4.6% unemployment rate

one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
In October, my company announced they're closing our office in mid-December. I already have a new job lined up to start the first week of January. And I'm in the real world. For the vast majority of people in America, those who want to work, work. We're at full employment now.

"Thank you, Obama" ~ President-elect Trump
Aww so since you already found a job it means everybody else will and "the economy is booming". No wonder you guys still can't figure out why you got your asses kicked so badly on Nov. 8.
The economy is doing far better than you think, and beginning on 1 February the real Americans, beginning with the NLFPR, every month Trump is going to be shown putting more and more Americans out of work every month thereafter.

BS, he already kept 1100 off the unemployment and welfare rolls. More to come, jakey boy, more to come. You might even finally find a job.
last week he kept 1100 off the unemployment roles,
Nope it was only 800 and he also paid the company $7 million to move 1300 jobs to Mexico

"he paid" I think not. They were given tax incentives by the state, something that every state does to attract and keep businesses. What Trump told them is that if they move to Mexico they will have to pay a tariff on units that they want to sell in the US. Nothing new about that either.

Why do you object to protecting American jobs?
OK have it your way, he gave them a $7 million tax break to move 1,300 jobs to Mexico, and there were no tariffs mentioned in the deal.

To "not move" 1100 jobs to mexico. The tariff discussion was between Trump and the CEO. Not all such negotiations have to be public.

and 'he' did not give them a tax break, the state of Indiana did. Trump was the facilitator of the deal.
If it's not public information, how do you know about it?

I am an insider :2up:
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
yet, it is You who seems to claim, capital is immaterial under any form of Capitalism.

It is completely material. And, it is why no body, takes the right seriously about economics.

Would we have the problems we do, if unemployed Persons could simply opt for unemployment compensation simply due to Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment; instead of looking for work?

Fiat money is simply a medium of exchange.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
yet, it is You who seems to claim, capital is immaterial under any form of Capitalism.
You fucking goofball. :lol: Where have I ever said anything of the sort. You listen to the voices in your head, daniel, and that is why you end up looking so silly.
On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
yet, it is You who seems to claim, capital is immaterial under any form of Capitalism.
You fucking goofball. :lol: Where have I ever said anything of the sort. You listen to the voices in your head, daniel, and that is why you end up looking so silly.
I have a sense of humor now. I actually enjoy the right wing, having nothing but fallacy for their Cause.

What objection do you have to unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, to correct for Capitalism's laissez-fair laziness regarding full employment of resources?
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
yet, it is You who seems to claim, capital is immaterial under any form of Capitalism.
You fucking goofball. :lol: Where have I ever said anything of the sort. You listen to the voices in your head, daniel, and that is why you end up looking so silly.
I have a sense of humor now. I actually enjoy the right wing, having nothing but fallacy for their Cause.

What objection do you have to unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, to correct for Capitalism's laissez-fair laziness regarding full employment of resources?
Start a thread on it, and I will participate it. Your ? does not belong in this thread.
And yet the UE rate increases under Republicans and decreases under Democrats.

depends on who is calculating it, and you fricken well know that.
I don't know that. Do you really think the people change each administration? I know some of the people calculating the numbers have been doing it since Reagan. They don't change how they do things

yeah, sure. and pigs with wings can fly up to 10,000 feet.
This should be interesting. How do you think it works? Everyone in the federal government will be fired in January and replaced by Trump supporters? That the rules for every agency are changed with each new president?

of course not, only the top people change. The bosses.
Not necessarily. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has one person appointed by the President: the Commissioner. The Commissioner is appointed for a four year term and is not replaced until that term is over, regardless of any change in President. For example, Dr Keith Hall was Commissioner from January 2008-January 2012.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
yet, it is You who seems to claim, capital is immaterial under any form of Capitalism.
You fucking goofball. :lol: Where have I ever said anything of the sort. You listen to the voices in your head, daniel, and that is why you end up looking so silly.
I have a sense of humor now. I actually enjoy the right wing, having nothing but fallacy for their Cause.

