 300 million?

Can we take out 10 million handicapped too?
How about 12 million stay at home moms?
How about students between 16-24?
How about children under 16?

Take all those out and you end up with around 8 million not in the workforce who want to be
Bottom line is despite all your 'splaining away Obama's failures, there exists a record low number of people in the labor force. Which makes the unemployment numbers utterly meaningless.
Great, more bullshit. there is not a "record low number of people in the labor force."

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

The number of people in the labor force is actually near its record high at 159,486,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Huh? The BLS doesn't report on Latino unemployment and the record high unemployment for blacks was 20.7% in 1983.
Roudy does not care about truth or facts; he is a stone cold sociopath, Faun. He will begin imitating us on the Labor Force PR on 1 Feb. 2017. However, we have on all of his posts to the contrary. :lol:
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

More Americans are kissing the workforce goodbye – not because they’re financially secure but because they can’t find a job. A record 95 million people are sitting on the sidelines opting not to work. As a result, the labor participation rate is stuck at 62.7%, a 40-year low.

“There are a certain percentage of people staying home,” said Dan North, economist at Euler Hermes, during an interview with FOXBusiness.com. “If benefits are great in some states, people will just stay home,” he noted. Those benefits may include welfare, food stamps and Medicare.

“It’s not that people are lazy, they are just not stupid,” Michael Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, which advocates limited government, tells FOXBusiness.com. Tanner, who studies poverty issues, also notes the federal welfare system is very complex and has around 70 programs, making it more complicated to fix. States with generous freebies include Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and California.
Bye-Bye: U.S. Job Seekers Giving Up, Leaving the Workforce
Oh? About how many of those 95 million people want to work?
How many found jobs under Obamas leadership?
11.1 million jobs since becoming president.

15.4 million since the job recovery began.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
many handicapped are employed, students and moms have part time jobs. I had a part time job at 14, have you ever had a job?

And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.

Have any proof that isn't so.

I imagine you have a break down of who that 95 million are, don't you?
Roudy does not what you to provide one.

Yet beginning at the first of the month next Feb and every month thereafter that number out of the labor force will be provided in glaring type.

I also intend to post that U6 unemployment rate that Republicans love
Why stop at the U-6?? Some of them claim the unemployment rate is about 20% to 30% or whatever number makes them feel good.
Let the far right run around in circle beating their meat.

Beginning the first of February next year
Let's see

Obama has 4.6% unemployment. $2 gas. Rising housing market. Low interest rates. Low inflation. Strong dollar.

Trump has nowhere to go but down

10 years - the longest post-war recession-to-recession span and we are approaching 8, Trump needs to stretch it to 13 to get re-elected. His persona is married to economy, if he isn't a businessman that delivers, then he is just a hard blowing clown.


Bush gave Obama the worst economy in 70 years......whatever Obama did would improve it

Trump is getting a solid economy and a Congress full of Teatards who won't support additional debt if the economy starts to tank
Solid economy with record low growth, record low labor participation, and the world on fire. Sounds pretty solid to me.
And you in your dreams ignore the graph above. Trump is going to get the Labor Force Participation rate, along with his supporters, rammed down his throat every month.

Obama did NOTHING. His policies all FAILED. Obamacare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of our country---------Obama and the dems own it 100%.

And yes, lets look at Trump's jobs record every month for the next 4 or 8 years---bring it on.

and get over the 'Bush did it' bullshit. Obama owns what happened in the last 8 years, all of it and Trump is inheriting all of Obama's failures. But fear not, he will turn it around and the dem party will be reduced to rubble.

you idiot dems reelected Pelosi and now want to put a radical anti-American muslim in charge of the DNC. Kennedy and Truman are turning over in their graves.
More bullshit. Obama does not own everything over the last 8 years. He inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. That will always belong to Bush, not Obama, no matter how much you cry, but...but... Booooooooooosh!
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
It will be when it passes 100 million under Tramp.
Mark my words, and DON"T DOUBT ME!!!!!

last week he kept 1100 off the unemployment roles, kept them paying taxes and saved us from paying them welfare, unemployment, and food stamps, and he is not yet president.

Trump has done more in 3 weeks than Obama did in 8 years.
Too fucking stoopid as always. Let's pretend for argument's sake, Trump gets credit for those 1100... 11.1 million have been added under Obama. Only in conservative-la-la land is 1100 more than 11.1 million.
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
It will be when it passes 100 million under Tramp.
Mark my words, and DON"T DOUBT ME!!!!!
last week he kept 1100 off the unemployment roles,
Nope it was only 800 and he also paid the company $7 million to move 1300 jobs to Mexico

"he paid" I think not. They were given tax incentives by the state, something that every state does to attract and keep businesses. What Trump told them is that if they move to Mexico they will have to pay a tariff on units that they want to sell in the US. Nothing new about that either.

Why do you object to protecting American jobs?
Trump threatened them with tariffs? How'd that work out? They're moving a plant to Mexico anyway.
It will be when it passes 100 million under Tramp.
Mark my words, and DON"T DOUBT ME!!!!!
last week he kept 1100 off the unemployment roles,
Nope it was only 800 and he also paid the company $7 million to move 1300 jobs to Mexico

"he paid" I think not. They were given tax incentives by the state, something that every state does to attract and keep businesses. What Trump told them is that if they move to Mexico they will have to pay a tariff on units that they want to sell in the US. Nothing new about that either.

Why do you object to protecting American jobs?
OK have it your way, he gave them a $7 million tax break to move 1,300 jobs to Mexico, and there were no tariffs mentioned in the deal.

To "not move" 1100 jobs to mexico. The tariff discussion was between Trump and the CEO. Not all such negotiations have to be public.

and 'he' did not give them a tax break, the state of Indiana did. Trump was the facilitator of the deal.
If it's not public information, how do you know about it?
Roudy says Obama has not been good for blacks in employment when in fact he has been good and much better than Bush.
You guys are spewing garbage now, just like the crooked media that spins its lies. Now you're taking a moment in history, the crash of 2008, and applying those job loss numbers not only for blacks but the entire nation, to the Obama's disastrous record. This is exactly why the Democrats were humiliated on Nov. 8, they kept telling blacks, latinos and everybody how great things were under Obama, when in reality, they were fulla shite.
Oh, please. Black unemployment under Bush went up even before his Great Recession. He started with 8.2% black unemployment and it was up to 8.5% in November, 2007, the last month before the Great Recession began.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
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