4.6% unemployment rate

many handicapped are employed, students and moms have part time jobs. I had a part time job at 14, have you ever had a job?

And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
And those that aren't are out of the workforce

No reason for you to force them back in
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
On Friday January 20th, 2017, Obama will be officially unemployed and looking for work. It will take him two seconds to land another job. Such is the elite universe. The Royalty universe. Not the real world.
Have a problem getting a job?? Get an education Plenty of jobs out there for those qualified
how does that work for the unemployed and homeless?
Your comment, daniel, is immaterial to the facts of life: get an education is the answer to many of them.

Start a thread about unemployed and homeless, please.
Ah the compassion and tolerance of liberals. Also, considering the fact that there are a record number of college educated youth that cannot find jobs and have returned to stay at home with their parents.
record number of college educated youth that cannot find jobs and have returned to stay at home with their

What did they major in ??? Surfing??
They were educated in colleges run by liberal madmen and women who taught them that things like transgender restrooms, gay marriage, terrorist's rights, antisemetic speech were more important than developing the skills, backbone and the character that is needed to get a job and survive as an adult in the disastrous Obama economy. Is it any wonder that joblessness among college graduates is so high?
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I don't need to, it's quite simple, the LPR is the lowest it's been in forty years. That statement alone speaks for itself, and the Obama administrations policies are the reason why.
You clown, Obama has not been president for forty years, and next February it will be even lower than the month before, showing how terrible the Trump economic policies will be.
Yup, the record 95 million out of work is all because of record retired, handicapped, or people under 16.

Liberal logic.
Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda, from those who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
Last edited:
Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
Your intolerance, Roudy girl, is being tossed out. End of story.
I don't need to, it's quite simple, the LPR is the lowest it's been in forty years. That statement alone speaks for itself, and the Obama administrations policies are the reason why.
You clown, Obama has not been president for forty years, and next February it will be even lower than the month before, showing how terrible the Trump economic policies will be.
Moron, understand what happened under Obama, people kept loosing their jobs and have stopped looking, and after six months of being unable to find jobs they fell off the radar. These unemployment numbers do not reflect the fact that this category of people grew to its highest number in the last 40 years, during the Obama presidency.
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Well, none of it is people under 16. The survey only includes age 15 and older and only 16 and older data are published. But not in the labor force includes 24,147,000 disabled, 26,108,000 age 65+ who are not disabled, and 14,998,000 students age 16-24.

So that's 65,243,000 just from those three. There are younger retired, older students, stay home spouses, independently wealthy, and others who don't want or don't need a job, or can't work. There are less than half a million who have "given up."

Sources: Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda, from those who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
What will you say when dumps starts building in Taiwan ???
I don't need to, it's quite simple, the LPR is the lowest it's been in forty years. That statement alone speaks for itself, and the Obama administrations policies are the reason why.
You clown, Obama has not been president for forty years, and next February it will be even lower than the month before, showing how terrible the Trump economic policies will be.
Moron, understand what happened under Obama, people kept loosing their jobs and have stopped looking, and after six months of being unable to find jobs they fell off the radar. These unemployment numbers do not reflect the fact that this category of people grew to its highest number during in the last 40 years, during the Obama presidency.
You refuse to accept that under Obama the economy has been recovering far better than we could have hoped after the train wreck of the Bush administration. Our employment numbers are accurate, and, yes, Trump will be held for crumbling that economic recovery as the growing Labor Force that has fallen out of employment will reveal. In fact, I can predict that every month of his presidency the number will increase.
Oh, Roudy, you poor sap.

You really do not understand the labor participation rates at all.

But I promise you that you are going to become an expert.
I don't need to, it's quite simple, the LPR is the lowest it's been in forty years. That statement alone speaks for itself, and the Obama administrations policies are the reason why.
You clown, Obama has not been president for forty years, and next February it will be even lower than the month before, showing how terrible the Trump economic policies will be.
Moron, understand what happened under Obama, people kept loosing their jobs and have stopped looking, and after six months of being unable to find jobs they fell off the radar. These unemployment numbers do not reflect the fact that this category of people grew to its highest number during in the last 40 years, during the Obama presidency.
You refuse to accept that under Obama the economy has been recovering far better than we could have hoped after the train wreck of the Bush administration. Our employment numbers are accurate, and, yes, Trump will be held for crumbling that economic recovery as the growing Labor Force that has fallen out of employment will reveal. In fact, I can predict that every month of his presidency the number will increase.
Obama economy posted one of the lowest growth numbers: 1%. Ya think that has something to do with low LPR, and why college graduates can't find jobs?
No, you're confused. The labor participation rate includes those that have given up looking or taken part time jobs that don't count as full employment.