What objection do you have to unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, to correct for Capitalism's laissez-fair laziness regarding full employment of resources?
My objection, as always, is that you do not clearly define your terms. For example: what exactly does "unemployment compensation on an at-will basis" mean? Is it the equivalent of a universal stipend for everyone not working? Would job search be a requirement?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Devil is in the detail. Wages down, and more people leaving the wrk force
damn robots
They're out in full force today in a failed attempt to downplay today's great news.

Yes, for Libs it is great news. Raising the min wage has driven people from the work force and on to the public dole.....awesome dude! Look how many more people get food stamps now from 8 years ago. It's raised over 30%. YEAH!

View attachment 100740
So? Food stamps have little to do with unemployment. I know of folks who work and still collect food stamps.
Nope it was only 800 and he also paid the company $7 million to move 1300 jobs to Mexico

"he paid" I think not. They were given tax incentives by the state, something that every state does to attract and keep businesses. What Trump told them is that if they move to Mexico they will have to pay a tariff on units that they want to sell in the US. Nothing new about that either.

Why do you object to protecting American jobs?
OK have it your way, he gave them a $7 million tax break to move 1,300 jobs to Mexico, and there were no tariffs mentioned in the deal.

To "not move" 1100 jobs to mexico. The tariff discussion was between Trump and the CEO. Not all such negotiations have to be public.

and 'he' did not give them a tax break, the state of Indiana did. Trump was the facilitator of the deal.
If it's not public information, how do you know about it?

I am an insider :2up:
Being inside Trump's ass doesn't make you an insider. Just so ya know.
Can we take out 10 million handicapped too?
How about 12 million stay at home moms?
How about students between 16-24?
How about children under 16?

Take all those out and you end up with around 8 million not in the workforce who want to be

many handicapped are employed, students and moms have part time jobs. I had a part time job at 14, have you ever had a job?

And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.

Have any proof that isn't so.

I imagine you have a break down of who that 95 million are, don't you?
Based on your stupidity, there's no reason alarm for it to be the lowest it's been in almost 40 years.
The breakdown of who is included in LPR is out there.......all but 8 million are retired, handicapped, students or stay at home moms

You are welcome to prove me wrong
OK, take them out. 40 million is what % of 300 million?

Can we take out 10 million handicapped too?
How about 12 million stay at home moms?
How about students between 16-24?
How about children under 16?

Take all those out and you end up with around 8 million not in the workforce who want to be

many handicapped are employed, students and moms have part time jobs. I had a part time job at 14, have you ever had a job?

And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the recent "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
many handicapped are employed, students and moms have part time jobs. I had a part time job at 14, have you ever had a job?

And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.

Have any proof that isn't so.

I imagine you have a break down of who that 95 million are, don't you?
Based on your stupidity, there's no reason alarm for it to be the lowest it's been in almost 40 years.
The breakdown of who is included in LPR is out there.......all but 8 million are retired, handicapped, students or stay at home moms

You are welcome to prove me wrong
I don't need to, it's quite simple, the LPR is the lowest it's been in forty years. That statement alone speaks for itself, and the Obama administrations policies are the reason why.
Can we take out 10 million handicapped too?
How about 12 million stay at home moms?
How about students between 16-24?
How about children under 16?

Take all those out and you end up with around 8 million not in the workforce who want to be

many handicapped are employed, students and moms have part time jobs. I had a part time job at 14, have you ever had a job?

And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
Ah the compassion and tolerance of liberals. Also, considering the fact that there are a record number of college educated youth that cannot find jobs and have returned to stay at home with their parents.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
Ah the compassion and tolerance of liberals. Also, considering the fact that there are a record number of college educated youth that cannot find jobs and have returned to stay at home with their parents.
record number of college educated youth that cannot find jobs and have returned to stay at home with their

What did they major in ??? Surfing??

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