33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978. The number of Americans aged 16 and older not participating in the labor force hit 92,898,000 in February, tying December's record, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Mar 7, 2015
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978 - RT.com
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978
Hey, if the Russians say it, it MUST be true as Tramp knows they NEVER lie, unlike Tramp himself!

Doesn't make it untrue. Lots of credible sources back up that number. Just because your collectivist oriented news orgs choose to not report on something, it doesn't me the issue doesn't exist.
Oh, Roudy, you poor sap.

You really do not understand the labor participation rates at all.

But I promise you that you are going to become an expert.
Hey, you're the ignoramus that said "go get an education and you'll find a job". LOL
So therefore, under Obama, the labor participation force is the lowest it's been in the last 40 years. Meaning the number of people who have lost their jobs and stopped looking is also the highest in 40 years. Therefore the "unemployment numbers" are meaningless.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda, from those who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
What will you say when dumps starts building in Taiwan ???
What's wrong with that? Mc Donald's has franchises all over the world.
The same numbers you feel so free bandying about will be used when dump is presidunce too
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda, from those who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
What will you say when dumps starts building in Taiwan ???
What's wrong with that? Mc Donald's has franchises all over the world.
Do you know what CONFLICT of INTEREST is??
Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.
Why? It's a meaningless figure in terms of the health of the job market as it reflects demographics.

It was lower than it is now in the early 60's. It went up then because the baby boomer generation began turning 18 and entering the labor force. Now they're turning 62 and leaving the labor force.

Tell that to the tens of millions unable to find steady work who now live on the dole.
You're fucking deranged. There's only 7.4 million people out of work now who are looking for a job. WTF do you get "tens of millions from?"

No, you're confused. The labor participation rate includes those that have given up looking or taken part time jobs that don't count as full employment.

33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978. The number of Americans aged 16 and older not participating in the labor force hit 92,898,000 in February, tying December's record, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Mar 7, 2015
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978 - RT.com
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978
Great, you follow up your last deranged post with another. :eusa_doh:

I didn't deny there are any folks who gave up looking within the group of those not in the labor force... I am pointing out the vast majority of those not in the labor force choose to not work. For a wide variety of reasons, some 95% of those not in the labor force neither look for work nor want to work. Citing 95 million not working, when nearly all of them don't want to work, as though it somehow indicates either a bad economy or an unhealthy job market, is just the sort of idiocy rightwingnuts spout.

Want proof of that...? Watch how the right does a 180 on their complaints about the labor force participation rate when Trump assumes office and the not in labor force continues to grow as it has for decades now and as the labor force participation rate continues to drop as it has done for about 16 years now.

To your second paragraph first, I did not vote Trump and I sure as hell will not reverse my thoughts on the issue because of him.

I acknowledge your point that demographic shifts drive the participation rate, but I also see it as a measure of two things, both very important to me. I argue the high number is also an indication of:
  1. An overall crappy economy where people look so long for a job, they give up, thereby relying on;
  2. The dole or similar government handouts, which is also increasing.
It is for these reasons I find the number concerning.

Clearly, not a deranged thought, so let's both stop with the name calling please.
Newsflash: Trump isn't president yet. You can hold your hissyfits, leftist propaganda and lies until Jan 20, 2017.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda, from those who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
What will you say when dumps starts building in Taiwan ???
What's wrong with that? Mc Donald's has franchises all over the world.
Do you know what CONFLICT of INTEREST is??
So he can't talk to any nation that his has real estate in? Ha ha ha. Hilarious. That's already been voted on Nov. 8. People knew he had holdings all over the world. Personally I don't see why he should even seperate himself. Americans knew who he was.

Otherwise we will always get corrupt politician losers like Obama and Clinton.
We're just giving you a small taste of what's coming down when he takes the oath What you guys did to Obama will seem like a walk in the park
What you're tasting is liberal propaganda, from those who aren't even waiting for the guy to be sworn in before they continue with the same intolerance, lies and garbage that they spread before the election.
What will you say when dumps starts building in Taiwan ???
What's wrong with that? Mc Donald's has franchises all over the world.
Do you know what CONFLICT of INTEREST is??
So he can't talk to any nation that his has real estate in? Ha ha ha. Hilarious. That's already been voted on Nov. 8. People knew he had holdings all over the world. Personally I don't see why he should even seperate himself. Americans knew who he was.

Otherwise we will always get corrupt politician losers like Obama and Clinton.
Every move he makes every bowel movement will be scrutinized He deserves no less

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